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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Captain! Are you okay? ” Not long after the pirate ship left the port in Alabasta, Marco fell from the sky and landed directly on the deck.
” It’s okay, the ability person of the nature department is so difficult to deal with. Fortunately, his weakness is obvious. Last time, Reina told us about his situation after he met Crocodile! ” Marko said with a smile.
” Reina? Is that your co-captain? He … what kind of person is he? ” Robin couldn’t help asking when he heard Marco talking about Reina.
” That guy … he ‘s an amazing guy! But before that, I still want to ask, what is your relationship with Olivia? ” Marko replied with a smile when he saw Robin’s question.
Facing Marko’s question, Robin sank again, and after a while, he said, ” I won’t answer this question until I see Whitebeard or Reina! ”
Marco blinked. He was really curious about Robin’s identity. Based on his almost identical appearance to Olivia, he would never believe it if Robin had nothing to do with Olivia.
So who is Robin’s father?
Marco didn’t quite believe that if it was Reina, he wouldn’t let his children wander outside, but if it weren’t for Reina … that would be more troublesome!
Now Marco regrets it a little bit. If Nicole Robin is really the child of Olvia and others, how will Reina face her?
So Marco decided to tell Robin about Olvia’s relationship with Reina, and mentioned it vaguely. If she is not Olvia’s child, it’s better to say it in advance.
However, after listening to Marco’s words, Robin just smiled and shook his head, still refusing to reveal his background.
” Okay, Miss Robin, I will say it directly. Before Olvia and Reina got married, they had no children. I can be sure of this, but after they got married, they had no children. Not when Olvia died, if you are Olvia’s child, then you can only prove one thing … Olvia is not dead yet! ” Marko stared at Robin and said.
” I don’t know what happened back then, but from the information I got, Olvia is indeed dead! ” Robin replied directly.
” So that means you’re not Olvia’s child? ” Marco asked with a frown.
Robin smiled and didn’t answer.
” Well, as long as you’re not Olvia’s child, otherwise … you know, don’t destroy Olvia’s image in Reina’s mind! ” Marko shrugged and replied.
Although the other party didn’t say anything, he thought about it and thought it was necessary to take Robin back. After all, he was a remnant of O’Hara. Even if he had nothing to do with Reina and Olvia, they still needed to take care of them. Besides, as far as Robin’s appearance is concerned, it is hard to say that it has nothing to do with Olvia.
After taking Robin on board, they did not return to the new world for the first time, but went to Division 41 to check the situation as originally planned.
After returning to the purpose of Marko and others, Robin said that she had not received any news from Blackbeard Tickey. You must know that Crocodile operates Alabasta as a base camp, so any troubles will be ignored. He couldn’t hide it, just like Marko and others, they were discovered by Crocodile just after landing.
After learning that Tiki didn’t come, Marco had to return to the new world, and Robin also saw what kind of existence the Whitebeard Pirates really are. The regiment took the initiative to retreat, and even the general navy did not dare to approach.
This situation did not change until after the New World.
” The pirates of the new world are different from those in the first half of the Great Route. There are not so many orders here. Although our Whitebeard Pirates still have absolute dominance here, it is no longer just a flag to suppress them. It’s gone. ” Seeing to see Robin’s doubts, a crew member explained with a smile.
” I see. I said why everyone’s mental state has changed since they came out of Fishman Island! ” Robin said with a smile.
” There’s no way, the pirates who can survive in the new world are all truly vicious beings, so we have to cheer up! ”
” Is there anything I can help you with? ”
” No, even though this is a new world, generally no one who doesn’t have long eyes will come to provoke us! What’s more, you are a guest, how can I ask you to help? ” The crew replied with a smile.
Although the pirate ship also encountered some battles along the way, they all attacked others and robbed a lot of materials.
When Xuanyue Island was already in sight, Robin suddenly became a little nervous. She was finally about to see her father, and she didn’t know what the scene would be like.
While on the boat, Robin had already inquired a lot about Reina, and her father’s appearance in her heart became more three-dimensional.
For Robin’s little actions, Marco and others saw it in the eyes. They guessed that Robin and Reina should be related, otherwise they would not care so much about Reina’s news, which also made them a little worried and let go Come down some.
In fact, when Robin was away, they also discussed Robin’s life experience, but the known conditions are too few, so they have never been able to make a reasonable guess, but they can know one more thing, that is, for Reina, it should be It’s not a bad thing, so they kept the mentality of going back to eat melons and watch the fun along the way, always looking forward to the meeting of Robin and Reina.
Finally, when the pirate ship entered the port of Xuanyue Island, Marko took Robin and asked if Reina was on the island in the first sentence of disembarkation.
“The deputy captain is on the island. Recently, I have been testing the island’s defense system with the doctor, but Dad occasionally goes out for a stroll! ” The crew who came to greet him replied with a smile.
” Very good, is he on the empty island or where? Where is the other dad? Is he on the island now? ” Marco asked impatiently.
“The vice-captain is in the open space at the back of the island, where he is experimenting with some weapons. As for Dad, it should be at the banquet square! Captain Marko is in a hurry to find the vice-captain? ” The crew asked Marko in surprise. .
” It’s alright, alright, everyone, go back and have a good rest! Robin, come with me, I’ll take you to see Daddy first! Then let Reina come over! ” Marko turned to the partner of the first team behind him They waved their hands and said.
But those guys didn’t plan to leave as if they didn’t hear it, and walked towards the banquet square with Marko.
” These guys … a little weird! ” The port guards muttered softly as they watched Marko and the others leaving.
Soon, Marko came to the banquet square with Robin, who was in a disturbed mood. There were some drunk crew members lying on the square, and some crew members were playing the pirate version of Monopoly here.
In fact, Reina designed a huge board game room for them on the second floor of the main building, but those guys just like to play here. After Reina said it a few times, they didn’t bother to care about them.
” Oh? It’s Marco back? How’s it going? Have you met that guy Titch ? ” Curiel, who was still drinking with Whitebeard, greeted drunkenly after seeing Marco.
Marco ignored him at all, went directly to Whitebeard, and said solemnly: ” Dad, I met someone in Alabasta, and I brought her back! ”
” Huh? ” Whitebeard put down the huge wine gourd in his hand and looked at Marco.
” Nicole Robin , this is our father, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Marco said to Robin.
Robin took a few steps forward and came directly to Whitebeard.
” What did you say her name was? Marco …” After Whitebeard looked at Nicole Robin carefully , his originally smiling expression slowly disappeared.
” Nicole Robin or you can call me Bernery D. Robin! ” Robin said calmly.
But her words fell silent, and both Marco and Whitebeard were stunned on the spot.
Marco because he never heard Robin say another name for himself along the way, and Whitebeard because of the name Benery D.
” Are you Olvia’s child? ” Whitebeard asked suddenly, standing up.
Robin nodded, tears welling in his eyes, after calming himself down, he said, ” Yes, after my mother gave birth to me, she fostered me at my uncle’s house, and then went out with the expedition team. Looking for the historical text …”
After she finished talking about her life experience, everyone who was still sober around was stunned on the spot.
” Also … that means … you … you’re Reina’s child!? ” Lakyo, who was still a little drunk, woke up with a fright and stammered.
” If Dr. Kuroha didn’t deceive me … then it’s true! At the time, my mother put me in foster care at my uncle’s house in order to complete the work of the historical text as soon as possible. According to Dr. Kuroha, my mother was also afraid because I and I Her existence affects my father! So he told me before he died, let me not mention this to any outsiders except you and my father! ” Robin nodded and said.
” Lakeyo, go get Reina! ” After taking a deep breath, Whitebeard said, ” Son, how have you been all these years? After what happened to O’Hara, I thought there were no survivors in O’Hara. Oh! I didn’t expect you to survive! ”
After Robin finished talking about his life experience, Whitebeard thought back carefully and found that what Robin said was correct. After Reina and Olvia separated, they had been to O’Hara several times, but Neither saw Olvia herself.
I didn’t see each other until a year later. During that time, Olvia should have been hiding with the help of Dr. Kuroha and deliberately did not let Reina find it.
During that time, every time Rayner came back, he would look a little unhappy, so Whitebeard remembered it very clearly.
Robin lightly recounted what happened in the past few years, but everyone, including Whitebeard, knew how difficult it was for an eight-year-old child to live with a bounty of 79 million.
” Now that you’re home, don’t worry, this is your home! Whoever dares to bully you in the future … let them know that the Whitebeard Pirates are not vegetarians! Even the world government and the navy, let them I can’t eat and walk around! ” Hansen on the side said slightly distressed.
” He is Torres Hansen , currently but still the captain of the Sky Island Guard, a friend of your father Rayner! ” Marco knew that Robin didn’t know each other at all, so he introduced in a low voice.
” I said Lakyo, why are you in such a hurry? Am I walking? Don’t pull me! ” At this moment, Reina’s voice, who was being dragged by the anxious Lakyo, came over.

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