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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Luffy, are you alright! ” When Sanji and Hancock rushed to the side of the boat with the reduced Luffy, everyone greeted them.
” It’s okay, it’s just that I’m a little out of strength now, and I can’t exert any strength at all! ” Luffy shook his head and replied with a smile on his face.
” Boom boom ~~”
Luffy’s words fell silent, and there were bursts of explosions not far behind them.
Hearing the explosion, the smile on Luffy’s face disappeared.
” Get on the boat, get ready to sail, and I’ll pick up Chlorella! ” Sanji threw the smaller Luffy to Nami, then turned around and ran back.
Seeing that Luffy who became smaller was carried by Nami and ran to the boat, Hancock’s heart was about to jump out beside him. What if he was injured? And why is Luffy with you, shouldn’t it be in the arms of her new wife?
But before Hancock’s resentment erupted, she was taken to the boat by the soldiers of the Nine Snakes, because the explosion behind her was getting closer and closer, and it was obvious that the war was about to spread here.
Sure enough, just after they boarded the ship, an explosion sounded, Zoro appeared on the coastline with scars all over his body, and behind him was the equally embarrassed Sanji.
” Sauron, Sanji! Come here! ” Seeing the two appear, the partners immediately shouted loudly.
But right behind them, Akainu’s pursuit also arrived.
” Slaying – Assault Meteor Swarm! ” The first to attack Akainu was Usopp, who was a sniper. As a sniper, he was the only one with long-range attack power.
As Usopp’s new slingshot shot, huge plants with man-eating patterns appeared one after another, biting at the chasing Akainu.
” Humph! You can’t escape, straw hat boy … accept your life! ” Akainu punched, and countless magma directly swallowed up the plants that Usopp ejected.
” Oops! ” Brooke and Franky shot at the same time, and asked Chopper to save Zoro and Sanji on board.
It’s a pity that the two are still not Akainu’s opponents, but just when Akainu was about to attack the two, Hancock kicked it, which interrupted Akainu’s attack.
” Boya Hancock! Are you planning to lose the identity of the king’s lower Qiwuhai ? ” Akainu stopped, looked at the other party, and said softly.
He has already caught up with the Straw Hats, and now he is not afraid of them running away, so he is not in a hurry.
In the face of Akainu’s questioning, Hancock hesitated for a while. She was not afraid of Akainu, but without the shock of the World Government, their daughter island would once again become a place frequented by human traffickers, so she hesitated. Because I don’t want to implicate Amazon Lily because of my impulse .
She is not only Boya Hancock, but also the king of the nine snakes !
But let her just watch Akainu attack Luffy like this, she absolutely couldn’t do it, so the scene froze there for a while.
However, when she confronted Akainu, the Nine Snake Pirates over there had already set sail, and the crew on the ship would definitely not agree, but Nami told them that Hancock would only be real after they left. safe and sound.
Because Hancock, who is the king of Qiwuhai, is obviously not the target of the navy.
Originally, it was impossible for them to agree, but after Robin spoke, even if they didn’t want to agree, they knew that Nami didn’t deceive them, so they had to sail slowly and plan to leave first.
Only after they all left, the Empress Hancock could get away.
However, Akainu obviously didn’t intend to let anyone go, so with a big wave of his hand, the navy continued to fire at the Nine Snakes’ pirate ship.
” Akainu, how dare you attack my pirate ship? ” Hancock was shocked and angry, she didn’t expect that Akainu would actually attack her pirate ship.
You must know that she is still under the king’s Qiwuhai, an organization under the name of the World Government, the same as their navy.
” If you dare to stop me, I will destroy you today! It’s just a mere Qiwuhai, it’s not that you have to! ” Akainu looked at Hancock and said solemnly.
Hancock understood what Akainu meant, so when Akainu was about to start, she directly blocked Akainu.
” Boya Hancock, are you sure you’ve figured it out? If you step aside now, I can pretend that nothing happened! If you’re obsessed, then don’t blame me! ” Akainu said calmly.
” Who do you think you are? Red Dog, the concubine is the Queen of the Nine Snakes. If you can’t even protect your own people, what else are you talking about? ” Hancock said equally calmly.
It’s just that when she spoke, her aura also began to increase. When her aura reached its peak, a domineering arrogance radiated from her body, which directly stunned a large part of the surrounding navy.
“The overlord is domineering! It’s not a shame to be the empress, but that’s all! Since you are courting death, how can I not fulfill you? Burning river , big fire! ” After saying that, Akainu was punching, red magma. Formed a huge dog head and went straight to Hancock.
But just when Hancock was about to resist, he found that the magma dog head passed her directly and killed it in the direction of the pirate ship.
” Oops! ” Hancock understood that she was deceived by Akainu, and Akainu’s goal from beginning to end was just the pirate ship.
” roar ~”
A monster’s roar sounded, and Chopper directly transformed into a monster form, but unlike before, he still maintained his rationality at this time, so after blocking a wave of Akainu’s attacks with his own body, the whole person was stunned. Was beaten and fell into the sea.
However, the blessing of dragging him finally kept the pirate ship.
” Sanji! ” When Nami saw Chopper fall into the sea, she immediately shouted at Sanji.
But even without Nami’s orders, Sanji had already dived towards the place where Chopper fell.
But when he picked up Chopper from the sea, he found that the pirate ship was slowly sinking.
” What’s the matter? ” Sanji asked Nami in a deep voice, putting aside Chopper who had already passed out.
” The magma just now … there is still a part of the pirate ship that hit, we are sinking, in this state … we can’t escape the pursuit of the navy at all! ” Nami replied bitterly.
At this time, there are already naval warships approaching them. If nothing else, the warships of these branches are not the opponents of the Nine Snake Pirates at all, because their power relies on two huge pythons.
But now that the pirate ship has problems, they are unable to escape at all.
” Get ready for the battle! The reunion after two years … Everyone, show your true skills! ” Zoro said softly while preparing for the battle.
” Hehehe … It seems that everyone is full of energy! Then I can’t admit defeat! ” Brook also stood up and said with a smile.

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