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” Bang! ”
Marco was punched to the ground by Reina again, but he stood up again soon, but at this time, even if he just stood there, it was already a little reluctant.
” Okay, you go to rest! It’s not good for your health to continue! ” Seeing the crumbling Marco, Reina shook his head and said.
Newgate, who was sitting at the helm and controlling the rudder, squinted at Marco and frowned slightly.
” Hu ~ hu ~ It ‘s not over yet! I can still continue! ” Marco shouted at Reina.
Reina shook his head, just about to say something, but suddenly saw a little blue flame rising from Marco, and then saw that his injuries were recovering quickly.
” Devil Fruit Powers? ” Reina called out, pretending to be surprised.
He knew that Marco was an ability person in the form of fauna , bird fruit , phantom beast, and phoenix, but he didn’t know that he had already obtained the fruit at this time, so the surprise he showed was not entirely fake.
Newgate, who was at the helm over there, also showed a surprised expression.
When he met Marco before, although he felt a weak force in his body, he was more pitiful for the child.
Marco, who had no parents, squatted on the street corner alone, looking a little yellow and thin because of hunger, so he went up to ask Marco if he would like to go with him, but he unexpectedly surprised him.
After the outbreak, Marco did not continue to attack Reina, but turned and left in a low manner.
” Hey, boy, why are you gone? Can’t you continue? ” Reina asked in confusion.
Marko pointed to the blue flame on his body and the body that had changed a little, and said slightly numbly: ” Aren’t you afraid of my appearance? They all say that I am a cursed child! ”
” Pfft hahaha … What nonsense are you talking about? Idiot, this is an ability called a devil fruit! Although it can be said to be a cursed power, that curse is only for you, don’t you realize that, Can’t you touch the sea water anymore? ” Reina was stunned, and then burst out laughing.
The corner of Newgate’s mouth is also slightly upturned over there. Devil fruit people, especially after children eat devil fruit by mistake, are indeed easy to be misunderstood by people who don’t know.
” Evil … Devil Fruit? ” Marco asked in surprise, ” Is it the same as your eyes? ”
” No, you’re not like me! ” Reina said, shaking her head.
Marco, who originally had the light of hope in his eyes, heard Reina’s answer, and the light in his eyes dimmed instantly.
” Of course mine is not the same as yours! My ability … is the ability that really comes from hell! And you are different, have you ever eaten a kind of fruit that looks very strange, but tastes bad? ” Lei The corner of Na’s mouth twitched slightly and said.
” It tastes bad … fruit? ” Marco was a little confused, but he seemed to think of something, and nodded immediately and said, ” Yes, once I was so hungry, I went to the coast to find things discarded by others in exchange for food. , and found a fruit that was washed ashore by the waves, and it was really hard to eat! ”
” Idiot, that’s the Devil Fruit! I just don’t know what your ability is, it seems to have something to do with flames. You can ask our captain about this. He is the ability of the superhuman type shock fruit. I’m not the same as you, I The ability comes from the bloodline! ” Reina said with a smile.
Marko was stunned for a moment and looked at Whitebeard at the helm, only to see Whitebeard gently nodding to Marko, indicating that it was indeed the case.
” I … I’m really not a devil? ” Marco said excitedly.
” If the demons are as weak as you, how can you manage hell? ” Reina pouted and said disdainfully.
” I’m not weak, my ability is very powerful, I can treat any injury! ” Hearing Reina’s words, Marco immediately retorted.
” Oh? A flame with healing power? I don’t seem to have heard of such a fruit! It doesn’t look like a natural type, is it a superhuman type? ” Reina pretended to guess.
” No, I guess it’s from the animal department! ” The white beard over there shook his head and suddenly interjected?
” Huh? Why did eldest brother say that? ” Reina asked in surprise.
Could it be that just by looking at Marco, who has not fully transformed, Whitebeard can know the ability of the other party? This is too exaggerated.
” Look carefully, when you use your ability, your body also changes. Although it doesn’t change completely, I guess it’s the reason why he can’t use it skillfully. This kind of change in the shape of the body itself is likely to be a zoology! ” Whitebeard Shaking his head, he said.
” Boy, try your best to stimulate your abilities! ” Hearing this, Reina said to Marko: ” Hit your attention and feel the changes in your body with your heart! ”
Marco heard the words, took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes.
Immediately afterwards, Marco’s body began to change, his hands became wings, his legs became some kind of bird’s claws, his head also became a bird’s head, and his whole body was burning with blue flames. , but this kind of flame does not have the burning characteristics of ordinary flames, which is very strange.
” Sure enough, it’s an animal type! But this flame … is it a phoenix? It’s not right! Although the phoenix does have the ability to defy the rock, it does not have this kind of healing ability! ” Reina touched his chin and pretended to guess.
” It’s a phoenix! Zoology , bird fruit , phoenix form, it belongs to the phantom beast species, a very precious fruit! ” The white beard over there is a well-informed powerhouse, and he broke Marr with a sigh. Fruit of the family.
” This … how did I become like this? ” Marko asked in horror, looking at his hands and feet.
” Okay, big brother, it’s your turn for the rest of the course, I’m not familiar with Devil Fruits like you! ” Reina smiled, ran over to take over the helm of Whitebeard, and asked him to explain to Marko.
The way Whitebeard explained it was very hard-core. He took out a Devil Fruit illustration book directly from the cabin, threw it to Marko to see for himself, and then left it alone.
” Big brother … Wouldn’t this be too casual? You must at least teach him how to use his abilities! ” Reina said to Newgate speechlessly, looking at the saucy Marco.
” There is no strong person taught by others, everything depends on yourself. When your kid first got on the ship, he was not as good as Marco. Now? They are already pirates with a reward of 30 million! Is there anyone? taught you? ” Newgate said, shaking his head.
” That’s right, but the effect of being taught and not being taught is still very different, at least you need to avoid a lot of detours! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Gu la la la … boy, are you an animal type or am I an animal type? Since we are neither, how can we teach him? The only thing that can teach him is physical skills and exercise, don’t you understand these ? ” Gait asked Lena squintingly.
” I understand, I understand … but …”
” Nothing is impossible … Are you the captain or am I the captain … ? ” Newgate said directly, learning from what Reina usually taught Marco.
Reina rolled his eyes, dropped the rudder and walked towards Marco. He suffered a loss in front of the old man, and naturally he wanted to find it in the young man.
” Marco … Isn’t your injury recovered? Keep exercising! ” Reina darkened and chose to continue to knead Marco.
Newgate sat at the helm with a smile on his face, watching Reina educate Marko while drinking wine, feeling that life is such a happiness.
A few days later, Marco gradually mastered his abilities. With the characteristics of the phoenix, he can now fight with Reina back and forth.
Of course, it is usually Marco who falls in the end. Although Reina has no armed color, the attack effect on Marco is not strong, but the current Marco’s ability to use is not familiar, so he can only passively use flame healing. The effect and Reina played a tug-of-war.
And Reina, who has the ability of the black emperor and the ability to write a wheel eye, can often lock the situation in a short time and beat Marco to the ground.
” No way! This kid is getting more and more proficient in mastering his own abilities. If I don’t master the armament, I will be very disadvantaged in a fight with him ! ” Section, Reina felt a deep sadness.
It is not a loss to be a big pirate who will be famous in the world in the future, his potential and talent are indeed powerful.
” Big brother … I want to learn the armament and knowledge! ” After the battle, Reina sent Marco to practice physical skills, but he found Whitebeard and asked him how to practice domineering.
” Cultivation of armed sex needs to rely on a strong body, and you can really start to practice now. Originally, I wanted to wait for your physical fitness to become stronger, and start training your armed sex and knowledge. After all, with your As far as writing rounds is concerned, it doesn’t matter if there is any experience in the battle! ” Newgate seemed to have known that Rayner would come to ask, and said directly.
” Big brother means that my body is not strong enough now, so it’s a bit reluctant to cultivate the armed color? ” Reina asked, taken aback.
” No, with your physical quality, you can really cultivate the armament color now, but … I still hope that you can hide and wait and make your body stronger before starting! ” Whitebeard said after thinking about it.
” I understand, thank you big brother! ” Reina nodded and said.
He already understood what Newgate meant. His physical fitness should have just reached the standard, so Newgate hoped that he would wait so that he would not hurt his body during training.
So in the next time, Reina left all his physical training aside for his work, and even Marco, who followed him for exercise, began to be overwhelmed.
” Idiot, don’t compare with him. He started practicing physical skills before you, and he has to eat one bite at a time. If you reluctantly follow him to train like this, you will only hurt your body! ” Finally, Newgate, who couldn’t stand it any longer, stopped him. So Marco continued to train with Reina.

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