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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at Marco who was leaving, the corners of the golden lion’s mouth could not help cocking up, at least now Marco, who was the most threatening to him, was no longer there.
That’s right, Marco, who has the ability to fight in the air, is the biggest threat to the Golden Lion. Although Garp is stronger, he wants to leave, and Garp can’t stop it.
But if Marco is here, it can hold him back so that he can’t leave easily.
Just like what Indigo said, Rogge Town is just an appetizer, and it is also the first part of the Golden Lion Project. Although the completion is not so perfect, at present, the entire Rogge Town is almost finished.
When the navy cleaned up all those monsters, Rogge Town was not much different from the ruins.
So now the momentum of the golden lion to do is to retreat.
However, he originally wanted to take Nami with him, but since he had already agreed to Marco, he was not ready to go back. Anyway, he played tricks on Nami and could find her at any time. As long as today is over, he will go again. When looking for Nami, Marco couldn’t say anything even if he knew.
After all, the Golden Lion did what he promised. As for Nami’s captain who couldn’t take his crew, it had nothing to do with him.
After Marco left, the Golden Lion stood in the middle, the Straw Hats were on one side, and the Navy was on the other.
” Luffy, what should I do now? ” Sanji asked Luffy on the side.
In the current situation, in fact, the best arrangement is for them to retreat. After all, Nami has also been rescued, and the Golden Lion obviously can’t do anything more, because with Garp and Akainu, Golden Lion alone can’t beat the Navy two. personal.
But Sanji also knew that Garp was Luffy’s grandfather, so he asked.
” Grandpa … if it’s all right, I’m leaving! My adventure is not over yet! ” Luffy took a deep breath and shouted directly at Garp opposite.
” Grandpa … Grandpa? ” Most of the navies here are from the East China Sea, so they were all surprised to hear Straw Hat Luffy calling out to Grandpa Garp.
Even the golden lion was very surprised.
” Want to go? As a navy, I can’t let the pirates who appeared in front of me escape! Especially you Nico Robin! No, you should be called Bellini D. Robin ! ” Akainu I don’t want to let these pirates go.
Although there is Garp’s grandson in it, Robin is also here. The Navy has long wanted to catch the people around Reina and lead him out.
It’s a pity that the plan to use Zefa failed last time, but this time, as long as you catch Robin, then you won’t be afraid that Reina won’t come!
And if you catch Reina, you can use him again to lead the entire Whitebeard Pirates out.
The navy has developed quite rapidly recently, and it is time to enter the new world, but each of the four emperors in the new world is easy to get along with. As long as the navy dares to enter, the four pirate groups of them will definitely form a group. Even if they are stronger than the navy, they will definitely To suffer.
And Garp over there, although he knew that Akainu said this on purpose, so that he could also take action against the Straw Hats.
But as a navy, he really had no reason to refuse, so he remained silent and did not speak.
” Bellini? ” Golden Lion was taken aback, he seemed to have heard the name somewhere.
Suddenly he remembered, isn’t Reina’s full name Bellini D. Reina? And he did tell himself that he had a daughter.
There were only two women in the Straw Hats, and one was Nami, the navigator he liked, so Bellini D. Robin could only be the other.
” Jie ha ha ha ha …” The golden lion suddenly laughed.
He knew why Reina was always protecting this rookie pirate group. The last time he went to catch Nami, he had a conflict with Reina, and that was the reason.
Yes, in the eyes of the Golden Lion, even if there is a title like Supernova, the Straw Hats can only be regarded as newcomers in his eyes.
” Bellini D. Robin? Rainer’s daughter? ” asked the golden lion, looking carefully at Robin.
Robin stepped forward, nodded and said, ” That’s right! It’s me! ”
” Jie ha ha ha ha … It seems that God still treats me well! Not only did I meet the navigator here, but also you! Jie ha ha ha ha ha … ! ” The golden lion said with a big smile.
Although everyone didn’t understand what the Golden Lion wanted to do, they knew very well that the Golden Lion was targeting Robin again.
” Hey! Golden Lion, Robin and Nami are all my partners! ” Luffy stepped forward, blocked Robin, and said seriously.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Don’t worry! I promised Marco that I won’t touch Nami today, so I definitely won’t touch this little girl! But … I will find you one day! So scumbags, Hurry up and run away! It’s better to hide well, otherwise … you will be caught by me! Jie hahahaha …” The golden lion laughed wildly and arrogantly, but he was indeed qualified to say such words.
” Bastard! ” Luffy was about to step forward with his arms in his arms. He must teach the cockscomb head in front of him, and let him know that he, Monkey D. Luffy, is not easy to mess with.
But before Luffy stepped forward, he was caught by Robin, shook his head at him, and said, ” Luffy, now is not the time to do it, the navy is watching, if we do it first, we will do it on the side. Against the golden lion, and against the navy! ”
After Luffy heard the words, after thinking for a while, he looked at Garp who had been silent over there, and shouted loudly: ” Grandpa, leave the golden lion to me, but you can’t do anything to my companions, how about you? ”
” Wow hahaha … It’s not bad that he is an old grandson and has courage, but you can’t deal with the golden lion! ” Garp laughed and replied.
He also indirectly helped Luffy, after all, the golden lion is really not that easy to deal with.
” Mr. Garp! The pirates are on the opposite side! ” Akainu said with a sullen face.
Obviously, he understood what Karp meant. The Golden Lions didn’t need the Straw Hats to fight, the navy could.
So what are the Straw Hats doing idle at this time? Of course he ran away! Or stay and watch the fun? That’s why Akainu said that.
“The opposite … is the old grandson! ” Garp glanced at Akainu and replied bluntly.
Just like that, the choked Akainu almost couldn’t get up in one breath.
” Only for Nicole Robin ! Mr. Garp should also know who she is, right? If he catches him, then the plan of the Warring States Marshal can continue! ” Akainu held back for a while before speaking.
He has already given Garp a lot of face, only targeting Robin alone, not the Straw Hats.
But with Garp’s understanding of his grandson, Luffy would never agree to use his partner’s life in exchange for a chance to escape, and maybe this kid doesn’t understand the current situation at all.

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