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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Guests don’t want to do anything here, this is the territory of Lord Freitas! ” The tavern owner said to the pirates who were hesitating whether or not to do it after bringing a large glass of wine to Reina and the others. .
Javier Freitas is one of the three principals of Alcatraz Island. He runs all the taverns on the island and is responsible for the two major businesses of intelligence sales and weapons sales.
Sure enough, when he heard the tavern owner’s words, the pirate had to sit down angrily and stop talking.
But the pirates around would not let him go, and the unbearable words such as cowards drifted towards the pirate.
” If anyone needs it, you can go outside the tavern, we don’t care! But whoever wants to do it in the tavern … Let’s see if you have the strength and can get out of Alcatraz Island! ” The tavern owner naturally knew that those pirates were watching the fun The guy who is not afraid of big things, for the sake of the stability of the tavern, he had to speak.
” Boss, you are helping those guys like this … do you have something to do with them that you can’t say? ” In the corner, a pirate suddenly said.
His words made the boss’s face change, and then he stopped talking and silently returned to the bar to wipe the cup.
As a neutral member of Alcatraz Island, if there is a situation of favoring one side, then he will be punished very severely.
Ismail, who was on the side, turned his head and was about to scold, but Reina still grabbed him and said softly: ” Don’t pay attention, we are here to drink, don’t let some irrelevant people spoil our mood! ”
” Hmph, count him lucky! Otherwise …”
” Boom ~~ ! ”
Before Ismail’s words were finished, there was a sudden explosion from outside.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Now I tell you to get out, who has any opinion? ” The voice of Golden Lion Shiki came from outside.
They didn’t need to inquire, and soon someone in the tavern told vividly what happened outside.
It turned out that the golden lion also took a group of people to the pub to drink, but he went to the pub on the next street, and there was no seat after entering, so the golden lion Shiji asked everyone to get out.
These words made all the pirates in the tavern fry on the spot, and they naturally wouldn’t be willing.
So Shiji started the fight without saying a word, and threw all the pirates out. During the period, some people recognized who he was, so that the pirates hide their faces and flee.
He is basically powerful in the history of the Golden Lion, and he is also a cadre of the Rocks Pirates. You may not know how strong the Rocks Pirates are, but in this era, it is necessary to choose the strongest one. If so, they do their part.
” Boom! ”
” It’s really bad luck in TND , this kind of thing happens when you go out! Even if you want to have a good drink! ”
This side just finished talking about what happened outside, the door of the tavern was suddenly opened, and the striking blonde hair of the golden lion was the first to be seen.
” Gold … Golden Lion … Ski! ”
After the people in the tavern found out who came in, they all quieted down, and they all looked at Shi Ke who was standing at the door and didn’t dare to make a sound.
” It’s full again? ” Golden Lion Shiki frowned and said slightly dissatisfied.
” Gollum ~ Gollum ~”
In the quiet tavern, Reina could clearly hear the sound of everyone swallowing.
They really want to give up their positions now, but the golden lion didn’t speak, and they didn’t dare to leave. Who knows if they stand up and leave, will it be regarded as a provocation to the other party?
” Hey ~ huh ~ I said boy, you don’t drink your own wine, why are you drinking here? Gulugulu … ” The golden lion Shiji walked directly to Reina, first vomited a ring of smoke, and then took He picked up Reina’s wine glass and drank it in one gulp.
” I said … this glass of wine costs two thousand bery! I won’t pay you the bill! ” Rayner rolled his eyes and said to the golden lion Shikey.
” Jie Hahahaha …” The Golden Lion Shiki immediately burst into laughter when he heard Reina’s words.
The surrounding pirates looked at Reina like a fool, thinking that he was about to die soon, but Reina didn’t show the slightest worry.
Even the tavern owner didn’t dare to speak up, and he didn’t come over to say anything about the tavern’s no-hands rules.
” Don’t you want to have a bounty? Learning from his method should shorten the time you spend on the bounty! ” At this moment, Newgate, who had not spoken, suddenly said to Reina.
Newgate’s words made the originally quiet tavern sound a burst of inhalation.
Who are these guys? Actually want to step on the golden lion Shiji to ascend? Are you too bold?
Even Sky the Golden Lion looked at Newgate curiously. He didn’t understand whether Newgate meant to make himself a stepping stone to Reina, or just tell Reina that if you want to be famous, you have to do something out of the ordinary. matter.
If he wants to use him as a stepping stone, even if Newgate himself ends up, he is not afraid, let alone little Reina!
” I’ll forget it. If I’m not careful, I’ll be cut into eight pieces by Mr. Ske! ” Reina waved his hand and said, and after finishing speaking, he glanced at the quiet pirates in the tavern, and said with a smile: ” As for kicking everyone out … As expected, I still hate trouble! Hahaha …”
Although Reina’s words were very arrogant, he did not dare to refute him at this time, because just when Newgate was talking, many pirates had recognized him and knew that they were all members of the Rocks Pirates. member.
” Hmm … ? Why are you still here? Why don’t you get out and wait for me to invite you to a drink? ” The golden lion Shi Ji was about to speak, but when he saw that the pirates in the tavern were watching quietly, his face sank immediately. , said.
Hearing the words of the golden lion Shiji, the pirates got up one after another and scrambled for the door to escape. They didn’t want to leave, they just wanted to leave but didn’t dare to leave.
Looking at the empty tavern, Reina suddenly felt less interested. What was the difference between this and being on a boat? It is still a few people they are familiar with. Although those pirates just made a bad statement, that is the real life.
” I’m going shopping first, Brother Newgate, do you need anything? ” Rayner drank the wine that the boss had brought back to him, and said.
Newgate shook his head, saying that he didn’t have anything he wanted, and Ismail, who was on the side, quickly got up and said that he would leave with Reina.
After all, he was originally called by Reina to come here. After Reina left, he had no reason to stay here.
As for the other crew members, it doesn’t matter. They originally came out to relax. It doesn’t matter if there is anyone here.
After Reina left, the golden lion Shikey sat on Reina’s seat and said to Newgate with a cigar in his mouth: ” Hey , Newgate, I said just now that you were not encouraging that kid Reina to be wrong. I’ll do it! ”
” Gu la la la la … What? No? ” Newgate asked with a big laugh, as if he had heard some funny jokes.
” Hey … Ski, what are you kidding? That kid Reina is good, but he’s too far from you, right? How could Newgate let him do something to you? Isn’t that killing him? ”
” That’s right, that’s right! Newgate is very optimistic about Reyna. How could he let him die? ”
Several crew members who were sitting on the side drinking, heard the conversation between Shi Kee and Newgate, and said one after another.
After the golden lion Shiji heard it, he actually thought about it seriously, and then nodded and said, ” Yes, what you said makes sense! ”
Then drink with Newgate, who is laughing beside him.
After leaving the tavern, Reina wandered aimlessly on the street and found that in addition to the tavern, there was a casino on the street, and although there were other shops, there were very few.
So after walking around for a while, Reina went to a pub with not many people.
” Have you heard? The Rocks Pirates also came to this island! ”
” What? Rocks? Is that Rocks? Why do pirates like them come here? Is the news accurate? ”
” Of course, the golden lion Shiki destroyed a tavern over there just now, and now everyone knows it! ”
Rayner just walked into the tavern when he heard the pirates inside talking about the golden lion Shiki destroying the tavern.
” I also heard that someone saw Charlotte Lingling too! ”
” What? Is that the monster who destroyed the giant village Elbaf by himself? Really … It seems to be a little more low-key recently! Otherwise, if you mess with this group of people, you will definitely be killed! ”
Reina ordered some drinks, found a seat in the corner, and listened to the surrounding pirates talking about the Rocks Pirates.
“I heard that the navy dispatched three warships to capture them all but failed. There are monsters on that ship! ”
” Speaking of monsters, you should have heard of it? That pirate group called Roger seems to be not weak! ”
Surprisingly, Reina heard Roger’s name while listening to the surrounding pirates talking.
He knew that Roger had not yet become the Pirate King, but he didn’t know how powerful Roger was now.
He once analyzed these top combat powers in the One Piece world. According to the current timeline, the strongest should be Locks, Garp and Roger!
Among them, in addition to defeating Rocks with Roger, Garp also fought with Roger many times, and defeated the Golden Lion Shiki with Sengoku.
The opponents he fought should all be when the opponents were at their peak, whether it was Locks, Roger or the Golden Lion.
As for Roger’s fight with the Whitebeard Pirates on an island in the last year of his life, in Reina’s view, it was more like a sparring than a battle.
At that time, the Roger Pirates had reached the apex of their journey, and they learned that the last island, Shui Xianxing Island, was not the final destination, but only after obtaining the coordinates of the four red historical texts could reach the final island.
At the same time, Roger was also poisoned at that time, and he only had the last year of his life.
So about Roger’s combat power, because there is no specific record, Rayner can’t be sure, but he guesses that at this time, Roger should be better than Newgate, Kaido, Charlotte Lingling , Shiki These people are stronger.
Compared with his captain Rox, even if it is not as good, it should be not far behind, and he cannot avoid Garp’s pursuit all the way.

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