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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Reina left the horror dhow, Perona reluctantly followed behind Reina, muttering something in her mouth.
” This is your ship? Is it too small? ” Perona said immediately dissatisfied after Reina boarded the hard shell.
” You can go to the rest of the boat except that room! Where is my daughter’s room, don’t mess it up, otherwise … I’ll sink you into the sea! ” Take Perona for a walk After a while, Reina pointed to Robin’s room and said to Perona.
” What’s the matter ~ I won’t go if I don’t go, why are you talking so terrible? ” Perona glanced at Robin’s room and whispered.
” You’d better not go in because of curiosity … Because I really don’t want to kill you and then ask Moria for someone, it’s too troublesome! ” Seeing Perona’s expression, Reina knew that the little girl probably had feelings for Robin. The room had a sense of curiosity, so he warned again.
” Qi ~ I didn’t expect that a nasty guy like you actually has a daughter, and he must not be a cute person! ” Perona immediately retorted.
But when she finished speaking, Reina grabbed her by the neck directly, lifted her up, and said in a deep voice, ” I hope this is the last time I hear you speak ill of her … If there is a next time … … die! ”
After finishing speaking, Reina put Perona down directly, then turned to leave,
” Cough, cough … What ~ what! ” Perona didn’t even understand the situation, and faced with the angry Reina, the terrifying pressure made her cry.
” Lord Moria … I miss you, please let me go back! ”
But obviously, Moria couldn’t hear Perona’s request.
However, after Perona and Reina had been in contact for a while, she found that as long as his daughter was not mentioned, Reina was still a very easy person to get along with. Not only that, Reina’s food was also very delicious.
The two got along like this and moved towards Alabasta.
” Ah ~ it’s really hot here! Is our destination here? ” When the two arrived at the port city of Rape Flower in Alabasta, Perona didn’t like the desert climate very much.
” That’s it, go buy some supplies first, you’re eating too much, you’re almost finished with the food! ” Reina nodded and said with a look of disgust.
” Ah ~~ Really … You are the one who eats the most, I only eat a little every time! ” Perona immediately retorted.
Through this period of contact with Reina, in general, Reina will not be angry, even if he talks back to him, but there is a premise that his daughter, the person named Robin, cannot be involved.
Otherwise, for whatever reason, Reina would become very terrifying.
Along the way, she had seen Reina’s strength. Although she didn’t know if it was Reina’s full strength, it was already very terrifying.
” No matter how much I eat, I spend my own money, and you … It seems that you eat and live for free …” Reina cast a glance at Perona and said.
” What … what? Didn’t you ask me to follow you? Otherwise, the devil would be willing to come here! I want to stay in the old castle and be my princess! You bastard ! ” said angrily.
Seeing Perona’s angry look, Reina smiled slightly. He found that teasing the little ghost every day made him feel better!
” Let’s go! There are still some goods on the merchant ship we encountered last time that need to be disposed of, otherwise our food expenses will not be enough! This matter is left to you, or you will really become a freelancer! ” Reina pointed out He pointed to the cargo that had just been unloaded from the hard back, which they had obtained by robbing a merchant ship.
Perona was stunned for a moment, then looked at Reina incredulously, as if she couldn’t believe that Reina would let him do such a thing.
” I’m a girl! ” Perona said angrily: ” And it seems that I took care of the merchant ship last time, right? You just watched the whole process! Even the goods were moved by the merchants! ”
” Ah ~ is that so? But … it’s me! So the finances should be mine! Well, you have some credit. After this batch of finances are shot, you get 30% … how? ” Reina frowned . One pick, said.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … this is almost the same! ” Perona nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile.
But after Reina left, Perona realized that she seemed to have been deceived by Reina again. It was her who did it, and she was the one who bought the things. Why can only take 30%?
After separating from Perona, Reina went directly to the tavern. There are many people here, and it is the best place to inquire about news. Moreover, he did not hide the news along the way, so he must have arrived in Alabasta by himself, whether it was Krocdar or Allah. The royal family of Bastan should all know it.
When Reina sat in the tavern for a while and found no useful information, he left with the drinks he bought, but when he returned to the port, he found that the little ghost Perona had not returned.
Reina smiled lightly, and knew what Perona thought.
It must be because she only shared 30% of her, which made Perona dissatisfied, so she simply went shopping after selling the goods, and then lied that she only sold that much money when she came back.
Fortunately, Reina doesn’t care much about money, and she said that before deliberately teasing Perona.
So after I understood Perona’s thoughts, I didn’t care much, so I treated it as a fun.
At the same time, in the Royal Palace of Alabasta, King Kobra was secretly hiding in a corner with the captain of the guard, Ikalem, secretly watching a group of children playing there, one of whom had aqua blue long hair. The girl is the daughter of Cobra , Princess Neferutali Vivi.
At this time, in the sky, a shadow slowly approached.
” Huh? It’s Bell! ” Ikalem turned back and said softly.
Upon seeing this, the king immediately retreated some distance from Ikalem, waiting for Bell who fell from the sky.
” Your Majesty! ” Bell, who had just landed, returned to his adult form and saluted towards Cobra.
” It’s Bell! Why are you so anxious? Did something happen? ” Cobra asked with a smile.
Bell nodded and said, ” The vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Reina Chikomi has landed in Rape Flower! ”
” What? ” Cobra and Ikalem on the side were taken aback for a moment, and at the same time they asked in surprise, ” Is the news accurate? ”
” It shouldn’t be wrong, the other party didn’t cover it up, this time he brought a little girl with him! ” Bell nodded and replied.
” Go, go back to the palace immediately! ” Cobra said solemnly with a straight face.
On the other side, at the headquarters of the Baroque Society, Crocodile looked at the information in his hand, and remained silent for a long time without speaking.
“BOSS ? Are you looking for me? ” Robin emerged from the door after a while and asked softly.
” Rainer is here! I guess he’s here for you, right? ” Crocodile handed the information to Robin and said softly.
Robin took the information with a calm expression, frowned slightly after seeing Zhiyu, and asked, “What does the boss mean … ? ”
” You go! He should have come to confirm your safety. I didn’t expect the Whitebeard Pirates to be so nervous about you. Even Reina came to Alabasta again and again! ” Kroc with a cigar in his mouth Dahl said with narrowed eyes.
” Hehehe …” Robin smiled and didn’t answer.
During the year, Crocodile tested his relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates many times, but Robin put them off. He always remembered what Reina told her, and that when there was no threat to Crocodile and his battle Before the plan, Crocodile would never do anything to her.
Looking at Robin who turned and left, Crocodile’s expression in the shadows became even gloomier. Except for the cigar burning in his mouth, he was shrouded in darkness.
After leaving the headquarters, Robin smiled slightly, with Reina’s shock to Crocodile at the beginning, and her ability was also very good, so Crocodile did not treat her badly, on the contrary, gave her very good The treatment, at most, is to send someone to monitor her when she is out.
Just thinking of the girl next to Reina in the information, the corner of Robin’s mouth couldn’t help but tilt slightly. It seems that his father has a good life, and the little girl accompanies him wherever he goes!
At this time, Reina, who was in the rape blossoms, naturally didn’t know Perona’s appearance, which had already aroused the dissatisfaction of her daughter Robin.
” In other words, so much treasure was exchanged for this amount of money? ” Reina asked Perona, patting the suitcase full of Berry.
” Yeah! What’s the matter? There are 30 million Berries here! It’s already quite a lot, and this is what I finally talked about! If you go, I don’t think you can get 10 million! ” Perona swallowed. In the middle, he reluctantly replied.
” Hehehe …” Reina laughed angrily, and said to Perona, ” Please … do you think I’m a three-year-old child? I already budgeted for those properties when they moved in. Treasures worth 50 million Berries, this is still calculated at the price of the emergency sale! If it is really as you said, if you sell it seriously, there is absolutely no problem with 55 million! ”
Perona was shocked. She did sell 50 million of that batch of goods, but after getting the money, she did not come back immediately, but went shopping. After eating, drinking and shopping, she spent 20 million, so There are only 30 million left.
” Tell me! How on earth did you spend 20 million in one afternoon without getting anything back? If it is slaughtered by other merchants, we will go and smash each other’s store! ” Reina He sighed and said.
Sure enough, when she heard Reina’s words, Perona immediately explained the afternoon’s itinerary with a crackle. Reina was so full of blood that she could not wait to throw this prodigal ghost into the bottom of the sea.
” That is to say … the 20 million yuan was indeed spent by you! ” After hearing this, Reina suppressed his anger and said softly.
” How is that possible, those bosses are clearly cheating! I just had a meal, and they actually charged me 8 million berries, which is more expensive than a robbery! Let’s go! Let’s go now and smash that broken house. Hotel! ” Perona said excitedly, unaware that she had been tricked by Reina.
” The broken hotel you mentioned just now … is that the one? It’s the most luxurious hotel in this port city! Besides, you invited everyone present at the time, and they only charged you eight million bells. , I should have given you a discount! ” Reina said to Perona, pointing to the tallest building in Rapeflower.
” Eh? How do you know? ” Perona was stunned and asked in surprise.
” Because even if I’m here, I’ve heard that there is a grand guest today at that hotel … a treat! ” Reina squinted and said with a chuckle.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … yes … yes? ” Perona only reacted at this time, and she had already told herself the fact that she had embezzled 20 million yuan, so she smiled awkwardly, while Back slowly, trying to escape.

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