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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Humph! Shiki, can you still stop our alliance? I advise you to hand over Nami, and then I promise not to interfere in your affairs with the Navy! ” Marko said to the Golden Lion while attacking.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … let the horse come over! You can see if I will be afraid! ” Golden Lion Shiji grabbed Nami with one hand and used the ability of the fruit to float, while fighting against the three of Marco.
” Air combat is not good for us, go down first! ” Seeing this, Garp lowered his height while pressing down on the golden lion.
Whether it’s Sanji or Marco, their goal is Nami, so although it’s a little uncomfortable now, they can only cooperate with Garp to suppress the golden lion.
At this time, Rogge Town, because of those beasts, has completely turned into a battlefield. In addition to the fall of the main floating island, the cadres of the Golden Lion Pirates also appeared in Rogge Town.
” Sir! What should I do now? ” Akainu’s adjutant asked Akainu, looking at the retreating navy.
Obviously, the navy of the East China Sea branch is completely unbearable. If it is replaced by the navy soldiers of the headquarters, even if they are defeated, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this!
Akainu easily dealt with the retreating navy, and shouted loudly: ” Anyone who retreats again will be executed! ”
Under the coercion of Akainu, the navy soldiers had to fight desperately with those monsters, so the rotten battlefield was strangely temporarily stabilized, but all of this was supported by the lives of the navy soldiers.
But soon, as the golden lion Shiki, Karp, Marco, Sanji and others slowly descended, it seemed that the scene started to get a little out of control again.
Because those monsters showed signs of going mad after seeing the golden lion, so the navy soldiers who were on the verge of collapse began to retreat continuously. Even Akainu’s words didn’t work here.
And it seems that because of Akainu’s high pressure, many navy soldiers are planning to start resisting.
When Garp over there saw this, he couldn’t feel at ease against Shiki. He wanted to rescue the soldiers and was entangled by Shiki, making him unable to escape.
But neither Sanji nor Marco meant to help Garp. They were originally pirates, and if it wasn’t to save Nami, they wouldn’t have joined forces with Garp at all.
” Captain! ” After seeing Shiji, Indigo and the others also approached Shiji. They fell from the sky and were injured.
” Show me our navigator! ” Seeing his own people, the golden lion can finally be fully released.
” Kapp, you give it to you here, and I’ll help you with the people over there, how about it? ” Seeing Shiji handing Nami to his subordinates, Marco was not in a hurry, except for Shiji, the golden lion. , he really didn’t put others in his eyes.
Although Garp didn’t want to agree, but now he can solve the problem, so he nodded and said, ” If your kid saves someone and runs away, don’t blame me for hitting Xuanyue Island! ”
Garp had to agree to Marco’s proposal. Akainu had consumed too much physical strength before, so it is not clear whether Garp can now. In short, he can’t rely on Akainu to calm the scene.
” Don’t worry, that guy will be handed over to me! ” Marko said with a chuckle, pointing at Indigo who had grabbed Nami.
On the other side, Sanji, who also landed in Rogge Town, had different choices from Marco. He brought down everyone who stood in his way, whether it was a navy or a monster, because the East China Sea was his hometown. So he will not allow these monsters to mess around.
And when he came down, he didn’t have much physical strength left, so he was separated from the Golden Lion and the others. What he has to do now is to find the Golden Lion Shiki or join up with Luffy and others who came over.
” Boom boom boom … ” Garp and the golden lion began to fight. Where the two fought, even the monsters did not dare to go past, and the navy dispersed early under Garp’s reminder.
” Wow ~~ what is this? ” Luffy, who had just landed on the island, was very surprised when he saw the strange-shaped monster in front of him.
” Now is not the time to talk about this. The town of Rogge is very chaotic at this time. Maybe Nami will be in danger. We must find Nami now! ” Robin said with a serious expression.
Although she seemed to have seen Marco in the form of a phoenix before, she wasn’t sure if it was, so she couldn’t rely on Marco, and could only trust Luffy and others.
It’s a pity that after talking about the battle plan for a long time, Luffy disappeared before it started to be implemented, and after a while, Zoro who was behind everyone was also lost. Thorpe and others were speechless to the extreme.
” Don’t worry about them. With their strength, there will be no problem. Let’s go to save Nami first! ” At this time, Robin has become the commander of the team.
And through her own abilities, she has found where Nami is, and sees that Marco is there.
Soon, the big melee in Rogge Town really started, and it seemed that there was fighting everywhere, especially the addition of the Straw Hats and the Nine Snake Pirates, which made the chaos escalate.
” My lord! It’s the Nine Snakes Pirates, the King’s Seven Martial Seas! Are they here to help? ” Akainu’s adjutant said in surprise immediately after seeing Hancock.
However, Akainu was not surprised at all.
” They’re not that kind! But I don’t care about them at this time, give me all the power to attack! ” Akainu narrowed his eyes and said softly.
” Yes! All-out attack! ” Akainu’s adjutant is naturally a representative of the hawks, so even if the navy soldiers were killed and injured countless times, they still shouted to attack.
” Ski! Your goal is impossible to achieve! Give it up! ” Garp, who was fighting with Ski, felt a little distressed. There were too many casualties among the navy soldiers. If you continue to fight, the navy in the East China Sea will really fight. empty.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Karp! How is it? My child is very good! If that guy Reina didn’t want to cooperate with me, we could create more powerful monsters! Don’t talk about Donghai, the whole world It’s all ours! But it’s enough now, I just tried the level of these children! Jie ha ha ha ha …” Golden Lion Shiki replied with a big laugh.
Indeed, the East China Sea is not his purpose. This time, he did not bring all the monsters at all. He brought only the monsters from the first phase. These monsters are his early test items, and their strength is not the strongest. big.
But Rogge Town in the East China Sea also has a special meaning for him. His biggest and only opponent and friend in his life, Roger the Pirate King was born and died here, so he wants to destroy it.

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