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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hu ~ hu ~ hu ~” Reina fell to the floor at the stern, unable to lift a single finger from the top of her body.
” No … I didn’t expect … the gap between me and the big brother … huh , it’s so big! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
Newgate sat on the stern of the boat, looked at Reina who was lying on the ground, and said, ” You are already very good, if you continue to work hard, you will be able to emerge in the sea in a few years! And your The ability is very special, you can’t even restrain the armed color, I really don’t know where you got this ability! ”
That’s right, when the two were sparring just now, Reina had a whim and asked Newgate to use the armed color to see if he could absorb the energy from the armed color.
As a result, the black emperor is not a black emperor, even if it is the ability to be castrated, it is still not something that can be restrained by armed color.
” Even so, I haven’t even touched the corner of my eldest brother’s clothes! ” Reina said bitterly.
Yes, even with the Shakers turned on, Rayner still couldn’t even touch Newgate.
” Your current physical fitness is too poor, that’s why this is the case. Your ability has not been developed at all. It is your physical fitness that drags you down! Exercise more in the future! ” Newgate shook his head and said.
” Yes, I see! ” Reina nodded, and Li Qian, who was all over her body, barely sat up.
Just like this, Newgate frowned slightly and said, ” Isn’t even the strength to stand up restored yet? ”
Reina touched his head embarrassedly. It wasn’t because of this that he couldn’t stand up, but because he was wearing a weight-bearing suit, which usually doesn’t matter. Now that he was exhausted, this weight-bearing suit became the last thing to crush the camel. straw.
” Hey ~ your kid’s weight … something is wrong! ” Newgate mentioned Reina, originally wanting to throw him back into the cabin, but he felt the weight was wrong in an instant.
” That … I’m wearing a 50kg weight-bearing suit! ” Reina said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth, deliberately pretending to be stupid.
” Weight suits? What? ” Newgate asked in surprise.
Rayner explained it to Newgate with a smile, and dragged the weight suit down to let him feel it.
” There is actually such a good thing, did you make it yourself? ” Newgate asked, his eyes lit up.
” Well, I just feel that my physique is too bad, so I came up with such a method to exercise my body! ”
” Yes, if you take off this weight-bearing suit, the speed should be improved a lot! ” Newgate nodded and praised.
After putting on the weight-bearing suit again, Reina’s physical strength also recovered a little, and without asking Newgate to help, he went back to his room to rest.
However, the careful Newgate brought a lot of food and drinks for Reina, and told him that after training, he must pay attention to replenishing energy, otherwise it will easily consume the body’s functions.
In the evening, after a long day’s work, the day’s wages were paid to Reina.
” Di … the 30th day of consecutive check -in … Today’s salary settlement …”
” You get base salary: 300 points ”
” Overtime Pay: Skill Experience Exchange Coupon ”
” Successful 30-day check-in and check-in for the first time, get a reward: bloodline ability evolution volume ”
” Full attendance in the month, get a reward: Overlord’s Domineering Fragment (1) ”
” This … this …” Reina looked at the salary and rewards received, and didn’t know where to start for a while. It wasn’t that things were too bad, but something unexpected.
The first is the skill experience exchange coupon. As the name suggests, it is to increase the proficiency. After Reina used the exchange coupon, he gained 10 points of proficiency in primary swordsmanship.
It was just a glimpse of his skill, he felt that his mastery of swordsmanship was more proficient.
As for why he didn’t need to use it in the upgraded physical skills, because this experience volume can only be used on the primary skills, his physical skills have been upgraded to the intermediate level, so it can’t be used at all.
There is such a voucher for increasing skill proficiency in the mall, but it is too expensive. It takes 1000 points for beginners to increase proficiency by 10 points. It is better to practice on your own.
Next is the highlight of this harvest, the bloodline ability gold evolution volume.
After careful inspection, Reina found that it can be used on the genetic lineage of the Black Emperor to make his abilities stronger, and it can also be used on the single hook jade writing wheel eye to evolve his own writing wheel eye.
As for who to use it for, to be honest … Reina hesitated.
Regarding the ability of the Black Emperor, it is obvious that the potential is greater, and it can basically become the foundation of his life in the future. He believes that after this evolution, whether it is the total amount of energy that can be absorbed, or the speed of energy conversion, it should be much improved.
But the only point is that he can cultivate this ability by himself, but he can’t cultivate it at all, that is to say, the ability of the Black Emperor, he can make him evolve through his own efforts, and the Shaanyan, come out to use this There is no way to evolve at all except for the exchange coupons.
And he checked this kind of exchange coupon in the mall. The points were as high as 50,000, which made him discouraged. The next time he had this opportunity, he really didn’t know it was the year of the monkey, so he needed to be very cautious.
After thinking about it for a long time, Reina, who was still unable to make up his mind, planned to first look at the final scroll of domineering and domineering. As far as he knew, such things as domineering and domineering are simply innate, and some people are born with it. Some people can’t wake up no matter how hard they try.
Of course, those who are born also need to be trained before they can awaken. Just like Luffy, the protagonist of One Piece World, he was also awakened and practiced with Rayleigh for two years before he initially mastered the overlord’s domineering.
But now the system has given him the scraps, which means that after he has collected all of them, he is likely to obtain the domineering power of the king, and after training, he can also use it.
But what he got was only the scraps, and there was no sale of this thing in the mall, so Reina himself didn’t know whether it could be collected.
” It’s really a headache! What should I choose? I feel that Shan Gouyu’s writing wheel eye is enough for me now, and when my physical fitness catches up, I can still learn from Newgate and learn about sex, and then I will be with Newgate. Some of the Sharinyan’s abilities overlap! ” Reina looked at the bloodline ability evolution scroll in his hand, and it was quite a headache.
In the end, according to the principle of making the best use of everything, Reina still chose to evolve the wheel eye, because the ability of the black emperor will evolve one day under his training, but the wheel eye can only rely on this kind of external force. Come to the promotion.
After thinking about it, Reina directly used it on the Shaker without hesitation. He was afraid that if he thought about it again, he would be entangled again.
After using it, the burning feeling in the eyes reappeared. If anyone was looking at it at this time, they would find that the gouyu in Reina’s eyes was spinning rapidly, and then slowly stopped after a while.
When it stopped, the original one hook jade has become a double hook jade form.
” Hu ~ hu ~ It really hurts me! When watching anime, those guys bleed from their eyes, and I didn’t see them doing anything. Why does it hurt so much when it comes to me? ” Reina wiped the blood from the corners of her eyes, Make complaints.
Although he really wanted to try it now, what was the difference between his double gouyu and single gouyu, the pain in his eyes told him that it was best to let his eyes rest first.
Clicking on his character interface, Reina saw his current state:
Name: Reina
Position: Trainee crew member of the Cross Pirates
Power: 580
Skill: Intermediate Taiju ( 100/1000 )
Primary Swordsmanship ( 32/100 )
Gene lineage: The mutant gene of the growth mutant Black Emperor (Sebastian Shaw ) (absorbing all forms of energy for release or blessing on himself)
Blood Follower Boundary: Writing Wheel Eyes (Double Gouyu)
Number of points: 7600
Item: Overlord’s Domineering Fragment (1)
” Huh ~ The combat power is almost 600 ! I remember that in the original book, the CP9 type, the Kali method who is proficient in the six naval styles, seems to have more than 600 to 700 Dao strength before eating the fruit, and I don’t know the ratio of combat strength to Dao strength. How much is the column, if I meet Kalifa now, I don’t know if I can defeat her! ” Reina grinned as he saw his greatly increased combat power.
Finally, the current self barely got rid of the title of the five scumbags, and in this world where there are more strong people than dogs, and perverts go everywhere, I also have a little life-saving ability.
After a night of silence, when he woke up the next day, Reina continued to work because he had already tasted the sweetness of the full attendance reward. Although there was no reward for signing in for the first time for 30 consecutive days, the full attendance reward was also good.
As long as he comes a few more times, he believes that he will always collect the scraps of domineering and domineering, and then he will be able to go out and pretend to be a B !
As soon as the eyes are wide open, the enemy will fall down a large area. How can I ” hold the grass ” ? Just thinking about it makes me a little excited. From then on, I will go to the peak of my life, marry Bai Fumei, and become One Piece …
” Hey … Reina … why are you standing here holding a mop and smirking? Hurry up and wipe your saliva! ” At this moment, a familiar voice interrupted Reina’s fantasy.
” Wh … what? This uncle doesn’t drool! ” Reina quietly wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, while pretending to be arrogant.
” Huh? ” Simpson was stunned, looked at Reina curiously and asked, ” Why do you speak like Shiki? Only he likes to say Uncle Ben the most! ”
” Who said that, this uncle wouldn’t say such a thing! ” Just as Shikey came out of the cabin, he immediately retorted after hearing Simpson’s words.
Rayner and Simpson’s black line at the same time, this guy is just joking.
” Exactly, Mr. Shikey, since I met him, let’s see how much my strength has grown! Shaker … Open! ” After seeing Shiji, Rayner opened Shaker and went straight to Skid left.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Since you’re looking for a beating yourself, don’t blame me! It’s not a day or two that I want to beat you up! ” Shi Ke didn’t panic, and punched Reina, who was running towards him, with a big laugh.

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