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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Let me put it this way … Take Nami as an analogy. Back then, my father probably saw the tragedy of Cocosia Village from Nami! He saw the way the Aaron Pirates slaughtered humans! Then he only needs to take away his childhood. Nami, then Nami’s future has changed and she will never experience something like that again … but the village of Cocosia will still be destroyed because the fate of that village has not changed! ”
Robin still looked a little incomprehensible when he saw everyone. After thinking about it, he explained:
” Then what if my father, after seeing Nami’s future, came directly to Fishman Island to kill Aaron and his gang? Would this change the fate of Hokosia Village? Not necessarily! Because he doesn’t know why Aaron is going. Kekexia village murdered! Maybe someone led him there. If the guide is not found, then even if there is no Aaron Pirates, there will be other pirates! I explain it like this … Do you understand? ”
” In other words, what Mr. Reina can see is only a fragment, so he can’t change many things at all? ” Nami said after thinking for a while.
” No, it should be said that he can only try to keep as many people as possible without affecting the future! ” Robin said seriously after glancing at Nami.
” Then why do you say this ability is the ability from hell? ” Chopper asked again.
” Because the future can be changed … so it is also full of uncertainty, no one knows if what he does can really change the future! And … once he intervenes, he can’t see the outcome of the change. Now! ” Robin said with a smile: ” For example, my mother … her future has been changed … but because of my father’s early death! ”
” That’s really painful! I saw the ending and tried my best to change it, but it turned out to be even worse! ” Nami nodded and said in approval.
The rest of the people on the side were lost in thought. They were thinking, if they had such ability, what would they do?
” And this kind of eyes is really called from hell because of the way he opens his eyes and the way he is promoted …” Robin put away his smile and said, “You have to receive a strong stimulus before you can absorb enough energy. Advance! ”
” Stimulus? ” Everyone looked at Robin in confusion.
” Yes … the easiest thing is the death of a loved one! For example, Nami, are you willing to trade your dearest and favorite person for the chance to open your eyes? ” Robin nodded and asked.
Nami quickly shook her head and said, ” That won’t work, then I’d rather not have this ability! ”
” But you don’t have this ability, and you can’t protect your loved ones … What should you do? ” Robin continued to ask.
” This …” Nami was a little dumbfounded, this is just a little unexplainable!
” That’s why my father said that this is the ability from hell, because it needs to drink the blood of its relatives to grow! ” Robin said softly.
” Why do you want to have such an ability? Why don’t you exercise yourself and rely on your own body! ” Zoro said disdainfully.
” Yeah! So my father has been self-disciplined all year round since the day he went to sea. No matter what the reason, daily exercise is essential! ” Robin nodded and said.
” This is the mentality of a strong man! ” Zoro nodded in approval.
” My father never thought of himself as a strong man! ” Robin said with a smile: ” Because the kings of this world all have one thing in common … that is, they have the tyrannical domineering! ”
“The overlord is domineering? I remember he seems to have this ability, right? ” Sanji said after thinking about it.
When he was in the water capital, Reina once used the domineering arrogance of the overlord, and told them what this ability represented.
” Well, my father woke up very late, and according to what he said, it’s not a real overlord! ” Robin smiled, looked at Luffy and said, ” But our captains are different! I’m sure … he has such aptitude! ”
” Eh? Can you also see through the future? ” Luffy asked in confusion.
” No … because I found … you have used it before unconsciously! Remember when you resisted Dibalu’s mount just now, the cow suddenly seemed to be frightened and fainted? ” Robin’s mouth curled slightly and said.
Everyone was stunned for a moment. At the beginning, Sauron felt a little strange, but he didn’t think about it. Now after hearing Robin’s words, he suddenly realized.
” It’s the captain! ” Franky said with a thumbs-up towards Luffy.
” Ah? Really? Hahaha …” Luffy hadn’t figured out the situation at all. Anyway, everyone was praising him, so he was happy.
” Hmph ~ As our captain, at least you have to have such aptitude! ” Although Zoro said this, the smile on the corner of his mouth betrayed him.
” Sister Robin, now Luffy has the overlord color … Can we go to the new world? ” Nami immediately asked happily.
The rest of the people also looked at Robin. Although Luffy said that before, it was also the way to do it when there was no way. Now that Luffy has the overlord color, they should also be able to go to the new world with integrity.
After thinking about it, Robin nodded and said, ” Let’s go to the Chambord Islands first! There is an old friend of my father there, and see if I can ask him to teach Luffy how to use the overlord! ”
” Oh? There are still characters who can use the overlord color? Isn’t it said that all those who can use the overlord color are guys with the aptitude of the king? ” Sauron’s eyes lit up slightly and said.
” Hehe … that’s an old senior, very powerful! ” Robin nodded and said, ” Luffy might be very interested. ”
” Ah? Who is it? It’s actually interesting to Luffy? ” Nami asked curiously.
” You’ll know when we go, but I’d better ask my father first! If we can’t disturb him … we won’t go! ” Robin smiled and took out a special phone bug from his arms and said.
” Eh? This phone bug is so interesting! How is it different from the ordinary one? ” Luffy asked curiously when he saw the phone bug Robin took out.
” This phone bug is specially made by the doctor and has a super long-distance anti-eavesdropping function! ” Robin said and dialed the phone bug, but he couldn’t get through.
” What’s going on? ” Everyone looked at Robin, didn’t they say they could be contacted? Why is no one answering now?
Robin frowned slightly and said, ” Maybe my father has something else to do now, let’s go to the Chambord Islands first! ”
” But … we didn’t record the pointer, how did we get there? ” Nami asked suspiciously.
” Leave it to us! Kemi and I both know the way! ” Octopus Hachi, who was on the side, said with a smile.
” Then I’ll leave it to you! ” Robin originally planned to channel Xiao Chuan, but now that there are murlocs leading the way, there is no need to channel Xiao Chuan.
Soon, under the leadership of Xiao Ba, they soon came to the Chambord Islands,
After arriving in the Chambord Islands, they also learned why Rayner didn’t answer Robin’s phone.
” This … Robin’s father should be all right? ” Looking at the news in the newspaper, Usopp asked hesitantly.
” Yeah … it should be fine! He’s so powerful! ” Chopper hesitated and said.
Everyone looked at Robin with some worry, because the newspaper reported that there was a battle between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, and the current situation is still unknown.
Robin hesitated for a moment, but still took out Reina’s life paper.
When she saw that the life paper in her hand actually seemed to have been burned, and only less than half of the original was left, her expression changed greatly.
” What’s wrong? Sister Robin? ” Nami and the others asked immediately.
” This is my father’s life paper, which represents my father’s physical condition. The smaller the life paper, the worse the master’s physical condition. When the life paper completely disappears, the owner will die. ” Robin said with a serious look .
” Ah? So … isn’t Mr. Reina … is n’t … in danger? ” Nami asked anxiously.
” By the way, Luffy, when your brother left, he seemed to have left you a piece of paper like this, right? ” Sanji suddenly remembered that in Alabasta, Ace also gave Luffy a blank piece of paper like this. , but did not tell him how to use it.
” Yeah! ” Luffy took off the straw hat and took out the white paper from the chinstrap. It was Nami who was afraid that he would lose it and sewed it inside for him.
But when Luffy took out the life paper representing Ace, he found that Ace’s life paper became smaller than the one in Robin’s hand!
” This …” Everyone was quite surprised.
” This means that the entire Whitebeard Pirates are in danger, right? Otherwise, Reina and Captain Ace, who are the deputy captains, will not be injured at the same time! ” Zoro on the side said calmly: ” How is it? Are we going to change our destination now? ”
” No need! ” After thinking about it, Luffy shook his head and said, ” Ace has his own adventures, and with Uncle Reina there, I believe they will have no problem! ”
” Is it really okay? It’s just a detour, we don’t care! ” Sanji asked after taking a breath.
” It’s okay! Right? Robin! ” Luffy said with a smile.
Robin was stunned for a moment. After looking at Luffy, he nodded with a smile and replied, ” That’s right, it’s not the first time they have dealt with the navy, I believe there will be no problem! We also have ours. Adventure …”
Because Reina was not contacted, Robin did not dare to take his friends to find Rayleigh, but fortunately, Hachi said he knew a coater who could coat their boat.
However, when Xiao Ba brought them to Aunt Xia’s store, Robin was still stunned.
” Welcome … yo ~ is it Xiaoba? Hey ~ you guys are … little brother Monkey? ” Aunt Xia thought it was a guest at first, but after seeing Xiaoba and Luffy, she was stunned.
” Eh? You know me? ” Luffy asked curiously.
” Of course, you are a famous person? ” Aunt Xia said with a smile.
After chatting with Aunt Xia for a while, they realized that the coater, Aunt Xia’s husband, Rayleigh, was not here, but went out to play.
” Then we have to go find him! ” Luffy said excitedly.
Because Bubble Island has a lot of things he hasn’t seen, and an amusement park, Luffy has long wanted to go out and play.
” Ah ~~ But don’t look at the peace here, there are actually many dangers, so if you go out, you must be careful! Especially this lady mermaid! ” Aunt Xia said with a chuckle.
” Aunt Xia …” Robin hesitated and asked Aunt Xia, ” Do you know what happened to my father and the others? ”
Because Reina told Robin that Aunt Xia was a person specializing in selling intelligence, so she wanted to try it to see if Aunt Xia could know any news.
” Ah ~ So you already know! But it’s already in the newspapers, so it’s a matter of course for you to know about it! According to your father, you’re also very good at gathering intelligence? ” Aunt Xia said to Robin with a slight smile.
” Eh? Robin, do you know Aunt Xia? ” Luffy and the others asked in surprise.
” Well, I’ve been with my dad a few times, they’re old friends of my dad! ” said Robin, nodding.
From the chat just now, they already knew that Aunt Xia and Rayleigh were pirates before, but they didn’t know that they knew Reina.

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