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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Blenheim! Adjust the position of the cannon again! ” Rayner shouted to the tall Blenheim, checking the angle of the sea.
” Okay, Vice-Captain! Is that so? ” Blenheim was tall, only a little shorter than Whitebeard, so he needed to manually install the cannon on this kind of defense tower.
“OK ! Okay, go to the next location! ” Reina nodded, confirming.
Around the island, Reina designed a lot of turrets, which can basically cover all areas of the surrounding sea.
After three months of hard work, the construction of the island has begun to take shape. The entire Whitebeard Pirates have been staying here for three months. It is the longest stay in one place since Reina followed Whitebeard to the sea. once.
” Rena ~~”
Just as Rayner was instructing Blenheim to place the fort, Joz’s shout came from a distance.
” What’s wrong? Joz? Is there something wrong with you? ” Rayner shouted, turning his head.
” Well! The number of weapons and cannons is not enough! In addition, there seems to be a problem with the size of the bay built over there to allow the sky island to stay. Just now, Dr. Sière said that it should be bigger, otherwise the sky island will not be able to completely descend! ” Joz came Go to Reina’s side and say.
” Well … Blenheim, I’ll leave it to you here, is there any problem! ” Reina shouted towards Blenheim after thinking for a while.
” Don’t worry, I can do it! ” Blenheim urn echoed.
” Okay, let’s go, Joz, let’s go to the bay first! ” Reina nodded, and led Joz towards the bay reserved for the sky island.
According to Reina’s design, it is usually an inner bay of the island, similar to the inner bay of Marin Vando. Once the empty island descends, the vacancy can be filled, which can also have an unexpected effect.
When the two came to this side of the bay, Whitebeard and Dr. Sière were all here.
” Reina, the size you designed is just right. With the volume of the empty island, it is difficult to just fall into the bay! And once the empty island falls, the sea will wash ashore, and the surrounding buildings and plants will be destroyed. Suffer! ” Dr. Ahsie pointed to the bay and said to Reina.
” I’ll take a look first! ” Reina nodded and went directly to watch it from a close distance. At this time, the sky island was hovering over the bay, but it couldn’t descend at all.
” Let’s do it! Expand this bay a little more, so that there is more room for the sky island to descend, and the expanded part will be made into a drainage channel. At that time, the seawater overflowing from the sky island will be drained along the way. The water tank is back to the sea again, what do you think? ” Rayner said, sharing his thoughts with Dr. Acière.
” It should be possible, let’s try it out! ” Dr. Ahsie said after thinking about it.
So the two began to change the design drawings and calculate the specific dimensions.
The white beard and the others on the side are smeared with black eyes, and they can’t understand it at all.
After the blueprint was settled, Reina turned around and said to Whitebeard, ” Brother, just now Joz said that there are not enough weapons and cannons here? ”
” That’s right, the defense system you designed is perfect, but there are too many weapons needed, even dismantling all the weapons on the empty island is not enough! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
” Then this matter can only trouble Big Brother! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Cuckoo la la la la … This kind of thing is totally fine, but do you and Asie take a break? I’m going to set sail tomorrow to get some weapons and supplies! Come with me both of you! ” Whitebeard replied with a big smile.
” No way! There are so many things here, I can’t get out of my body at all. There are so many things to do every day! ” Reina shook his head and refused.
But Whitebeard didn’t care about this and said, ” This is my order … Well, it’s decided like this. You and the doctor will come with me tomorrow. As for the work here, just leave it to them! Stop when it’s good and wait until we get back! ”
” But …”
” Okay, no but! I know you built this place as your own home, but it’s not that easy to build a small island! It’s only been three months, look at the small island now … already Completely changed, give yourself time to rest, and let everyone rest! ”
Reina wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Whitebeard.
Reina was stunned for a moment, looked at the members who looked tired all around, then nodded and said, ” Sorry, big brother! I’m in a hurry, so let’s go out and rob tomorrow! As a pirate, I never go out. Isn’t the robbery putting the cart before the horse? Let’s hold a banquet tonight to console everyone! I’ll give you 20 catties of liquor! ”
” Oh ~ Let ‘s have a banquet!! ”
” Hahaha … Twenty catties of liquor! I should be able to get a small cup this time, right? ”
” Qi ~ who doesn’t know that I work the hardest these days? With the impartiality of the deputy captain, there must be my liquor! ”
The surrounding crew members cheered loudly when they heard it.
As for Dr. Ahsie, he was smiling the whole time, and he didn’t have the slightest trouble of being interrupted.
He is used to it!
When he first started doing experiments, Reina, Olga and others seldom interrupted him, but as he studied longer and longer, they often found excuses to interrupt their own research.
Later, he gradually got used to it and knew that everyone was doing it for his health.
Unlike Rayner, he was rarely disturbed during his usual work, and this was the first time he had worked for such a long time, so when he was interrupted by Whitebeard, he was a little reluctant at all.
That night, the project on the island was completely stopped, and everyone participated in the banquet. Now the fighters of the Whitebeard Pirates have exceeded one thousand people, plus some miscellaneous personnel, not affiliated pirates. The regiment, they themselves have a scale of almost 2,000 people.
Therefore, Reina’s 20 catties of liquor could not be enjoyed by everyone. The climax of the banquet was when Reina once again brought out 100 catties of liquor from the warehouse, which made the atmosphere of the scene almost turn the island upside down.
Over the years, the biggest expense of Reina’s points has been the exchange of liquor, so on Xuanyue Island, Reina specially built a brewing house to brew white wine.
Maybe the ones brewed at the beginning are not as good as the ones that are redeemed by the system, but Reina believes that when the operators become more familiar with them, the quality of the liquor will definitely improve, and he won’t have to waste a lot of points on the liquor.
Early the next morning, Whitebeard did not set sail as scheduled.
Because the banquet last night was so crazy, everyone was still sleeping soundly at this time, and it was not until the afternoon that they were ready to go to sea.
” Marko, I’ll leave it to you here. You can do the work you can do first. If you can’t do it or can’t do it well, just wait for me to come back! ” Before leaving, Reina said to Marko, who was staying behind.
” Don’t worry, let’s go! ” said Marco, who raised his eyes and waved his hand impatiently.
On this voyage, in addition to the Moby Dick , the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates , there are three other pirate ships that are no smaller than a naval warship, just to buy supplies.
The number of Whitebeard Pirates is large, so the consumption of food and drinks is quite large.
Fortunately, this small island is one of several small islands carefully selected by Reina. There is a large island not far away, where the daily trading volume of the trade market is amazing, and they also belong to the Whitebeard Pirates. Therefore, every time the purchasing ship of the Whitebeard Pirates came over, they would give priority to the supplies they needed.
In addition to food and drinks, the most important thing for their voyage this time is weapons, so among the three large ships that followed the Moby Dick , except one returned after purchasing drinks and food, the other two would follow Behind the Moby Dick is dedicated to loading weapons and treasures.
” This time we must make a big fight, don’t fill up the three ships (the Moby Dick ), and never go back! ” Lakyo said, with the momentum of robbing the Tianlong people.
” By the way, is there a sea area you want to go to this time, eldest brother? ” Reina asked Whitebeard compared to the chart on the boat.
They rob, certainly not on their own territory, so they need to get out of their own territory and go to other waters to rob.
“I heard that the red-haired boy has been making a lot of trouble recently! Shall we go take a look? Looking for trouble with him? ” Fosa asked after thinking about it.
” Oh? Is it Shanks? Has that guy made his name too? ” Reina asked with a smile.
This is another trend-setter in the future, a big man who can influence the future direction of the world.
” That’s right, the Red-haired Pirates are now very famous! ” Fossa nodded and replied.
” This time … let’s go in this direction! ” Whitebeard on the side did not go to trouble Shanks as Fossa said, but pointed to a location on the chart and said.
Reina looked at the chart and smiled.
There is the Hundred Beast Pirates, the base camp on the bright side. It seems that Whitebeard is still a little concerned about Wano Kingdom, but now is not a good opportunity to do it, so I didn’t start with Kaido.
With Whitebeard’s instructions, the Moby Dick immediately headed towards the waters there, and all the merchant ships and pirate ships they encountered along the way were included in the hijacked list.
Merchant ships are fine, as long as they pay a certain ransom, they won’t hurt anyone.
But the pirates are different. Those who do not resist will snatch all the weapons and straw bags; those who resist will kill the people, and even take away all the ships and materials. After the next island, they will directly sell the pirate ship and exchange for it. Get what they need before moving on.
Along the way, they robbed houses and robbed people everywhere, so that people who didn’t know it thought that the Whitebeard Pirates had gone wild, and the fleet in this sea area was directly reduced by more than half.
At the same time, the navy and other major forces also received the news that the Whitebeard Pirates went berserk, and sent people to investigate to see what happened.
The inexplicable rampage of the Whitebeard Pirates has made all major forces uneasy, especially the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates who had conflicted with them before. They thought this was the notice before Whitebeard started the war. .

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