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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” I knew you would come, and I didn’t have to go to Rogue Town on purpose! ”
On the way back, Reina naturally told Marco about Rogue Town.
” Hahaha … It’s a pity you’re not here, or maybe Akainu can leave something as a souvenir! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Now is not the time for us to fight the navy! ” Marco said with a smile: ” Is there any news from Daddy? ”
” When we came out, my father was still on Xuanyue Island, and he didn’t seem to have any plans to go to sea. Now … I really can’t tell! ” Ace replied while eating oranges.
” Hey … the sea won’t be quiet anymore! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
” Oh? Because of the golden lion? ” Marco asked curiously.
” He’s just one aspect. What happened in Rogge Town this time is definitely not the whole plan of the Golden Lion. He must have a backer, but he was disrupted by Luffy and the others! Also, don’t underestimate Luffy. Guy … don’t you think? He’s very similar to Roger back then! He’s just like a shit stick, this sea … is destined to not calm down! ” Reina sighed.
Sure enough, when they returned to Xuanyue Island, they found that the Moby Dick was long gone.
Except for Frank, the rest of the captains on the island are not there, only the doctor is still in the laboratory and doesn’t know what to do.
” I heard from the doctor that the renovation of Xuanyue Island seems to be completed, and we can walk around by then! ” Frank said with a smile.
” Is it finally going to be completed? ” Reina and the others let out a long sigh of relief when they heard the news. In fact, this renovation project is like a gold swallowing beast. Funds from Xuanyue Island were basically taken away. Even the treasures they get every time they go to sea are filled in.
So when the renovation project is over, they finally don’t have to go out to fight pirates from time to time. During this time, their Whitebeard Pirates are more diligent than the navy and bounty hunters, and they have caught a lot of bounty criminals.
Yes, the biggest income of the Whitebeard Pirates is not digging treasures or robbery, but catching pirates!
This is to say that no one will believe it. You must know that there are many islands under Whitebeard, and the protection fee is a large amount of income, but Whitebeard does not like this, so the so-called protection fee is only a symbolic charge. A little bit, this is a special case among the Four Emperor Pirates.
” Did Big Brother not say where he went? The new world has not been peaceful recently! ” Reina asked Frank.
” No, Dad just said he’s been on the island for too long and wants to go out! ” Frank shook his head and replied.
If it wasn’t for the problem with Reina’s eyes before, Whitebeard would have gone to sea long ago, so Reina is not surprised.
” Where’s that old fellow Zefa? Still on the island? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
” Here! Binz and Ain are with him, and they have a good life every day, and Senor’s wife has woken up! ” Frank hesitated and said.
” Oh? That’s a good thing! Is that guy clamoring to go to sea? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” That’s not true, but his wife seems to have driven him out and sleeps outside the door every day! ” Frank said speechlessly.
How Seniol took care of his wife during this time is everyone’s eyes, so many people are dissatisfied with his wife’s actions, including Frank.
However, Senor himself enjoyed it. He fell asleep outside the door every day and never went anywhere. Even if Frank rearranged the house for him, he would not go.
” Let’s go and have a look! ” Reina became interested and led Frank towards Senor’s house.
As for Ace and Marco, they went home directly after going to the island, and only Reina listened to Frank’s report.
It didn’t take long for the two to come to Senor’s house, only to see Senor sitting outside the house alone, as if he was talking to the room.
” Yo ~ Senor! What are you doing? Moved? ” Reina asked in a sarcastic manner.
” Mr. Reina? ” When Senor saw Reina, he immediately bounced off the ground in surprise and said happily: ” Mr. Reina, Lucian is awake, she is really awake! Yes! Come on, come and see if she has any problems, why can’t she get out of bed and walk! ”
” Don’t worry, I’ll take a look first! ” Reina waved his hand, indicating that Senor should not worry.
However, Senor might not be in a hurry, so he gathered around Reina and kept talking about Lucian’s state and affairs during this time.
” Okay, Mr. Senor! I have to let me see Lucian’s physical condition before I can tell you! ” Reina replied helplessly.
He could understand the other party’s excitement, but such a non-stop talk made him a little funny.
” Sorry, I was in a hurry! ” Senor said embarrassedly.
Reina smiled and shook his head, knocked on the door, and said, ” Is it Lucian? I’m Reina, your attending doctor! Is it convenient for me to come in? ”
” Please come in! ” The answer was not Lucian herself, but an aunt who had been taking care of her.
” Deputy Captain, you’re back? Although Lucian woke up, it seemed that there was something wrong with her words, and her body was constantly moving, so she couldn’t move at all! ” After opening the door, the aunt who took care of Lucian immediately sent Lucian’s Said the situation again.
” Okay, there’s no problem! I’ll take a look first! ” Meng Yi gave Lucian a general check, and then asked Lucian, ” Can you speak? For example, the pronunciation of ah ~~ is there. Problem? ”
” Yes, yes ! Last time she scolded me and made a very loud voice! ” Before Lucian could speak, Senor who was outside the door answered first!
” Mr. Senor, from now on, don’t talk or make a sound. Now I’m checking Lucian, not you! Can you? ” Reina turned his head and said to Senor seriously. Er said.
” Sorry! ” Senor covered his mouth with his hand, indicating that he was not speaking.
” Okay, so realistically, can you try pronunciation? Ah ~~” Reina guided.
” Ah ~~” After hesitating for a while, Lucian said.
” Very good! There is no problem with the pronunciation, then follow me now … you ~~” Reina nodded and continued to guide.
” Li ~” Lucian said in a low voice, but when he realized that his pronunciation was wrong, he stopped immediately!
” Okay, I feel like I’ve found the reason, Lucian, didn’t you say anything after you realized that your pronunciation was wrong? ” Reina asked with a smile.
Lucian nodded embarrassedly, but not too much.

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