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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hey ~ Reina, are we here? Is this your destination? ” Perona asked curiously, looking at the Cocosia Village ahead.
” No, my destination is not here, just passing by! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Perona, who doesn’t know how to sail, did not doubt Reina’s words. She thought that Reina felt that the sailing time was too long, so she wanted to go ashore and rest.
But before they could get close to the island, a shell hit the island.
” Boom! ” He ran to a place not far from the hard shell and exploded, startling Perona.
” What’s going on? Who is it? How dare you attack us? ” Perona asked in disbelief.
You must know that they are now flying the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, not to mention in the East China Sea, even in the first half of the great route, they are all unimpeded existences.
Why did people dare to attack them when they arrived in the East China Sea?
” Listen to the pirates in front, I’m the sheriff of Cocosia Village, leave immediately, or I will sink you next time! ” On the shore, a man wearing a sheriff’s costume with a funny windmill on his head , shouted at Reina with a loudspeaker.
Perona looked at the sheriff on the opposite side, turned her head to look at Reina beside her, and asked, ” Is he stupid? ”
” Pfft … don’t be funny, okay? The other party has made it clear that they don’t know our pirate flag! ” Reina smiled and shook his head and said.
” What do we do now? Do you want to level this island? ” Perona pouted and asked.
” Why? The other party just wants to protect what he cares about! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Then what should I do? Do you want to leave? ” Although Perona didn’t understand, but since Reina said so, it must be impossible to fight!
” Why leave? Go, go straight over! If he gets in the way, just knock him down! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Perona pouted, who said just now that the other party just wanted to protect something? Now, without hesitation, he said he would defeat the opponent.
Seeing Perona’s expression, Reina naturally knew what the other party was thinking.
” He has his responsibilities and the people he wants to protect, and I also have my goals. This is not a conflict! As for who can achieve it in the end, it’s up to the strength to speak! ” Reina explained softly.
” Qi ~” But Perona didn’t catch a cold, instead she whispered: ” Is there anyone else in the East China Sea who is your opponent? ”
When the two were talking, the hard shell didn’t stop, and kept moving towards the island, so sheriff A Jian decisively fired the artillery again.
But the hard shell was not an ordinary ” ship ” , but a living creature, so without Renner’s instructions, he avoided the shells directly.
” Bastard, you’re so flexible! ” Ah Jian angrily shouted while firing a cannon.
” Mr. Ajian, what should I do? The other party is getting closer and closer! ” the villagers on the side asked a little uneasy.
” Don’t be afraid, everyone, prepare weapons for battle. The other party’s boat is not big, and we haven’t seen many people. As long as we unite, the other party will definitely retreat! ” Sheriff A Jian, while adjusting the artillery, shouted at the people around him. the villagers shouted.
The villagers looked at each other. Although there are a lot of them now, the opposite side is a vicious pirate after all, so they are still a little scared at this time.
But at this time, there was a commotion behind the crowd, and a woman with a cigarette slowly walked over.
” Belmel, why are you here? Why don’t you stay at home to take care of little Nami and Nuoqigao? ” Ah Jian asked softly after seeing the woman walking behind him.
” I used to be in the navy anyway, and I’ve been on the battlefield, and I’m much better than you! ” Belle Meyer glanced at the pirate ship that was getting closer and said.
” Don’t underestimate us! ” Sheriff Ah Jian, pressing his hat, said with a smile.
Soon, when the hard shell was close to the coast, A Jian and Bellmer realized that the other party was not on an ordinary pirate ship.
” Ho … are they actually living sea beasts? Who the hell are they? ” When Ah Jian saw the hard shell, he was immediately a little frightened.
” Don’t act rashly, the other party has not fought back since just now, so it’s hard to say what’s going on now! ” Bermel spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth and said seriously.
Not to mention anything else, to have such a sea beast as a pirate ship, the origin of the other party must not be simple!
” Hey ~ I said what do you want to do? Why are you attacking us for no reason? ” After landing, Perona, who was wearing a wine-red parasol, jumped down and asked loudly.
When the villagers of Cocosia Village saw a young man and a little girl getting off the pirate ship, they couldn’t help but look at each other.
” That … you are not pirates? ” Ah Jian asked a little embarrassedly.
Mainly Reina looks less like a pirate, more like a businessman or aristocrat, and although Perona is wearing makeup, she is just a little girl, more like a child spoiled by her parents.
It’s completely different from those vicious pirates.
After hearing Ah Jian’s question, Reina turned to look at the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, and said, ” We are pirates! It’s not … the pirate flag is still hanging! ”
Reina’s words made the villagers even more embarrassed.
Since you are pirates, isn’t it normal for us to attack you? Why are you still trying to question us?
” Sorry, the child is ignorant! ” Reina naturally knew why the other party attacked him, so he first apologized to the villagers with a little apology, and then turned his head and said to Perona: ” Idiot, we are pirates, they attacked us not Is it normal? ”
” But what happened to the pirates? We didn’t attack them! ” Perona snorted coldly and replied with an unhappy expression.
The conversation between the two made the villagers feel that they were not pirates anymore.
” I don’t know what’s the matter with your coming to Cocosia Village? ” Seeing that there was no danger, Ah Jianben asked the villagers to go back, and then asked Reina and the two.
” That’s right, we don’t have enough nautical supplies, so I saw a small island here, so I came here to see if it’s possible to replenish some supplies! ” Reina replied with a smile.
” So that’s it … Don’t worry, there are shops in town where you can buy enough HNA supplies, and I can take you there! ” After Ah Jian heard this, he nodded and replied.
” Thank you so much! ” Reina politely replied after hearing this.
” Aren’t you guys from the East China Sea? ” At this time, Belmer, who was smoking a cigarette, suddenly asked Reina.
Hearing Belmer’s question, Ah Jian looked at Reina in surprise.
” Why do you say that? ” Reina didn’t answer directly, but asked Bermel instead.
” Looking at your appearance, you don’t look like people from the East China Sea! Are you real pirates? ” Bermel said seriously.
” Yes, we came from the great route! And I have never denied that we are pirates! ” Reina replied with a smile.
” Are you really pirates? ” Ah Jian looked at Reina in surprise and asked.
He thought that the two of Reina were trying to scare others, so they hoisted the pirate flag on the boat, but he didn’t expect that they were really pirates.
” So? Don’t we look alike? ” Reina asked with a smile.
He is known as the pirate with the most pirate spirit, and now it is said that he is not like a pirate. This is the first time!
” It’s really not like that! We don’t have many pirates in the East China Sea, but judging from some rumors and news, shouldn’t the pirates be all vicious? ” Ah Jian said with a smile.
” Ah ~ so that’s how it is! Generally, the newspapers are really the kind of vicious, otherwise the navy will not arrest them! But the sea is very big, in addition to that kind of pirates, there are many others. I went out to sea for adventure! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” But … some pirates are also very cunning. They will pretend to be harmless to deceive others, and then carry out the robbery! ” Belmer stared at Reina and said
She used to be a navy, and she was a navy who participated in wars, and had seen all kinds of pirates, so she was very sure that the two in front of her were not simple.
If you treat the other party as a good person like Ah Jian, then you may suffer a big loss in the end.
” That’s right! Pirates are not engaged in production after all, and they will not generate income at all, so in order to obtain money, they often do whatever they can! ” Reina nodded and said in approval.
” Then what about you? Which one do you belong to? ” Belmer’s body was already tense, ready to fight at any time.
” Hahaha … don’t worry about me! If I want to rob you … you resist or don’t resist, it doesn’t mean much to me! ” Reina laughed when she saw Belmer and Ah Jian were both nervous said.
When Perona on the side saw this, she couldn’t help laughing, and said, ” Hehehehehe … if he wants to kill you … you don’t even know what happened and you die! ”
Belmer and Ah Jian glanced at each other, and then asked, “I haven’t asked your Excellency’s name … ? ”
” Reina! Benelli D. Reina! ” Reina said with a little pride.
He has been in the world of One Piece for so long, if nothing else, he still has a little reputation.
But when Reina reported her name, Perona saw confusion in the eyes of Belmer and Ajian, so the little ghost didn’t care that Reina would be angry, and lay on the ground with her stomach on her back and laughed.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha … ”
” They don’t know me … Are you happy? ” Reina asked Perona with a dark face.
” That … I ‘m sorry, we are a small place here, so …” Belmer was afraid that he and Ah Jian didn’t recognize each other, causing the other party to become angry, so he said quickly.
But Reina waved his hand and said, ” It doesn’t matter, I’m not a big man either. It’s normal that you don’t know each other! ”
In fact, when the other party didn’t even recognize the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, he guessed that the other party might not recognize his preparations.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … By the way … what are the big pirates you know? ” After laughing, Perona got up from the ground and asked curiously.
” The most famous pirate is, of course, the Pirate King Gold Roger ! The rest are some of the more famous pirates in our East China Sea! ” Ah Jian said after thinking about it.
” Don’t you know that One Piece is such a big pirate? ” Perona asked in surprise.
” Of course it doesn’t stop there, the famous big pirate has a white beard and so on! ” Ah Jian said with a smile.
” Oh? You actually know about the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Perona asked with a smirk.
” Okay! This topic is over, Mr. Ajian, please take me to buy some sailing supplies, preferably some oranges! ” Reina patted Perona’s head, and said to Ajian said.
” Okay, please come with me, I’ll take you there! ” Ah Jian said with a smile.
But just as they were walking towards the town, Bellemel thoughtfully looked back at the pirate flag hanging, and then his face slowly became ugly.

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