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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Reina passed the Upside Down Mountain, not long after arriving in the East China Sea, he was surrounded by ten naval warships.
” Isn’t it ? Do you need such a big battle? It’s too much of a face, isn’t it? ” Looking at the naval warship that surrounded him in front of him, Reina didn’t know whether to be happy or sad.
” Reina, you have no way to escape! ” On the warship headed by him, an admiral shouted towards Reina with a loudspeaker.
Facing the warships that surrounded him, Reina had an urge to run away immediately. For nothing else, he was afraid that he would not be able to stop them and kill them all.
These navies must be the navies of the East China Sea branch. Among the four major oceans, the East China Sea is the weakest, so the navy here is also the weakest. Relying on the crooked melons in front of him, Reina really has no desire to do it.
” Fire! ”
Seeing that Reina had no intention of slowing down, the leading admiral finally couldn’t help but order his subordinates to fire.
” Boom boom ~~~”
” Whoa, whoa, whoa …”
Because of the reason that he had just passed the Upside Down Mountain, Reina’s boat was not pulled by yo-yo, but moved by the wind, so in the face of the navy’s intensive artillery fire, although it could not hit him, the splashing waves also made The boat swayed unsteadily on the sea, and it seemed that it might capsize at any time.
” What a bunch of troublesome guys! ” In order to save his boat, Reina had no choice but to shoot.
” Sit upright in the frosty sky ! Bing Lun Maru !” Reina, who jumped into the air, directly opened the initial state of Bing Lun Maru, and a slender dragon appeared between the waves of the Zanpakutō.
” Crack clap … clap clap …”
” Bah! ”
When Reina landed on the boat again, the warships on the opposite side were all frozen.
He has already kept his hands, leaving two warships for the Navy not destroyed.
After seeing Reina’s strength, the two surviving warships did not dare to continue chasing Reina, and could only watch this man go away in one boat.
Soon, the great pirate Chitong Reina appeared in the East China Sea, and the news of defeating the Navy was spread. The naval headquarters also knew that Reina had arrived in the East China Sea, but they did not know the specific whereabouts of Reina at present, because they There was no news of Reina’s landing.
At the same time, there are also continuous news that many pirates have already headed to the East China Sea to watch the execution of the pirate king Roger by the navy, but they are not as high-profile as Reina.
For this reason, the East China Sea, which has always been stable, has been thrown into chaos.
” Warring States, Garp wants to escort Roger, you go to the East China Sea to make arrangements first, don’t let that kid ruin this execution! ” Marshal Kong said to Warring States with a serious expression.
” Yes! ” After the Warring States saluted, he walked out the door.
The last time he fought against the Whitebeard Pirates was two years ago. At the time, his manpower was insufficient, and Whitebeard took him as a trial stone for Reina. Now he is an admiral of the navy and has countless strong men. Even in the face of the entire Whitebeard Pirates, he has the strength to win, not to mention the mere Reina.
” Well ~ is that kid again? I heard that when the lord came back to be promoted to general, he was ambushed by the Whitebeard Pirates!? ” Polsalino, who had been waiting on the warship for the Warring States Period, learned that After this mission, he said with a pouted mouth.
” Hmph ~ It’s just a mere pirate. If he comes to sabotage Roger’s execution, I don’t mind letting him die on the spot! ” Sakaski, who was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, said fiercely.
” Don’t be careless, the Whitebeard Pirates also have the means to pass through the windless belt. It is very likely that their main force is already in the East China Sea. Reina is just the guy they threw out to interfere with our sight ! ” said the subordinate.
The strength of Sakaski and Polsalino is extraordinary. In the past two years, they have made great contributions to the Navy, so their rank has also risen rapidly. Now they are the Chief of the Navy Headquarters.
Soon, after the Warring States arrived in the East China Sea ahead of schedule, the situation in the East China Sea slowly improved, but they never heard from Reina.
Just three days before Roger’s execution, a group of admirals headed by Garp began to escort Roger to the East China Sea.
Inside the cabin, Garp was chatting with Roger.
” That kid Reina is also in the East China Sea, I don’t know what big move he is going to make! ” When Karp talked about Reina, he thought of the huge nine-tailed fox he summoned.
If Reina summoned the fox again at Roger’s travel scene, it would inevitably make the scene chaotic, and no one could say what the final result would be.
So now he only hopes that the Warring States can find the other party in advance and force the other party not to make too much noise during the execution.
” Wow hahaha … Karp, since when did you start worrying about this kind of thing? ” Roger didn’t look like a prisoner who was about to be executed, more like a free and easy man.
” Roger … you don’t know the horror of that guy, although I have absolute certainty that I can defeat him, but once he goes crazy, it will definitely be a disaster for ordinary people! You don’t want to see such a situation, right? ? ” Karp said seriously.
” Don’t worry! His purpose is definitely not to save me, maybe … he just came to see me off! ” Roger shrugged and said.
” Are you sure? ”
” He already knew that I was suffering from an incurable disease, and it doesn’t make much sense to save me! As for the route to the final island, neither he nor Whitebeard are interested at all, otherwise maybe the Whitebeard Pirates The regiment is the first to arrive there! ” Roger nodded and said.
Hearing Roger’s words, Karp breathed a sigh of relief.
He was afraid that the Whitebeard Pirates were also interested in the island of the end, let Reina come as a pioneer, and then rescued Roger and asked about the island of the end.
Despite Roger’s assurance, Garp still did not dare to relax. After arriving at Roger’s hometown, Rogge Town in the East China Sea, he immediately reunited with Warring States and asked about Reina.
” There is no news at all. It seems that he disappeared completely after he came to the East China Sea. People have been patrolling the windless belt all the time, but still no trace has been found, and no trace of the Whitebeard Pirates has been found. In addition, there is news from the headquarters that the Whitebeard Pirates are still in the New World, and there is no sign of coming to the East China Sea. ” Senguo shook his head and said.
” Hu ~ You must find that kid before execution, otherwise people will always be a little worried! Warring States, release the news of my arrival in the East China Sea! His wife died at my hands, according to his character, hear me The news that comes, will definitely not be able to sit still! ” Karp said to Sengoku after thinking about it.
” He’s not an idiot. He knows that you and I are both here, so how could he show up? ” Warring States shook his head and said.
” It’s just that there is still time for the execution. I plan to go back, and because it’s a private matter, I plan to go back alone! ” Karp said directly with his eyes narrowed.
” What? You want to use yourself as a bait? No! Although there are indications that the Whitebeard Pirates are not involved, there is no such thing as absolute. If the Whitebeard Pirates also come, you will be in danger. Yes! ” Sengoku shook his head, rejecting Karp’s proposal.
” If that’s the case, that’s great, at least their plans are bound to be revealed ahead of time, so you can take it easy! Don’t worry, old man! I won’t die! ” Garp grinned, said with a big smile.
Sengoku was silent and did not speak, he could not give such an order.
” Okay, that’s how things are decided! I’m leaving in the afternoon, remember to arrange everything! ” Seeing the silence of Warring States, Karp knew that the other party was still hesitating, so he made a decision directly.
He knows the Warring States too well, as long as he does this, then the Warring States will definitely act according to his plan and will not hesitate any more.
Soon, the news of the legendary Navy Vice Admiral Garp’s arrival in the East China Sea spread out, along with the news that Roger One Piece was publicly executed two days later, as well as the news that Garp himself was born in the East China Sea.
Sengoku did not directly say that Garp would go back alone, perhaps this was his last protection for his old friend.
However, not long after Karp left Rogue Town alone in the boat, he encountered the same boat on the sea.
” Kapp! I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! ” Reina, who was standing on the bow, said to Karp, holding an ice wheel pill.
” Hahaha … You really showed up! ” Garp let out a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart, and said with a big laugh: ” Want the old man’s life? You can’t do it alone, let Whitebeard come out! ”
” You don’t need to be pretentious, this kind of work is not suitable for you! I came alone, my elder brother is still in the new world, and I have no time to come here! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Garp touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed. He is really not suitable for such a thing. He is only good at fighting.
” Let’s go, there’s a small island over there. If you do it here, it’s not suitable for you or me! ” Reina pointed to an uninhabited island not far away and said.
It is not so much an uninhabited island as it is a coral reef, and the area exposed to the sea is estimated to be less than the deck of a warship.
However, Karp did not refuse, but followed Rayner in the boat and arrived there.
” Tast it, the white wine I brewed myself! ” After landing, Reina didn’t start immediately, but threw a small wine bottle to Karp and said with a smile.
” Oh? You can still make wine? But that’s too little, right? ” Karp said after shaking the bottle.
” Bastard, do you know how precious this wine is? I just gave you a bottle from Roger’s place. Shikey spends a lot of money every year just to exchange for this wine with me and give you a small bottle, it already gives you a lot of face. It’s gone! ” Reina scolded with a laugh.
” Wow, haha … Is this the kind of legendary liquor? Then I want to try it! ” When Karp heard this, he immediately came to his senses and said a little excitedly.
Although Reina’s liquor is only given to close people, some of it has been circulated in recent years. This liquor has always been priceless on the black market, and is called liquid gold.
” Ugh … sigh! Hahaha … It’s really good wine, you are really kind, why don’t you give me a little more! That’s too little! ” After taking a sip, Karp immediately widened his eyes and praised said nonstop.
” Don’t even think about it, do you know how difficult it is to brew this kind of white wine? ” Reina rolled his eyes at him, and also took a sip of the white wine in the wine gourd and said.
Although he said this, he had to admire Karp. He had no doubt that Reina would poison the wine, so he drank it in front of Reina.
” Hahaha … boy, let’s just give me one more bottle. At the most next time we meet, I won’t catch you, how about that? ” Karp sat down next to Reina with the bottle and asked with a smile .
” Please … it’s like you can catch me now! ” Reina rolled her eyes and didn’t leave. She sat with Karp like this, and the two of them drank wine without saying a word. to chat with.
Karp’s drinking capacity is very good. Although it is the first time to drink white wine, but after a small bottle of half a catty of white wine, he is not drunk at all.
” Okay, boy, the wine has been drunk, and this is the end of the reminiscence. Next … let’s get real! ” Garp threw the small wine bottle into the sea, stood up and said to Reina.
Reina pouted, didn’t get up, and said, ” I’m here this time, I just want to send Roger off, you don’t have to be so nervous! ”
” Don’t be nervous! If the huge fox you summoned last time appeared in Rogue Town … I can’t bear the consequences! ” Thinking of Rogue Town being moved to the ground, Garp had a kind of feeling all over his body. Chills.
” I won’t land on the island! This is my bottom line. If you don’t agree, then I will act in my own way! ” Reina said softly.
” Really? ”
” Am I still lying to you? ”
” Okay, if you don’t land on the island, then on behalf of the Navy, I can promise you to watch the ceremony! ” Karp nodded and said solemnly.
” If that’s the case, then I’ll leave, don’t look for me all over the world, I just want to finish my daily work quietly! ” After making it clear, Reina was about to turn around and leave.
” Hey , kid! ” The moment Reina stepped on his boat, Karp suddenly stopped him and shouted: ” The thing about that girl … I ‘m sorry! ”
Reina, who was standing on the boat, froze, and the momentum on his body began to rise slowly, and then became chaotic.
” Karp! I know you stopped at the beginning, and you didn’t mean to attack Olvia, so I don’t blame you! But … push the city … Sooner or later, I will destroy him! That poisoned man Guy … I want to pay homage to Olvia with his head too! If anyone dares to stop him, he will die! ” Reina turned back suddenly, his eyes had already opened the kaleidoscope, staring at Karp and said.

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