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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” thief hahahaha … from now on … this empty island belongs to me! Thief hahaha …”
” Idiot father! ”
When Olga rushed to the control room and wanted to help Dr. Sière lift the sky into the sky, she saw that her father had fallen in a pool of blood, and Titch was standing there laughing wildly. .
” Oh ~ it’s Olga! Don’t you have your own father? Why do you still recognize that man as your father? Now I will help you solve your father, and you will only have one father in the future! How about it? Not bad? Thief hahaha …” Titch laughed wildly, looking at Olga in disbelief, and said.
” Tiki, what do you want to do? Why are you shooting at my father? ” Olga roared at Titch angrily.
” Can’t you see it? Is it so obvious that you can’t see it? I betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates! Thief hahaha … But all of this … It’s all caused by Reina, it’s him … it’s him. ! ” Titch said, showing a crazy expression, and releasing a captivating hatred in his eyes.
” Nonsense! I already knew about your wolf ambitions, Reina just told things in advance! And you … as he said, you are a guy you can’t trust! ” Olga pointed at Titch and cursed: ” Wait until Dad When they come back, you know the consequences! ”
” Thief hahaha … come back? No, they can’t come back! In the future, the Whitebeard Pirates will become my possessions including this empty island! Thief hahaha …” Tiki said with a loud laugh .
” Bastard! What did you do to Daddy and the others! ” Olga was shocked and angry, yelling at Titch.
” What did you do? No, I didn’t do anything, I just leaked their plans to the Navy! Think about it, when they thought they could sneak up on the Navy, they found themselves surrounded by the Navy, and just in Next to the Naval Headquarters! How wonderful that scene must be! ” Titch said slightly intoxicated.
” How dare you do such a thing … Go to hell! ” Olga said, took out the dagger in her arms, and went straight to Titch.
” Thief hahaha … You are not my opponent! ” Titch said with a smile while dodging Olga’s attack with ease.
But Olga ignored it, and kept swinging the dagger, trying to hit Titch.
” Then next … I still have a lot of things to do, as for you … just lie down for me! ” As soon as Tickey’s words fell, he hit Olga with a knife.
” Bastard, stop me! Streamer Slash! ” At this moment, Hansen, who was holding the demon sword Muramasa, finally rushed over and slashed at Hansen, forcing the opponent to fail to attack Olga.
“The thief hahaha … it’s Captain Hansen! How about it? Do you want to be my team member? I’ll give you the position of the captain of the first team, but it’s not a guard team guarding the gate! Thief hahaha … ” After seeing Hansen, Qi did not panic, but said with a smile.
” Olga, are you okay? ” Hansen asked softly, keeping Olga behind him.
” People are fine … but father … Hansen, killed Titch! He betrayed Dad and sold Dad’s intelligence to the Navy! ” Olga said while staring at Titch, crying.
” What? ” Hansen was startled. If the navy already knew the plan of the Whitebeard Pirates, then there would definitely be danger there.
” Thief hahaha … not only that! I also attracted the BIGMOM pirates! Only by attracting them and killing all those who refused to surrender to me can we attract the remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirates. Look at me, and I will leave with the empty island and establish my own pirate group! How about it? Hansen, do you want to join me? ” Teach said to Hansen with a proud look.
” It’s just you? You want to take your father’s place too? I don’t know what it means! Now … you die for me! Flying Shadow Slash! ” The sharpness of the demon sword Muramasa was fully displayed by Hansen’s swordsmanship.
However, Titch’s strength is not weak. Although everyone learned from the last incident that he concealed his strength, he still did not know his real strength.
” Thief hahaha … Such a sharp sword is a waste in your hands! Captain Hansen! ” After Tiki flashed Hansen’s slash again, he punched Hansen in the stomach.
” Cough cough … bastard, how is it possible …” Hansen took a few steps back while clutching his stomach, half squatted and looked at Titch, the opponent’s strength exceeded his expectations.
” Captain! ” At this time, after having gathered all the non-combatants on the empty island, he came to inform Keren that he could take off, and just saw the scene of Hansen being attacked by Teach.
” Don’t come here! Leave this guy to me to deal with, go to the control room, and lift off the sky island first! ” Hansen stopped Keren from coming to help and said directly.
Coron glanced at Titch, who was grinning widely, and with a clenched teeth, he took Olga over there and left first.
“I really didn’t expect that your strength has reached this level. No wonder Reina said you can’t stay! ” Hansen took a deep breath and stood up slowly.
” Boom boom ~~~”
At this time, Xuanyue Island’s defense system had already begun to legally attack the BIGMOM Pirates, but without the restraint of the strong, this kind of attack was somewhat trivial for the BIGMOM Pirates.
” Cartman, let’s go! The defense system can’t work against them at all. The sky island has not been launched for a long time. It must be waiting for us. Don’t hesitate! ” Black of the second combat team grabbed Kaman. Te, shouted loudly.
Originally, Camant was going to hold on and buy more time for Sky Island, but Black’s words made him shake, because in terms of time, Sky Island should be ready to take off at this time.
Now that it has not taken off, it is very likely that they are really waiting for them. If the sky island cannot take off because of them, then it will be a real death!
” Quick, don’t hesitate, we’re the only ones on Xuanyue Island now! ” Black saw Cartman hesitating, so he continued.
” Okay, let’s go! ” Kamante nodded, abandoned the fortifications here, and ran towards the empty island with the members of the second team.
” Boom boom boom …”
When they approached the sky island, there was finally the sound of preparing to lift off from the sky island. At this time, the BIGMOM pirates were about to approach the port to land because they were not blocked by artillery.
” Dangdangdang …” When Camante and Black boarded the slowly rising sky island, they found that Captain Hansen and Titch were fighting, and Hansen was actually suppressed by Titch.
” Titch! What are you doing? ” Blake asked aloud when he saw Titch.
” thief hahaha … Blake, you are finally here, hurry up and deal with them with me, the empty island will be ours by then! ” Titch shouted immediately when he saw Blake.
” What? Black, you actually …” Camante, who was standing beside Black, jumped away immediately and looked at Black warily.
” What nonsense are you talking about? Titch, don’t you put down your weapons! What are you doing? Are you rebelling? ” Black looked at Titch with an ugly face and roared angrily.
” Hoo ~ Black, I’m glad you didn’t really betray Dad! Members of the second team, tell me loudly … Who are you? Companions … or enemies? ” Hansen, who was holding Muramasa, asked out of breath. road.
” Nonsense! Of course it’s a companion! Captain Hansen, what’s going on? Why are you fighting Teach? ” The members of the second combat team headed by Black immediately replied loudly.
” Tiki … hehe … he betrayed Dad and sold Dad’s information to the Navy, and he also attracted the BIGMOM Pirates! ” Hansen said with a chuckle.
” What? ” As soon as Hansen’s words came out, everyone looked at Titch in disbelief.
” Thief hahaha … That’s right, the Whitebeard Pirates are over, everyone, follow me! Let’s usher in a new era! Thief hahaha …” Titch opened his hands and said with a big laugh.
” Tiki! ” Blake shouted, stared at Titch viciously, and said, ” How dare you betray Dad? If it wasn’t for Dad who brought us on the boat, we would have never known that we would die in that corner. Now , you … dare to betray? Now give you a chance, put down your weapons, we will take the air island to support Dad, and then you apologize to Dad in person, I believe Dad will forgive you! ”
” Forgive me? Hahaha … Did you do something wrong? Blake! It’s all Rayner’s fault for what happened today! Yes, that’s him! I respect Dad too, he’s a great man, but … This doesn’t mean I’m going to be caught! If it wasn’t for Reina, I wouldn’t be on this path! ”
” Didn’t he say that I will betray sooner or later? Then I will betray him! Let him know that he caused all this! If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be like this now ! ” , almost pointed at Reina’s nose and cursed.
” Why do you talk so much nonsense with him? Blake, take him down with me, bring him to Daddy, and let Daddy get it! ” Hansen’s words fell, and people had already appeared in front of Titch. The village directly slashed towards Titch.
” When! ”
But Titch seemed to be prepared, and blocked Hansen’s Muramasa with the dagger in his hand.
” Since that’s the case, Titch … Then I’ll take you down now! ” Seeing this, Blake also drew his weapon and attacked Titch.
With Blake on board, things have finally gotten better for Hansen.
” Flying Shadow Cross Slash! ” Hansen slashed from the side with a cross while Blake was holding on to Titch.
” Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh though he avoided most of the slashes, he was still injured by Muramasa’s slashes because of Blake’s restraint.
” Tiki … you can’t leave today! ” Hansen said loudly with a wave of Muramasa in his hand.
” Thief hahaha … You can’t stop me! ” Titch’s eyes changed, his momentum suddenly increased, and he attacked Hansen directly.
Seeing this, Blake also stepped forward to help.
” Blake … Aren’t you my companion? ” Just as Blake approached Titch, Titch suddenly shouted at Black.
Hearing Tickey’s voice, Blake was stunned for a moment, but Tickey’s mouth was slightly raised.
” Bang! ”
” Be careful! ”
Just when Blake was stunned, Titch took out a pistol from his arms and shot Blake, and Hansen, who was confronting Titch, discovered Titch’s movements first.
” Captain Hansen! ”
” Captain! ”
Blake looked at Hansen who fell in front of him. He used his body to help Blake block Titch’s sneak attack just now.
” Bastard! Titch, you are courting death! ” Cartman over there finally couldn’t help rushing up, and there were other members of the second battle team with him.
But none of them were Titch’s opponents, and they were quickly defeated by Titch.
” Titch! I want your life! ” Black’s anger at this time caused his companion to be injured because of his own reasons, which made the proud Black unacceptable.
” Black, that’s how the world is! Recognize the reality! ” Teach dodged Black’s attack and said with a smile.
But Black didn’t care at all and kept attacking Titch.
” Bang! ” Teach punched Blake in the stomach, without Hansen’s help, he was not Teach’s opponent at all.
” thief hahahaha … Captain Hansen … bye! ” After knocking down Black, Titch walked to Hansen’s side, lifted him up, and then came to the edge of the empty island, he planned to take Hansen Sen dropped from here.
” Bang! ”
Just then a gunshot rang out.

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