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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Magellan … accept your life! ” Reina, who had been assigned the combat mission, found Magellan for the first time, and as his words fell, the three hooks in his eyes quickly turned, and then connected together, showing a blade-like appearance Shape.
” The Giant Soldier of Poison: Judgment of Hell! ” Magellan also started his ultimate move immediately. Before, he could take care of the navy and the soldiers of the advancing city around him, but now facing Reina, he knew that he had to go all out. Otherwise, it is very likely to fall here.
” Shiliu, go all out, otherwise neither of us will be able to run away! ” Magellan said in a deep voice, looking at Shiliu, whose eyes were flickering.
” Okay ~ okay ~ I knew I was going to face this monster again, so I shouldn’t have come here! ” Shiliu pulled out his weapon, gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of blood, and he had already made desperate preparations.
” Susanoh … turn on! ” As the distance from Magellan got closer, Reina directly turned on Susanoh, and a purple energy coat covered him.
” Poison Dragon! ” Different from before, behind Magellan at this time, six poisonous dragons formed of venom appeared directly and rushed towards Reina.
” Binglunwan … Swish! ” With a wave of the Binglunwan in Reina’s hand, three huge ice flowers appeared behind him, the arm holding Binglunwan was also wrapped in ice, and a huge winged The ice dragon also appeared, and flew directly towards Magellan, freezing his poisonous dragon.
” Cut! ” Just when the ice dragon was about to freeze Magellan, Shiliu slashed the ice dragon with a slash, and Magellan took the opportunity to separate the venom, so that the ice could not freeze him with the venom.
Although it sounds troublesome, it all happened in an instant, and Reina’s momentum even surpassed the showdown between Garp and Whitebeard.
Under the influence of Reina, the Whitebeard Pirates became very powerful, and Joz, who was in contact with the frozen state on the other side, also walked out of the cabin. When the war resumed, he joined the battle without a word.
For a time, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy were evenly divided, and even had a faint intention of suppressing the Navy.
” Polusalino, Kuzan! Now is not the time to be lazy! ” Garp, who was fighting with Whitebeard, fell to the fact that the navy was actually suppressed by the momentum of the Whitebeard Pirates, and immediately moved towards Marco who was fighting with him. , shouted the two who were fighting with Bista.
” Ah ~ ah ~ It’s really not an easy opponent! I have to take it seriously! ” Aokiji let out a cold breath, and his expression became serious.
” Aiya ~~ These pirates are very powerful! ” Kizaru also said softly with a corner of his mouth.
However, the movements in his hands were faster, and Marco and Bista, who had only barely supported them, were suddenly in danger.
Reina, who was playing against Magellan and Shiliu, naturally found out the situation over there. He knew that the current strength of Qingzhi and Kiabou was a line higher than that of Marko and Vista, and the two wanted to hold them back. Somewhat reluctantly.
” Coercion control! ” Seeing this, Reina’s left eye flashed with red light, and a burst of energy radiated from Reina’s body. Immediately, the surrounding navy soldiers and ordinary soldiers in the advancing city became sluggish, and then they all rushed towards the green pheasant. past.
Aokiji, who had just pushed back Bista, who was about to attack, suddenly found that the surrounding navy soldiers and the soldiers of the advancing city were all killing him, and immediately jumped and retreated for a distance.
And for the first time controlling so many people, Reina’s physical strength and pupil strength are also rapidly depleting.
” Go! Don’t let him continue! ” Seeing this, Magellan knew that this was a good thing Reina had done, and immediately greeted Shiliu beside him, and attacked Reina again.
” Ah ~ ah ~ I’m all my own, and I can’t use too heavy hands, it’s really uncomfortable! ” Aokiji avoided the soldiers’ attacks, and glanced at Reina, who was dodging Magellan and Shiliu’s attack, thinking. How to solve the situation.
But at this moment, the soldiers attacking him suddenly stopped one after another, and then looked around in confusion.
Aokiji knew that this was Reina’s ability, so he looked towards Reina and saw that Reina had already fought with Magellan and Shiliu with all his strength, and was unable to continue to use this kind of control over people. ability.
” It can’t go on like this … Joz! Immediately start the boat and get out of here! ” After pushing Magellan and Shiliu back again, Rayner used an ice wall to separate the two of them, and then found Joz and asked him to leave the boat immediately here.
” No, the sea has been frozen by Aokiji, and the Moby Dick can’t move at all! ” Joz knocked a captain flying with a punch, and then said to Reina.
” What a hassle! Then Muir is going to break the ice below! ” Rayner shouted after looking around.
” Okay! ” Namur of the murlocs knocked down the navy around him, and then jumped directly off the Moby Dick , intending to smash the frozen sea surface of the Aokiji from the sea.
” Marko, go and help that Muir! ” Reina slashed at Kizaru with a slash, taking over Marko’s opponent and asking him to help that Muir.
Marko nodded, spread his arms, turned directly into the form of a phoenix, and flew overboard.
” Whoops ~~ There’s a pretty incredible opponent here! ” Kizaru didn’t stop Marco, but teased at Reina.
” Kizuna, right? I still have some friendship with your teacher! But I don’t have much time today, otherwise I can have fun with you! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Really? Today’s time is quite enough, don’t worry! ” The corners of Huang Yuan’s mouth curled slightly, and he said with a smile.
It’s just that he didn’t know that his expression made him look even more wretched.
” Really? But I … just want to fight quickly! ” After Reina finished speaking, he rushed directly to Kizaru.
Kizaru didn’t dodge either. With his strength, there was absolutely no need to be afraid of Reina, and he also wanted to try, what was the difference between this person who was often mentioned by his teacher.
” Time stands still! ” Reina’s mouth curled slightly. Based on his knowledge of the yellow monkey, among the three generals in the future, he is the one who relies the most on fruit ability. Let him seldom encounter opponents with fruit ability that cannot be dealt with.
Although his physical skills and domineering are also not weak, compared with Aokiji and Akainu, he relies more on fruit ability, which is one of the reasons why he is not liked by Zefa.
Because of that guy Zefa, Reina knew very well that as a strong man who came out of the war with Sengoku, Garp and others, he always believed in his own physical ability.
So Reina is going to take advantage of this and give Kizaru a little ruthless unexpectedly.
Sure enough, after Kizaru’s time was stopped by Reina, although it was only a short second, when he saw Reina, Reina had already come to him, so he subconsciously used the fruit ability , want to leave elementalized.
” Pfft! ”
But Reina’s ice wheel pill was already covered with armed color, and the knife slashed directly on Huang Yong’s chest.
” Ah! ”
” Lieutenant General Yellow Monkey! ”
” Lord Lieutenant General! ”
The fact that Kizaru was wounded by Reina in a single encounter shocked the surrounding navy, and even Aokiji couldn’t help but look at Reina.
As his predecessor, he was also a super genius who was called a monster when he was a newcomer. Aokiji knew very well about the strength of Kizaru. There were really not many people who could hurt him in a single encounter.
The yellow monkey who fell to the ground turned into a streamer and appeared far away from Reina, staring at Reina with an ugly face. At this time, he already had a scar on his chest, and the blood had even soaked his body. uniform.
Not far away, Magellan and Shiliu, who had just smashed Reina’s ice wall, couldn’t help but stare at each other with a wry smile when they saw Kizaru’s appearance.
At a glance, this is their enemy! How did it become stronger again?
” Are you alright? ” Aokiji, who was covered in cold air, came to Kiabou and asked.
” It’s alright, the other party has a very strange ability, and suddenly appeared in front of me! ” Kizaru said very solemnly instead of his usual condescending appearance.
” Suddenly appearing in front of you? ” Qingzhi asked in confusion.
As the ability of the glittering fruit, Kizaru is undoubtedly the best at speed, and now there are still people who can attack him with speed in front of him?
” That’s right, it was all of a sudden! ” Kizaru nodded, suddenly saying the words very seriously.
Aokiji looked at Reina, who was facing off against them, and raised the danger of the opponent by another level in his heart.
” Hu ~ hu ~ hu ~~” After taking a few breaths, Reina calmed down her tired body due to the intense consumption, and then smiled and gestured to Kiabou and said, ” I said However, I have the ability to fight quickly, next time … it’s here! ”
” Then try it! ” Huang Yuan said with an ugly face.
As soon as the words fell, Kizaru turned into a ray of light and went straight to Reina.
” Bang! ” Kizaru’s kick was blocked by Reina’s arm, and his movements were completely seen under Reina’s writing wheel.
” You …”
Kisaragi was just about to say something, but suddenly found a red light flashing in Reina’s right eye, and then he found that Aokiji had come to him, blocking Reina’s ice wheel pill on his neck. .
” Cough, cough … Do you want to try again? ” Reina pushed aside Aokiji’s ice blade, and after retreating for a distance, smiled and said to Kizaru, whose face was completely black.
” What happened just now? ” Aokiji asked with a puzzled look, standing in front of Kizaru.
Just now, after seeing the Kiwis attacking Reina, he stayed motionless and was still attacked by Reina.
” I don’t know! ” Huang Yuan shook his head, completely unaware of the situation.
” Reina, are you alright! ” At this time, Marco landed on Reina’s side and asked.
” Is everything done over there? ” Reina asked Marco, turning his head to the side.
” You …” At this time, Marco realized that Reina’s right eye was actually shedding blood and tears, which shocked him directly.
” Don’t worry, it’s alright, it’s just a sequela of overuse of the ability! ” Reina wiped away the blood, but there was still blood flowing from the corner of his eye.
” It’s done, Joz has already set off! ” Marco nodded, took a step forward, stood in front of Reina, and confronted Aokiji and Kizaru.

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