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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Finally back! ” Looking at the small island with the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates hanging not far away, Reina let out a long sigh of relief.
The first thing Reina did after landing was to find the contact point set up by the Whitebeard Pirates here. This was established by Reina, and only members of the Whitebeard Pirates knew about it, and outsiders generally did not.
” Rei … Lord Reina? You’re all right! That’s great, Dad has mobilized all the fighting forces and is ready to fight the BIGMOM Pirates at any time! ” The liaison personnel said in surprise when they saw Reina.
” I’m fine, you immediately contact Big Brother and tell him not to really fight with the BIGMOM Pirates, but it’s okay to scare her, in short, I’ll talk about everything when I get back to the boat! ” Reina nodded and replied.
The contact person nodded immediately and used the phone bug to start contacting the nearest point of contact, asking them to pass the message on to the Moby Dick .
Soon, while Reina was taking a shower and changing clothes, Whitebeard was already contacted by a network-like contact point.
” Gu la la la … Very good, let that kid come back as soon as possible! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh after receiving the news that Reina was still alive.
The crew on the ship also learned the news that Reina was still alive, and the crew members who had not shown a smile for a few days showed their heartfelt smiles one after another.
” I knew that guy wouldn’t be killed so easily! ” Rakyo said happily after hearing the news that Reina was still alive.
” Captain Rakyo … that day … I ‘m sorry … I …”
After learning that Reina was still alive, Hansen deliberately found Lakeyo and apologized for what he said that day, but before he could finish speaking, Lakeyo gave him a slap on the shoulder to stop him from continuing to speak.
” What nonsense are you talking about? We are family! I’m also very worried about Reina’s accident, but that guy will definitely not let us risk his annihilation to avenge him! ” Lakyo said to Hansen with a smile.
” I know that too, but he pulled me on the boat at the beginning! It gave me a home, so I was in a hurry at that time …”
” Okay, don’t mention the past again! ”
The two looked at each other and smiled, officially turning that incident into the past tense.
When Rayner hurried back to the Moby Dick , Whitebeard personally greeted his return with someone.
” Tell me … what happened? With your temperament, you shouldn’t easily have a conflict with Lingling. What happened? Let Lingling actually kill you! ” Whitebeard sat back to his own Recliner, asked curiously.
Reina smiled helplessly and said the matter again.
” So that’s the case. I heard that Lingling has a foster mother-like existence. I didn’t expect that she was a trafficker who cooperated with the World Government. It’s not surprising that her character is unacceptable. Your kid is also about 30 years old. Now, you are still so unsteady! ” Whitebeard said with a frown.
” I’m only twenty -seven! I’m not even thirty! ” Reina said, pouting.
His birthday was engraved on the plaque for Olvia, so Reina always knew his age, just because of the relationship between cultivation and pure gold, so he doesn’t look like 27 now , if not Those who know see Reina and definitely think that he is only in his early twenties.
Now his physical function is not at the peak of growth, so he did not use pure gold to slow down the flow rate of his body, but when he was in the belly of the lantern fish, he was forced to shine for a long time, so he let her The body also produced some lag.
Speaking of pure gold, Rayner actually wanted to use it for Whitebeard for a long time. Now Whitebeard is 53 years old, and his strength has already reached its peak state. room for improvement.
However, Whitebeard didn’t want to use pure gold. In his words, birth, old age, sickness and death are not terrible things, people always have to experience it.
You must know that even in the face of Roger, Reina did not take out the pure gold, because he knew that once the pure gold matter was exposed, not only him, but also the Whitebeard Pirates would not be at peace, so now he and the Whitebeard Pirates will not be at peace. Besides Mischi’s father and daughter, Whitebeard alone knew about pure gold.
” Now that you’re back, what are you going to do about the BIGMOM Pirates? ” Whitebeard didn’t bother too much about Reina’s age.
” It would be a little unwilling to leave it like this. It would be good to take this opportunity to scare them! ” Reina thought that his continuous check-in would be interrupted again because of such a bullshit, so he took someone to destroy BIGMOM The impulse of the pirates.
But he also knows that this is unrealistic, not to mention whether Kaido will make a move, at least the Navy will definitely not miss this opportunity.
” Oh? Tell me about your plan! ” Whitebeard asked, curling the corners of his mouth.
” To be honest, the BIGMOM Pirates really don’t have anything that I like, the only thing I care about is their intelligence ability. More Devil Fruits, so this time … I plan to ask them five Devil Fruits, I won’t give up if I don’t give them! ” Reina said with a smirk.
” Devil Fruit? ”
Reina’s words made everyone stunned. To be honest, at their level, the devil fruit that ordinary people rarely see in front of them is not a great treasure, but it is a good thing.
” Whatever you want, you need to think clearly about what you need to do, and let everyone cooperate with you! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
He is already the power user of the shaking fruit, so he is not interested in other devil fruits.
So at Reina’s request, the Whitebeard Pirates concealed the news of his return, and sent the gathered combat power directly to Totland, the site of the BIGMOM Pirates!
At the same time, the navy is also preparing for a big move. Marshal Cyborg Kong personally led the team to encircle and suppress the great pirate ” Lonely Red ” Baroric Redfield .
” Kapp, do you think Reina really died in the hands of the BIGMOM Pirates? ” Marshal Kong asked Karp behind him while standing on the deck of the warship.
” It’s hard to say, they were partners on the same boat back then, and Renner kept in touch with Charlotte Lingling and Golden Lion Shiki. Logically, Charlotte Lingling would not have attacked Renner. But now that the Whitebeard Pirates have taken action, it is likely to be true! ” Garp said after thinking about it.
” What a pity! Our plan for this time has already been formulated, otherwise we can join in while they fight! ” Marshal Kong said with some regret.
” Didn’t Sengoku have already brought someone over there? There shouldn’t be any problem with him! ” Garp hesitated for a while, then said, ” And he also followed, so things over there can’t be solved by fighting power. Yes! And there is no movement from the BIGMOM Pirates at the moment, it is likely that they are waiting for something, I am more inclined that they captured Reina alive! ”
” You’re right, let’s arrest Baroric Redfield first ! He’s not a simple character! ” Marshal Kong nodded and said.
Karp nodded in understanding.
In the new world, the largest pirate group at present is the Whitebeard Pirates, slightly worse than him are the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates.
But there is another one who is as famous as them, and that is the one-person great pirate Baroric Redfield .
Only one person can have such power, Baroric Redfield ‘s strength can be imagined.
At this time, in Totland, all the cadres and combat power of the BIGMOM Pirates have gathered on Cake Island, following the dispatch of Charlotte Lingling .
” Mom, now that the Whitebeard Pirates are really calling, what are we going to do? ” Perospero said worriedly.
“ma~~mama~~ Don’t worry, this war won’t last long! When the Whitebeard Pirates dispatched from the Navy, they have already set off. Although there is no movement from Kaido, he is definitely waiting. News of our war! ”
” When the time comes, as long as we both start fighting, then all forces will intervene. When we fight locally, we will have more advantages. Newgate will also worry that his rear will be taken over by others, so as long as we can resist this battle. The company of the Whitebeard Pirates has already won! ”
Charlotte Lingling saw the situation very clearly .
” If that’s the case, then ask Mom to assign a combat mission! ” Perospero nodded and said.
” Yeah! Katakuri is the frontline commander of this war, and Mundoll is in charge of assisting, and no one must disobey his orders! Perrospero, you are in charge of all the food and grass deployment, make no mistake! ” Charlotte · Lingling said after thinking about it.
” Yes! ” Katakuri and Mundo came out of the queue and responded.
So soon, the forces of the entire BIGMOM pirate group began to mobilize, and Katakuri laid a lot of defenses on the borders of all countries, and arranged for Charlotte Cricket to lead a group of brothers and sisters to sit first . line of defense.
The second line of defense is the island closest to the borderline of the nations, where he personally sits and hoards all the battle power of the BIGMOM Pirates except Charlotte Lingling.
It didn’t take long for the Whitebeard Pirates led by Whitebeard to come to the BIGMOM Pirates’ territory. The two sides faced off here, and it seemed that the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.
On the sea not far from IWC Totland, more than a dozen naval warships stayed here.
On the deck, Sengoku and Ah He were listening to the report of the spies, and behind them stood Sakaski, Polsalino and Kuzan who were already lieutenant generals.
In addition to this main ship, the rest of the warships have the minimum rank of major general, and the commander of two warships is the lieutenant general of the headquarters. This luxurious configuration of combat power has not lost the slightest to Tu Mo Ling. .
It’s just that even with such a combat power configuration, the Warring States still dare not let the warships approach the battlefield in front.
” Are they really going to fight? In terms of their power, once this kind of battle starts … it can’t be controlled! ” Lieutenant General Ah He frowned and asked Sengoku.
” Whether they can fight depends on whether that guy Reina is dead! If he is dead, then Whitebeard will definitely not give up! But if they are only caught by BIGMOM , they will not be able to fight ! ” Sengoku pondered. a moment, said.

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