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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Come on, it’s already in Alabasta! I won’t go to see him with you at Crocodile, but I will wait until you have successfully entered his organization before leaving! If necessary, I will show up. ! ” Rayner said to Robin after riding the hard shell and following the river directly from the seaport into the inland.
” Yeah! I see! ” Robin nodded, put on the backpack that Reina prepared for her, got off the boat, and headed towards the rain, where is Crocodile’s headquarters, so if you want to find each other, just go to the rain. That’s it.
When Robin came to the rain alone, he found that the largest casino here, the rain banquet, was no longer the familiar people.
But when she said she wanted to see Mr.0 , she still noticed the slight changes on the other side’s face.
” What Mr.0 ? Did you find the wrong place? ” The waiter replied with an expression that quickly recovered, as if he didn’t know what you were talking about.
” I’m Mr.AllSunday (Sunday), tell the boss, I’m back, you don’t have to worry about the rest! ” Robin smiled and reported his name.
Sure enough, after hearing Robin’s name, the waiter immediately bowed and said, ” It’s you! I’ll report to the boss immediately, please wait! ”
It turned out that after Robin was taken away by Marco, Crocodile moved the headquarters just in case, but Yu Yan still stayed, which became a point of contact.
After a while, the previous waiter found Robin again and gave her an address.
After asking clearly, Robin turned and left, heading towards the address given by the waiter.
But when she arrived at her destination, it was not Crocodile who was waiting for her, but another intelligence officer who gave her another address.
After two or three passes like this, she came to a new basement through a tavern.
“Boss , are you being too cautious? ” Robin asked with a smile when he entered the basement and saw Crocodile smoking a cigar.
” Guhahaha … Nicole Robin ? Why did you appear here, didn’t you already follow the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Crocodile asked with a strange smile after seeing Robin.
” As I said, I was looking for Whitebeard or Reina just to ask one thing clearly. Now that the cemetery has been reached, it will naturally come back! What’s so strange about this? ” Robin replied calmly.
Crocodile kept staring at Robin, as if to determine if her words were true.
” Goo ha ha ha … Then welcome back, my best assistant … Mr. Sunday! ” After staring at Robin for a while, Crocodile said with a big laugh.
Although he did not give up his plan, without Robbie’s help, how to interpret the ancient text became his biggest obstacle, but he didn’t expect Robin to come back at this time, so even if Robin’s return was for ulterior motives , Crocodile also had to pretend not to know.
Because he had to get Robin’s help to decipher ancient texts in order to correctly know the whereabouts of Hades.
And Robin also knew this, so she returned to the Baroque work club in a fair and open manner. She has to wait here, waiting for the group of people her father said to appear. She wants to see if they really have become her partners. qualifications.
When Crocodile was talking to Robin, Rayner was actually hiding not far away.
It’s just a small trick, and it’s not worth mentioning to Reina at all.
After seeing Robin successfully infiltrating the Baroque workshop, Reina left with a little relief, but he did not leave the Baroque studio directly, but returned to the back of the hard shell, and then appeared in Alabasta The port city – Rapeseed.
That’s right, the place where Crocodile and Marco fought.
This time Reina didn’t hide it at all, but made a high-profile appearance directly, which not only attracted the attention of Krocdahl, but even the royal family of Alabasta was alarmed.
Albana, the capital of Alabasta, in the palace, King Kobra is listening to the report of his subordinates.
” Are you sure? It’s really the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates … Akahito Reina ? ” Kobra asked with a solemn expression.
” That’s right, according to the information, the other party didn’t hide it! ” Jackal Jaka, the adjutant of the Kingdom Guard, nodded and said.
” Well … well … cough … Your Majesty, the former captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco, fought with Crocodile in the rapeseed, causing great losses there, although later Crocodile is responsible for rebuilding the rapeseed, but it is enough to show that there is friction between him and the Whitebeard Pirates! If Akahito Reina is coming for him this time, what are we going to do ? ”
The curly-haired captain of the Kingdom Guard, Ikalem, asked worriedly.
” Ikalem, what do you think we are going to do? Notify Crocodile? Or do you want to do something to Chi Tong? ” Kobra looked at Ikalem and asked.
” Your Majesty, I don’t think we need to do anything. The best choice is to wait and see what happens. Whether it’s Crocodile or Chitong, they’re both vicious pirates! ” Ikalem shook his head and said.
” But … Crocodile, he has done a lot of good things recently, and he has dealt with many pirates who came to cause trouble and provocation! ” Cobra hesitated and said.
” Humph! That Crocodile just regards Alabasta as his territory. There is the presence of our Royal Army here. Even without him, we can solve those pirates! ” Adjutant Jackal Jaka said with some dissatisfaction.
” Let ‘s see … Bell, please take a trip to see this red pupil and see what purpose he has in Alabasta! ” After thinking about it, Cobra stayed silent for a while. Another adjutant of the Kingdom Guard, Falcon Bell said.
He is a bird fruit – falcon type ability person of the animal system, and he is one of the few ability people with flying ability. It takes him the least time to go to the rape flower.
” Yes, Your Majesty! ” Bell immediately came out of the queue, saluted and replied.
They are quite loyal to Cobra, because the king of the Neferutali family is indeed a rare and good king.
At the same time, in the new headquarters of Baroque Works, Crocodile also looked at the information in his hand with some anger.
” Red pupil … Reina! That guy … why is he here! ” Crocodile stared at Robin in front of him and asked directly.
Robin shook his head and said, ” I don’t know, all I know is that he seems to have something to do with O’Hara. After I went to the Whitebeard Pirates, I didn’t see him at all, only Whitebeard! ”
” Really? Then this time … you don’t want to see him, can you? Haven’t you met Whitebeard anyway? ” Crocodile stared at Robin and said softly.
Robin nodded without refuting.
” Then … Chitong Reina! Let me see how much you have grown over the years! ” Crocodile got up directly and walked outside the headquarters.
The corner of Robin’s mouth was slightly raised. She was sure that Crocodile would not be her father’s opponent, so she was not worried about her father’s safety.
At the same time, in the port city of Rape Flowers, Reina was wandering around on the street. Although he had already noticed that at least three waves of people were following him, he didn’t care at all. It was time to eat, drink, and completely. Vice came to play, but every day he would go back to the back of the hard shell and come out after finishing the work the next day.
” Sir! That’s the situation … The other party seems to have just passed by here, so he stopped here to replenish supplies and just took a tour! ” A soldier in the uniform of the Kingdom of Alabasta faced a man wearing an Arabian turban, The eye sockets are individually painted with dark purple four-pointed star make-up, wearing a white robe, with a long knife hanging from his waist.
” I know, when does he usually appear in the city? ” Bell asked softly.
” It’s usually in the afternoon, it’s almost this time! ” The subordinate looked at the time and replied.
His words just fell out, when a soldier came in and reported loudly: ” Sir, Chi Tong has entered the city! ”
When Bell heard this, he immediately said, ” Let’s go, let’s meet the legendary pirate! ”
” Yes! ”
So a group of King’s Army soldiers followed Bell directly and walked towards where Reina was.
” Boss, can this be cheaper? Isn’t it too expensive? Don’t think I’m not a local, you can deceive me! ” At this time, Reina was in the market, bargaining with a vendor.
” Guest, what are you talking about? Who doesn’t know that we Alabastas are the most hospitable? There is absolutely no reason to ask for a high price just because you are a foreigner! ” The merchant immediately waved his hand and said.
” Really? Since you Alabastas are so hospitable, give this to me? As a welcome gift for the guests, how about? Or … the hospitality of your Alabastas is just a rumor? ” Reina held his hand , said to the vendor with a smile.
Although the vendor was obviously reluctant, he was flushed by Reina and couldn’t speak at all!
” If you’re a friend … then it doesn’t matter if you give it to you! Boss, how much is this? I bought it! ” At this time, Bell walked over with a group of royal troops and said with a smile.
” Bei … Lord Bell? ” The merchant was taken aback for a moment. After seeing Bell, he immediately stepped forward to greet him, and then said to Reina, ” Since he is a friend of Lord Bell, then this product is given to you, and there is no need to pay for it. We Alabastas don’t lie! ”
” Ah ~ ah ~ Is it the Royal Army of Alabasta? What? It’s not here to arrest me, right? ” Reina recognized Bell the first time he saw him, but pretended not to.
” Bell, Adjutant of the Alabasta Kingdom Army, I have seen Your Excellency Reina! ” Bell greeted quite politely: ” I am here to confirm, what is your purpose in entering Alabasta? “

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