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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Doctor … What is this? Petals? ” Robin asked in confusion, looking at the strange-looking fruit in front of him.
” This is a devil fruit! A very rare treasure, a gift from your father to your mother! But your mother left it to you! She said that although she didn’t know what power it had, it should be It’s for women! So after you were born, you’re keeping it with me for now! ” Dr. Kuroha explained.
” Devil fruit? Is there a devil in it? ” Robin asked curiously.
” Put this aside first, you can open the other box and see! ” Dr. Kuroha said to Robin, putting the Devil Fruit aside.
Little Robin took a deep breath and opened the other box, which contained a brand of unknown material.
Gently taking out the sign, Robin looked at Dr. Kuroha in confusion. She didn’t understand what the sign was and what it meant.
“The sign has your father’s name on it, something your father took with him since he was a child. Your mother took it from your father when he was pregnant with you. Later, after you were born, she engraved your name on it. Up! ” Dr. Kuroha said softly.
Little Robin was startled, and immediately wiped the somewhat worn brand carefully, and sure enough, he saw two names on it.
” Benery D. Reiner … Benery D. Robin! This … is this my father’s and my real name? Why am I called Nicole Robin now? Not Bernery D. Robin ! D. Robin? ” Seeing to feel his father’s temperature from the sign, little Robin asked inexplicably with tears in his eyes.
” Because … your father … was a pirate! ” Dr. Kuroha said softly.
” Pirates? ” Robin was taken aback, then lowered his head and asked, ” So … is he a bad guy? ”
” No, your father is a powerful pirate, but he never does evil. They just sail freely on the sea to find countless buried treasures! ” Dr. Kuroha shook his head and said.
” Yes … Is it? ” Robin’s eyes became brighter and brighter, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised unconsciously, and he asked, ” Then why didn’t he come to pick me up? ”
Dr. Kuroha glanced at Robin, sighed, and told Robin what happened back then.
” So … your father doesn’t even know of your existence at all, otherwise, with his character, I’m afraid he would have come and picked you up a long time ago! ” Dr. Kuroha said, looking at the little Robin who was already in tears.
” I understand what my mother means! She didn’t want herself and me to be a drag on her father, so she made such a decision! Doctor … my father … is now the hero of the sea? ” Little Robin is very sensible said.
” Well! He is now a great hero in the sea! Do you know about One Piece? ” Dr. Kuroha said with a smile.
” Well! I know, the great pirate who has the biggest treasure in the world, the pirate king Gold Roger , he had a conversation with the great pirate Reina before the execution …” Having said this, Robin was stunned, because She had just seen it, the name on the sign in her hand was Bernery D. Reina.
” Bo … Doctor … my father, is that Reina? ” Robin asked, just holding the sign in his hand.
Dr. Kuroha nodded with a smile, and said, ” That’s right, it’s that Reina, the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the great pirate Akahito Reina ! ”
Little Robin held back his excitement, took a deep breath, and asked, ” Then … then when can I find him? ”
” Not yet! Little guy, you must have enough strength to protect yourself! The place where your father is, the second half of the great route, it is a very dangerous and terrifying place, if it’s just you … I I don’t even know when it will take you to find him! ” Dr. Kuroha shook his head and said.
Hearing Dr. Kuroha’s words, the light in Robin’s eyes dimmed instantly, but soon, she saw the Devil Fruit beside her.
” Doctor, can this … give me strength? ” Robin asked, looking at the petal-like fruit in front of him.
” This … I’m not sure! ” Dr. Kuroha told Robin the Devil Fruit information he knew, and let Robin choose whether to eat it.
After learning that after eating the fruit, he can have the power of a devil, but the price is that he can’t swim, Robin did not hesitate to eat the devil fruit directly.
” Flower Fruit? ” After Robin got used to the unpleasant taste of Devil Fruit, she soon felt a force appearing in her body, and she also knew what kind of fruit it was.
” Robin, in O’Hara, there is no devil fruit person, so no one can tell how to exercise the fruit ability! And in order not to cause panic, you must not tell anyone what I said to you today, even you. The fact that your father is Reina, unless you meet Reina or Whitebeard from the Whitebeard Pirates in the future, you must not tell anyone your father’s name! Can you do that? ”
Dr. Kuroha saw that Robin seemed to have the power of Devil Fruit, so he said seriously.
” Yes! I get it, Doctor! ” Robin at this time was completely different from before. He knew that there were parents who loved her in this world, and there was even a father waiting for her. are full of power.
” That’s good! In the future, you can explore and exercise your abilities by yourself, but it’s best not to be discovered by others, and your studies must not be left behind! Because your mother is a very powerful historian! I Hope you don’t let her down on your expectations! ” Dr. Kuroha touched Robin’s head and said.
Spring and autumn have come, and after a year has passed, the Whitebeard Pirates have basically completely stabilized their own territory, and at this time, Reina has finally completed the integration of his own power, whether it is the writing wheel The eye is still the ice wheel pill, and he has been able to master it proficiently.
It was also on this day that Barrett, known as the descendant of the devil, finally found the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Big brother … leave this kind of thing to me! ” Lena took two steps forward and came out and said.
” Gu la la la … No need, the other party is looking for me! If I don’t go, won’t he think I’m afraid of him? ” Whitebeard laughed and rejected Reina’s proposal.
Reina and several captains looked at each other and laughed helplessly.
Mainly this year, don’t watch the Whitebeard Pirates fight around, but because of their reputation, there are few opponents who need Whitebeard to do it himself.
The Navy has also lost a lot of territory in the New World, and it is impossible to control the Whitebeard Pirates at all.
Coupled with the Barrett affair, now they simply don’t have the time to trouble Whitebeard.
So in the face of Barrett who came to the door, Whitebeard wanted to have fun in such a hurry.
The battle was even fiercer than Reina had imagined. According to Whitebeard’s statement afterwards, if he gave the other party a little more time, maybe he could really surpass Roger.
As for who won that battle, Reina didn’t ask, nor did Marco and the others, because Whitebeard came back by himself, and Barrett and the others didn’t care.
After solving Barrett’s matter, Whitebeard often sighed that although the sea was a lot more lively because of Roger, the sea without Roger, Golden Lion Shikey and others would be a lot boring.
” Brother, if it’s all right, let’s go and play with Sister Lingling! I heard that she has raised a lot of children in the past few years, so we can go and have a look! ” Maybe it was because of boredom, so Reina began to feel restless.
” Boy, did you take a fancy to Lingling’s road sign text? I remember that you have already obtained the rubbings for the other three pieces, and you didn’t go to the final island, why would you use that stuff? ” Whitebeard asked in confusion.
” Because … I’m going to make a game! ” Reina smiled and said softly.
” I’m too lazy to take care of your business, but if you go to Lingling’s place, you have to be careful, she’s not that easy to mess with! ” Whitebeard waved his hand and said.
” Brother isn’t going with me? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” If I go, the meaning will be different! So if you want to go, you can go by yourself! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
” That’s fine, big brother, if you don’t go, if Lingling goes crazy, I can’t bear it! ” Reina said with some regret.
” By the way, I have a rubbing of the text of the road sign, brother, have you not told anyone else? ” Reina, who was about to leave, walked to the door of the cabin, and turned to Whitebeard again.
” No! ”
” That’s good! By the way, the big brother hasn’t told anyone about the text of the road sign, right? ”
” Are you going to get out? ” Whitebeard already wanted to teach him a lesson about Reina’s long-winded words!
” Isn’t there some unclean guy on our ship? Big brother, you don’t know! ” Reina pouted and said.
” Are you talking about Titch? That kid has been with us all these years, no credit or hard work, right? And he is also a good person, Marco, Bista, Sage and they all get along well with him, why are you still To him? ” Whitebeard asked in confusion.
” Because the future I see … still hasn’t changed! ” Reina said as a matter of course.
” Stinky boy, just go on with your nonsense! You said at the beginning that you can only see some fragments of the future when your eyes evolve, how can you see them at any time now? Don’t let your subjective consciousness blind you! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
Reina suddenly realized why, whether it was Oden or Marco, they all believed in his words. Only Whitebeard didn’t take it seriously. It turned out that the problem was here.
” Hee hee hee … It’s not bad for the big brother! But my eyes … But it’s different from before! Big brother better pay more attention to Tickey! But it doesn’t matter, this is my home, and I won’t let anyone destroy it. Yes, if he is really like the future I know, then … I will kill him with my own hands! ” Reina said with a smile.
It’s just that when he said this, the murderous aura in his eyes didn’t hide it.

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