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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Entering the Tower of Trials for the second time and choosing to continue fighting, Reina broke through to the thirtieth floor in one breath.
” Congratulations on your acquisition: 200,000 skill experience ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Mount Fragment *2 ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Skill Book! ”
” Congratulations on getting: 100,000 points ! ”
“The reward has been stored in the storage box and can be withdrawn at any time! ”
After getting the reward directly, Reina used the random skill book.
” You have acquired an E -level skill: Three Body Art! ”
Reina, who was just about to exit the Tower of Trials, was stunned.
” Three body art? Isn’t it the one I thought? ” Reina quickly opened his backpack and learned the skills of the three body art, and soon there was a memory in his brain, it was the three body of ninjutsu technique.
Although the three-body technique is the foundation of ninjutsu, it is also the lowest level E -level ninjutsu, but it has the title of basic magic.
Sanshenjutsu is not a kind of ninjutsu, but the collective name of the three basic ninjutsu, namely ” transfiguration “, ” clone ” and ” substitute ” three kinds of ninjutsu.
After gaining the memory of using the three basic ninjutsu, Reina took a deep breath, and then quickly sealed ” Mi-Mi-Tora ” ” Drink! ”
” Boom! ”
With the end of Reina’s seal, a puff of smoke appeared, and a person exactly like him appeared beside Reina, but it seemed that the clone was a little sluggish. If you look closely, you can still find that it is different from the main body.
But even so, Reina is quite satisfied. As long as he improves his seal speed, this move can play an unexpected role in battle.
After practicing the three-body technique a little, Reina directly exited the tower of trials. Now is not the time to break through the tower, but to fight the navy.
” Welcome back, my friend! ” When Rayner appeared in the hall again, the golden lion Shikey smiled and welcomed him.
” Can you bring me some food now? ” Reina said with a smile.
After he came back just now, he took a bath and came to the hall, but he didn’t eat anything, so he was a little hungry at this time.
” So is it done? ” Skee asked, smoking a cigar.
” Of course! Now we can leave at any time! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Don’t worry, although my side is completely fine, but you should adjust yourself to the best condition first! This way we have a better chance of winning! ” Shi Ke waved his hand and asked Reina to bring it. food, he said with a chuckle.
” Of course! But this thing … we can do it on the road! And in order to have a better chance of winning, I specially learned a little skill to come back! Transformation! ” Reina directly sealed the seal, and then transformed himself into a Appearance of a golden lion.
” You are …” The golden lion was a little surprised, turned around Reina, and said, ” How did you do it? ”
” It’s just a little trick, clone technique! ” Reina, who turned into a golden lion, used the clone technique again to create a golden lion, and then changed back to his own appearance!
” Are you going to … let him replace me? ” Golden Lion immediately understood what Reina meant and said.
” Well, I can control him, but he can’t be attacked, not even aura suppression, or he will disappear, so it can only be regarded as a gadget! But it can also delay us a little time! ” Reina chuckled lightly said.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … I understand, just let him stand on the floating island at that time! Leave it to Indigo and let him protect it, so that it will be safe! ” I wanted to take a picture of the dumb one. himself, but after hearing Reina’s words, the golden lion had no choice but to withdraw his hand, otherwise who would be killed if he accidentally shot him?
Soon the floating island began to move towards the naval headquarters, and with the movement of the floating island, the navy also began to implement its own operations.
” It seems that the navy is really afraid that we won’t be fooled! They sent two generals directly! ” Looking at the information, Aokiji and Akainu left the naval headquarters one after another, Reina said with a chuckle.
” It can only be said that we are understaffed, otherwise, let Newgate and the others hold Aokiji and Akainu, and the Naval Headquarters will definitely bear the heavy losses that they cannot bear! Jie ha ha ha ha ha …” Golden Lion said with a big smile.
To be honest, Reina was actually a little moved. The Whitebeard Pirates and the Golden Lion joined forces. Taking this opportunity, they would definitely give the Navy a slap in the face.
But neither he nor Whitebeard’s purpose is the navy, they have no ambition to be king, they just want to take risks on the sea freely.
If it wasn’t for Rayner’s feud with Magellan this time, he wouldn’t have gotten involved.
” Everything … is ready! ” Golden Lion and Warring States, although in different places, said the same thing.
Half an hour later, the floating island came to the sky above Marine Fando, the naval headquarters, and then several small islands floating around the largest floating island fell directly from the sky and fell towards Marine Fando.
” Sure enough! ” Warring States said, squinting as he looked at the island that had fallen from the sky.
” Then let’s start! ” Lieutenant General Crane gave an order, and the artillery fire that had been prepared for a long time directly covered the small floating island that had fallen.
” Boom boom boom …”
” It seems that the navy is really prepared! But this … it’s not enough! Children … it’s time for you to come out! ” Standing on the main island, Indigo, who was slowly descending, smiled strangely. said.
” Roar ~~~”
” Roar ~~~”
On the main island, more than 5,000 huge monsters roared.
These monsters are bigger and more ferocious than the ones that appeared in Rogue Town at that time! The blood-red eyes and the isolated equipment are all telling that even Indigo and Golden Lion cannot control them.
” Boom ~~” When the main island landed at the port of Marin Vando, the small floating island used as a cover had been completely smashed to pieces.
It was only the appearance of the next roaring monster army, which changed the expressions of Sengoku and Lieutenant General Crane.
Although they were well prepared, they were still shocked when the monster army appeared.
” Then it’s time for us to go too! ” Behind the floating island, Reina and the Golden Lion climbed directly onto the back of the hard shell, and then a bubble covered its back.
If you walk from the bottom of the sea, the possibility of being discovered is quite small. This is also the plan of Reina and the Golden Lion. Marin Fando handed it over to Indigo and the false Golden Lion, and they turned around to attack the advancing city.
” Golden Lion … Shiki! You lunatic! ” Warring States gritted his teeth as he looked at Marin Fando, who had turned into a battlefield in an instant.
“The golden lion has not yet shot, take advantage of this time to destroy all the monsters! ” The Warring States immediately issued an order.
But those monsters didn’t gather together at all, except for the generals and the elite navy, the rest of the navy was no match for those monsters at all.
” Master Marshal, let me do the trick! ” The yellow monkey on the side couldn’t stand it any longer, and he stepped forward and said.
” Don’t worry, when Kuzan and Sakaski come back, you will kill the Golden Lion in one fell swoop! ” Sengoku replied calmly.
” Okay! ” Kizaru shrugged and replied.
It is also because of the wrong order of the Warring States period that Kizaru failed to kill those monsters in a large area in the first time, giving them a chance to disperse.
In less than ten minutes, the entire battlefield had already covered the entire Marin Vando.
You must know that at the beginning, whether it was the Warring States Period or Lieutenant General Crane, they only planned to place the battlefield in the Marin Vando Square.
” Damn it, how long will it take for Kuzan and Sakaski to come back? ” Sengoku couldn’t help but ask as he watched the spread of the Warring States.
” Master Marshal, the two generals are already on their way back! ” The messenger wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied.
” Polusalino, can’t wait any longer, you take action to get rid of those monsters! I’ll watch him over the Golden Lion! What is that bastard Karp doing now? ” Sengoku immediately turned his head and said.
” Oh , it ‘s really troublesome! There are so many monsters, it’s terrifying! ” Kizaru said, the whole person turned into a light, and flew towards a monster not far away.
” Back to the marshal, Mr. Garp is on his way, he was sleeping before! ” The messenger didn’t know how to answer.
When they found Karp, the other party was sound asleep, and the house next to him was flattened, and he didn’t feel at all.
On the other side, the Golden Lion and Reina, who had secretly arrived at the outskirts of the advancing city, were discussing how to start the attack.
” Go in directly? Or rely on your magical transformation ability? ” The golden lion looked at the advancing city in front of him and asked with a light smile.
” Although I really want to break through from the inside … but … don’t you think it’s more fun to attack from the front … don’t you think it’s better ? ” Reina said with a wicked smile.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Then what are you waiting for? ” said the golden lion with a big laugh.
” Boom boom boom …” With the appearance of the two, the golden lion directly controlled the naval warship that was parked outside the advancing city and smashed directly towards the advancing city.
” Okay, let’s go to the next warship! Jie ha ha ha ha … what a pleasant day! ” The golden lion’s ability needs to be touched to control it, so the hard shell took him and Reina, and was approaching quickly. a warship.
” What’s going on? What’s going on outside? ” Magellan, who was pushing to the toilet inside the city, ran out with his pants up!
” My lord, someone is attacking the advance city! ” The jailer reported with an incredible look on his face.
Because of this kind of thing, so far, he feels a little unbelievable, but there is news from outside that someone is indeed attacking the advance city.
” Attack and advance the city? ” Magellan was stunned, and had a very bad premonition in his heart.
For so many years, only one person can do such a thing.
” Red pupil Rayner? ” Magellan asked through gritted teeth .
” It doesn’t seem to be, according to the information from outside … It seems to be a big pirate … Golden Lion Shiki! ” The jailer shook his head and replied.
” What? Golden Lion Shiki? Isn’t he attacking Malinfan? Is it possible to advance the city? Contact the naval headquarters immediately and ask about the situation over there! In addition, immediately notify the warden, and all the rest will come with me to defend against the intruders. Enemy! ” Magellan was a little confused about the situation at this time, but no matter what, he had to figure out how to play fast.

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