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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When returning to the Windmill Village, Reina told Perona to forget about today’s events, and don’t mention it to anyone, including Moonlight Moriah!
If you don’t have the ability to protect yourself because you know this, then this matter is a reminder, and the navy will never let it go.
Perona also knew the seriousness of the matter, so she reassured that she would not tell anyone.
The two returned to Makino’s tavern. At this time, there were still many naval soldiers drinking in the tavern. When they saw the two coming in, they didn’t have any special reaction.
The previous battle between Reina and Garp in the back mountain did not have any effect on this side, so these naval soldiers did not know that Reina came to Windmill Village.
“The guy just now … is he really the child of One Piece? ” Perona couldn’t help but ask after the two sat down.
” I said, you’d better forget what you saw and heard today, otherwise I don’t care if you cause trouble for yourself and Moonlight Moriah! At most, I’ll find a new partner! ” Reina Glancing at Perona, she replied.
” I know … I know! ” Perona shrank her head and replied with some fear.
She herself knows the seriousness of the matter, one Piece’s child! If this matter spreads out, the world will be shocked, right?
And he was adopted by a legendary hero of the navy. If there is speculation here, there are too many things that can be made up.
So without Reina telling anything, Perona also knows that this kind of thing cannot be passed on, otherwise the Navy will never let her go.
The two rested in Windmill Village for a day, and left directly the next morning.
Originally, Reina planned to go to the village where Zoro is located, but before he acted, he received news that the navy had selected several members of the Qiwuhai under the king.
So I could only give up and start returning with Perona.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … I really didn’t expect that Moria was actually selected for that Qiwuhai. Is this thing really useful? ” On the way back, Perona asked happily.
” You will know in the future whether this title is useful or not! ” Reina smiled and replied.
” But why are these people? Are they as powerful as Miriam-sama? ” Perona asked curiously after seeing the news Reina received.
” Don Quixote Doflamingo, Sand Crocodile , Moonlight Moria , Boya Hancock ! ”
This is what Reina received. The world government has already confirmed the four members of Wangxia Qiwuhai, and the other three places have not been confirmed.
” As powerful as Moria? No, except for Sha Crocodile, I estimate that the other two are not comparable to Moria! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” What? Ha ha ha ha ha ha … I knew that Moriah is the most powerful! ” Perona heard the words and said with a big smile.
Reina glanced at her and said: ” Because here … I guess he and Crocodile are the worst! The other two are not comparable to the two of them! ”
Perona’s laughter was interrupted, like a duck that was strangled by the neck, and the smug look was still hanging on her face and did not completely retreat.
” Bastard Reina … You must be doing it on purpose! ” Perona really wanted to kill Reina, but considering the difference in strength between the two sides, she could only say something.
After the two crossed the Upside Down Mountain again, they only stopped in Alabasta for a while, and then headed directly towards the Devil’s Delta Sea Area.
Originally, Reina planned to kidnap Perona, but the other party was very determined to Moria, so Reina had no choice but to send her back to the horror dhow.
” Ah ~ the air here is so comfortable to breathe! ” Perona seemed very happy as soon as she set foot on the horror dhow.
” Hahaha … Sure enough, Princess Mononoke is still suitable for this kind of place! ” Reina said with a smile when she saw Perona’s state.
” That’s of course … hehehehehe …” Perona said with a smile.
After getting along for this period of time, the relationship between the two is not bad. Originally, Reina thought Perona’s ability was very interesting, so he planned to bring the other party back to the Whitebeard Pirates.
But obviously he underestimated Perona’s feelings for Moria, even if it was Reina’s invitation, Perona directly refused.
” Hehehehehe … Lord Moria ~ I’m back! ” When Perona pushed open the gate of the castle, she began to shout loudly.
Compared with the last time, Reina saw a lot of stitched zombies on the horror dhow, which should be the masterpiece of Moriah and Hogbach.
” Hee hee hee … Your Excellency Reina, how is it? I have successfully become the King’s Seven Wuhai! ” After seeing Moria, the other party was very proud to show off to Reina.
His heart was full of disdain, but Reina still smiled and nodded, and said, ” If that’s the case, then our cooperation can continue! With the identity of the king’s Qiwuhai, we can be considered an equal relationship. , when there is any news, I hope we can communicate with each other! How? ”
” Of course, but … if I need your help from the Whitebeard Pirates … you won’t refuse? ” Moria asked with a squinting smile.
” Of course! This is necessary, otherwise why cooperate? Whether it is the intelligence or combat power you need, we can provide you with it, but there is only one point! That is, our cooperative relationship cannot be known, otherwise we will lose cooperation. Meaning! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Then what do I need to pay? ” Moria nodded, showing understanding,
” Intelligence! Information from the World Government and the Navy! You now have the identity of Shichibukai, so when you receive any information from the Navy and the World Government, you need to give us a copy! In addition, after your strength is sufficient, we will Cooperate with you to attack Kaido! ” Reina said directly: ” This is the reason and purpose of my cooperation with you! ”
” Hee hee hee … No problem! Then I wish us a happy cooperation! I have prepared a banquet for your Excellency … This way please! ” Moria laughed and made a gesture of invitation.
Reina did not refuse. Although most of the place were zombies, he was also a little tired from the continuous voyage, so he just took the opportunity to take a rest.
When the banquet was over, Moria quietly found Perona and asked her what Reina had done all the way.
After pondering for a while, Pero concealed the existence of Robin and Ace, and then told Moria.
” Just to go to the East China Sea? This is too strange, isn’t it? ” Moria said puzzled after thinking for a while.
” When I heard him talk to others before, it seemed that he was following a pirate named Shanks to the East China Sea! I didn’t expect to meet Garp, and received the news that Moria-sama became Shichibukai, so Just returned! ” Perona said with her head tilted.
” So that ‘s it … So is there anything else? ” Moria nodded and asked.
He knew the name of Shanks. In the new world, it was considered a big boss. Reina was tracking the other party. There must be something wrong. It was normal that Perona couldn’t inquire.
” That … that … he invited me to board the ship! ” Perona hesitated for a while, but she said it, and then quickly said: ” But I immediately refused, compared to the Whitebeard Pirates, I still I think Moria-sama is better! I will definitely work hard to make Moria-sama become One Piece! ”
” Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee he actually invited you on board, it seems that you really have potential! Perona, practice hard and stop playing with those dolls every day! ” Moria was not angry, but said rather proudly.
” Yes! Lord Moria! ” Pero was moved to tears. In her opinion, there is no one in this world who can compare to Moonlight Moria .
After Perona left, Moria fell into contemplation. He didn’t understand what Reina saw in Perona, and why did she invite Perona on board?
Perona didn’t understand the meaning of Reina’s invitation, but he understood that the Whitebeard Pirates now have the title of the world’s number one pirate group, both in terms of strength and reputation, they are truly the number one in the world.
Therefore, Reina’s invitation is a recognition of a person. If ordinary people receive such an invitation, it is already a glorious existence.
Meanwhile, Shanks had reached the Chambord Islands while Rayner was resting on the Dreadnought Dhow.
” Shanks … your arm … ? Did that bastard Reiner do it? ” Hades Rayleigh was shocked when he saw Shanks who was missing an arm, and immediately asked.
” Is this … ? It’s not! ” Shanks touched the empty sleeve tube and said with a smile: ” Mr. Rayleigh! This time I met an incredible child in the East China Sea, and he said what the captain said at the beginning. If so, do you know? I was really stunned at the time! That’s why I lost my arm carelessly! ”
” It wasn’t Reina who did it? ” Reilly was stunned for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully, and said, ” What kind of child is he who makes you willingly throw your arms in the East China Sea? ”
Shanks happily told the story of meeting Luffy, and said that he had given Luffy the hat given to him by the captain as a token of their agreement.
Hearing this, Rayleigh suddenly changed his face and asked, ” Have you met Rayner in the East China Sea? ”
” Reina? No! Maybe he and I have different goals at all! It won’t be so coincidental! ” Shanks said with a smile and waved his hand.
” Idiot, don’t forget his eyes! He made an agreement with you at the beginning, and we all thought it was strange at that time, why he suddenly fell in love with your hat, presumably because he saw the picture of you presenting the hat, That’s why that decision was made! You have to be careful, that guy … maybe he will come to the door at some time! ” Rayleigh said with a wry smile.
” Eh? Is that going to happen? ” Shanks was stunned, not expecting such a situation at all.
” Maybe as soon as you left, that bastard went there, and now … that kid is going to be bad! ” Reilly shook his head and said guessing.
” Probably not? He’s not the kind of guy who bullies children … but …” Shanks had a headache when he thought of how Reina snatched the hat from Luffy and then got it in front of him. I vaguely regret that I was too impulsive.
” Forget it, it’s already happened, and it’s pointless to think about it any more. Besides, you should have a good eye! Remember? That guy can only see the future of those who have the power to change the situation in the future, since he’s from you Seeing the child shows that the child is indeed unusual, otherwise he would not have to go there personally! ” Reilly smiled and comforted.

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