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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” The city of seven waters is right in front. The boatmen there are known as the best boatmen in the world. Roger’s pirate ship was built by the world’s first boatman named Mr. Tom. It’s very powerful! ” Reina pointed to Not far ahead, the city that can already be seen, said to Hansen beside him.
” Oh? No. 1 in the world? Wouldn’t it be too exaggerated? ” Hansen asked in disbelief.
” Hahaha … This kind of thing is not up to me or you, but it is the truth! ” Reina said with a smile.
Hansen nodded irrefutably, but he had the idea of taking a closer look after he went to the island.
Soon, the hard shell took them to the port, but because they flew the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, they did not approach the normal port, but landed directly from the abandoned port on the back of the island.
” Okay, now is your free time, but don’t run too far for me! ” After Rainer and Hansen got off the back of the hard shell, they opened the protective cover and said to the hard shell.
Dumb Hard Shell nodded, and then quickly dived down.
In addition to meeting Mr. Tom, Rainer came to the capital to purchase sailing supplies. Because this time he was traveling with Hansen, he prepared more sailing supplies than when he was alone.
The two walked around the Capital of Water and bought some local specialties and nautical supplies, and then they inquired about the location of Tom’s studio, but what surprised Reina was that the residents of the island seemed to be a little shy about this issue. Not as hungry.
” Isn’t that Mr. Tom with a quirky temper? I said Reina … do you really know each other? ” Hansen asked suspiciously.
” I don’t know! I’ve never been to the Water Capital, how could I know him? ” Reina rolled his eyes and replied.
” What? You don’t know each other? Then you … how do you seem to be familiar with each other? ” Hansen said in surprise.
” Are you stupid? Then there is a pirate who is very familiar with the big brother, so you can say that the other party knows my big brother? ” Reina looked at Hansen like a fool and said.
Hansen looked at Reina stupidly and didn’t understand what he meant.
” How stupid! Who in the world doesn’t know about Whitebeard now? Some hearsay is normal, right? Does everyone who has heard about Whitebeard know Whitebeard? ”
After listening to Reina’s explanation, Hansen had an urge to kill Reina immediately, but considering that he couldn’t beat Reina, he gradually extinguished that urge in his heart.
” Okay, it should be there! ” According to the instructions of the island residents, the two took the ” Niu Yu ” , a unique vehicle for the capital of water , to a place that looked like a shipyard.
” Is Mr. Tom here? ” Rayner asked softly inside when he approached.
” Go away, no one is allowed to enter here! ” At this time, two men in black suddenly walked out of the gate, blocking Reina’s way, and said expressionlessly.
” Who are you? ” Hansen asked immediately.
It’s not that he has never seen such an arrogant guy, but such an arrogant but still alive guy is rare, at least in the new world.
” Don’t ask too much, knowing too much is not good for you, hurry up! ” One of the men in black pointed to the distance and said to the two.
” Oh ~ is this the style of the world’s number one boatman? No wonder the residents of the island have a weird expression when they talk about your boss! ” Hansen pouted and said disdainfully.
” You … are the people of the World Government? ” Reina was not as angry as Hansen, but asked thoughtfully with his chin slumped.
Sure enough, Reina’s words just fell out, and the two men in black, who were originally expressionless, both showed surprise and said to Reina: ” Now that you know, hurry up! ”
” Do you know what the last guy who told me to fuck off is doing now? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
However, the two were quite uncooperative and did not answer Reina at all, leaving Reina a little speechless. These guys … can’t even hold a slap, they simply have no desire to live!
” Oh? I’m curious, what is that guy doing now? ” Fortunately, Hansen was still there, and he took the initiative to ask.
” What are you doing? Sleeping! The kind that can’t wake up for a long time … It is estimated that the grass on the grave is several meters high! ” Reina grinned and said with a smile.
The two people from the World Government looked at Reina like an idiot, then took out their pistols at the same time, pointed at Reina and Hansen respectively, and said, ” Let you get out, you don’t get out, now … it’s too late to get out! ”
” Wait! ” At this moment, a young man with a turban on his head came out, first glanced at the two people from the World Government, and then asked: ” What are you two here for? Tom’s studio does not take orders. ”
Reina recognized the other party at the first sight. He was one of Tom’s disciples and the mayor of the future water capital – Iceberg.
” Who are you? ” Before Reina could speak, Hansen, who was upset, asked.
” I’m Mr. Tom’s disciple, you can call me Bingshan! ” Bingshan introduced himself.
” Brother Iceberg, hello, I’m here to find Mr. Tom! I have long admired Mr. Tom, and many old friends have mentioned his name to me. This time I passed by the Water Capital, so I came here to visit. Come on! ” Reina said with a smile.
” It turns out that … It’s just a coincidence, you have seen it, and now the teacher is a little helpless! ” Bingshan glanced at the two World Government personnel beside him, and said to Reina.
His meaning is very simple, just hope that Reina will leave now, not to conflict with the popularity of the World Government, it is for Reina’s sake.
But whether it was Reina or Hansen, they didn’t take them seriously at all. Even if it was the World Government, Reina was not worthy of them at all.
” In other words, Mr. Tom is inside? That’s all right, let’s go, Hansen … Let’s take you to see the world’s number one boatmaker! ” Rainer said and was about to go inside.
This time not only shocked the iceberg, but the faces of the two World Governments also turned ugly. This is completely ignoring their existence!
” Bastard, I didn’t let you …”
” Boom! Boom! ”
The two people from the World Government fell to the ground and passed out before they even finished speaking.
” Lao Tzu? Who do you call Lao Tzu? I already told you that the last guy who made me roll was several meters tall. You still don’t believe it? ” Reina snorted coldly, and continued toward the inside. go.
After seeing the two people from the World Government solved in an instant, Bingshan realized that he and the two were not ordinary characters, and hurried forward a few steps to lead them.
Because he heard from Reina’s tone before, the other party didn’t seem to be hostile to his teacher.
” Yo ~ Iceberg! Are there any guests coming? ” On an empty yard at the back of the house, a huge and fat man was constantly beating on something, and asked without looking back.
” Hello, Mr. Tom! ” Rainer said hello before Iceberg could reply.
” Oh? Who are you? ” Tom put down the things in his hand, looked back at Reina, and asked in surprise.
” Hello, my name is Reina, I know Roger and Reilly. I met Reilly in the Chambord Islands before, and I talked about Mr. Tom. I happened to be passing by here, so come and see! ” Reina said with a smile .
” Oh? It’s Rayleigh! Hahaha … I haven’t seen you for a long time! The man is still alive! ” Tom said with a smile.
” That guy is at ease! Whether it’s gambling or drinking, Big Sister Xia Qi doesn’t care about him. It’s really enviable! ” Rayner walked slowly to Tom’s side, sat down and said.
” Haha … It’s really surprising news! It’s really pleasant to hear the news that I haven’t seen an old friend for a long time! ” Tom said as tears almost came out of his laugh.
It’s just that he didn’t notice that when Reina reported his name, the iceberg on the side looked at Reina like a ghost, as if he couldn’t believe his guess.
” So are you here today to want me to help build the ship? ” Tom asked after laughing, looking at Rayner.
” No, I don’t have the idea of building a boat. This time I’m just passing through the water capital, so I came to see you. At the beginning, Roger was quite impressed with your craftsmanship! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Oh? You still know Roger? ”
” Well, after dealing with him a few times, he is more familiar with my eldest brother, and I am more familiar with Rayleigh! ” Reina grinned and said with a smile.
Every time they fought against the Roger Pirates, Roger was handed over to Whitebeard. As for Rayner, most of his opponents were Rayleigh or Jabba.
” Oh? Your elder brother is … ? ”
” Edward Newgate … well … most people call him Whitebeard! ” Rayner said with a smile .
But when he finished speaking, the iceberg on the side came directly to Mr. Tom’s side, and said to Reina in surprise: ” It’s really you, the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Akahito Reina ! ”
” Ah ~ don’t be nervous, didn’t I tell you? Today I just came to see Mr. Tom in place of an old friend! ” Rayner waved his hand and said with a smile.
” So you are that Reina! ” Tom was stunned for a while, and seemed to be caught up in his memories. When Roger came down from the empty island, he came to the Water Capital once. After chatting with Tom for a long time, he also mentioned Reina. name.
” It seems that Mr. Tom knows me, which is an honor, but when I came in just now, I found that Mr. Tom seemed to be in trouble? Do you need any help? ”
Before Mr. Tom spoke, the iceberg on the side changed his expression. Most people might be afraid of the World Government, but this person in front of him is a ruthless man who has been to Mary Joa. Maybe he can really help Mr. Tom!
” Hahaha … It doesn’t matter, men just have to do things loudly! Don’t worry about those troubles! ” Mr. Tom shook his head and refused.
” Yo ~ what’s going on? Iceberg, is anyone here? ” At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from the room behind Reina and the others.

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