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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at the F -level skill upgrade volume in the inventory, Reina hesitated for a while, and then used it on the music, changing the music from F -level to E -level.
The next morning, Reina started work early. In order to prevent the time from being delayed by anything today, he planned to not go anywhere until the work was completed.
But at noon, Dr. Sière found Reina with a worried look on his face, and told him that Olga hadn’t come back since she went out yesterday.
Although she was a little naughty, Olga knew the right balance. Usually, she went out early in the morning and came back at night. If she didn’t come back, she would call Dr. Sière or Reina on the phone.
Last night, Olga informed Dr. Sière that there was a fireworks show in the city last night, and she would come back this morning, but it was noon and she had not come back.
That’s why Dr. Sière finds Reina with a worried look, and hopes that he will take a look!
Reina looked at Dr. Sière with an embarrassed expression. Although it was only noon, if he went out now, Reina could guarantee that his working hours today would definitely be in vain.
But if you don’t go, it’s really … not very easy to explain for Dr. Ahsie .
So Reina thought for a while, then gritted her teeth and said: ” Doctor, Olga won’t be so easy to get into trouble, I still need to work for more than three hours now, and when my work is finished, if Olga hasn’t come back, I will immediately Go find it, what do you think?
Of course, if you’re worried, then I can quit work and go now! ”
Seeing the distressed look on Reina’s face, ah, although Xie was a little puzzled, she nodded and agreed when she saw Reina’s appearance.
So in the afternoon, Dr. Ah Sière had no intention of doing scientific research at all, so he waited with a phone bug on the edge of the sky island.
Finally, after Reina’s work time was up, he immediately found Dr. Ahsie and let him descend to the sky island, and he went to find Olga.
” I’m giving you trouble! ” Dr. Ahsie said apologetically.
” No, I’m embarrassed. I’m very sorry for not being able to look for Olga in the first place! ” Reina didn’t go out in the pirate ship, the water lizard Chabes was running a short distance, more than the sea. The pirate ship was much faster, so Reina took Chabes directly and ran towards the island.
Soon, when Reina arrived on the island, he went to several places where Olga often went, but did not see Olga’s figure. Reina even asked some familiar residents, such as the owner of the tavern. Wait, they all said they hadn’t seen Olga today, and as for last night’s fireworks display, they still saw her.
” Are you sure there are pirates leaving behind Olga? ” When she came out of the tavern, the beggar on the side of the road told Reina that when Olga left in the morning, a group of pirates followed her.
” Yes, I can’t read it wrong. Miss Olga gave me something to eat last time, so I always remember it. ” The little beggar said affirmatively.
Reina didn’t question why the other party didn’t follow, he was just a beggar, and it was very good to be able to do this!
” Thanks, help me pay more attention in the future! ” Reina took out a few Baileys and handed them to the little beggar, thanking him.
The little beggar hesitated for a while, but still took Reina’s Bailey, nodded and said, “The group of pirates probably went out to sea at noon. As for whether Miss Olga was on the pirate ship, I don’t know, but they should Going to the next island according to the record pointer, I watched them leave! ”
Reina nodded, and after asking about the style of the pirate flag, he thanked the little beggar again, then came to the coast to find Chabes, and headed directly towards the next island.
They stayed here for a long time, so some basic information had already been figured out.
” Doctor, I have learned some information about Olga. She should have gone to the next island. I am going over here now, and you are waiting on the empty island. If Olga comes back, you are here. Wait for me! ” On the way out, Reina explained the situation to Dr. Sière, which was considered to reassure Dr. Sière first.
” Okay, take care of your own safety! ” Ah Siepos didn’t ask much, she knew that although Olga was naughty, she was not someone who didn’t know how to behave, and it was impossible to go to the next island without notifying them for no reason.
But out of trust in Reina, he didn’t ask more.
Ride on Chabes and follow the direction of the injury record pointer, all the way to the next island.
In terms of short-distance running, water lizards have more advantages, but for long-distance running, water lizards are not as good as boats, even if they are just ordinary pirate ships, because water lizards are creatures and need to rest, they will also be tired.
Now the gap between Reina and the other party is almost four hours. With Chabes’ speed, he should not be able to catch up within today.
Sure enough, in the evening, Chabes had slowed down due to excessive physical exertion, and Reina knew that he could not rush, so he had to stop Chabes to rest and give it some food.
After eating the food, Chabes began to continue on his way, but not as fast as before.
But it didn’t take long for Chabes to roar later and suddenly speed up. Reina was shocked, knowing that Chabes must have found something.
After a while, Chabes roared again, this time Reina heard a faint roar in the distance, and he knew that it should be the voice of Olga’s mount Elizabeth.
” Come on, Chabeth! Go and meet Elizabeth! ” Rayner patted Chabes on the neck and said to it.
Chabes nodded, increased his speed again, and ran towards the distance.
” Elizabeth! Do you know where Olga is? ” After seeing Elizabeth, Rayner finally felt relieved.
It is here, so it means that Olga is not far from here.
Sure enough, Elizabeth roared and bit Reina’s clothes, signaling him to ride on her.
” Chabes, you follow slowly. If you get lost, go back by yourself, do you understand? ” Rayner urged Chabes after transferring to Elizabeth.
These two water lizards are quite precious, especially after they have been together for so long, Chabes and Dr. Ahsière say that they are family members.
In case of being lost here, it would be difficult for Reina to explain to Dr. Sière.
After transferring to Elizabeth, the energetic Elizabeth was much faster than Chabes. When it was completely dark, Reina finally saw a pirate ship. The flag on the ship and the little beggar described to him. Exactly the same.
” Finally found you, let me see who it is … so bold! ” Reina muttered to himself with murderous intent in his eyes.
It has been a long time since he came to the world of One Piece, and it is not that he has never killed enemies, but in general he is not willing to kill. First, he is not a real enemy of life and death, and second, he is not willing to kill more. Sin, after all, is the soul that grows under the red flag.
But this time he was really angry, not to mention that Olga took him out of the belly of the lantern fish, but to say that during this period of time, Reina has long regarded her and Dr. Ahsie as relatives .
After sneaking close to the pirate ship, Reina didn’t attack directly. He first had to confirm Olga’s state, and attacking rashly would most likely cause the other party to hold Olga and confront him.
After quietly boarding the pirate ship and knocking down several pirates who were watching the night, Reina began to search slowly.
Soon, he found a place similar to a prison, but it was outside, and if he wanted to enter, he had to pass through the cabin where the pirates gathered, so the pirates would definitely find it.
At this time, Reina was very aggrieved. His armed color had been awakened for a long time, but he didn’t even move at all, and there seemed to be no sign of awakening.
If he has a sense of sight now, then he can quickly determine where Olga is, and he doesn’t have to be so careful.
” Captain, we won’t get much this time! If there is nothing to gain from the next island, how should we explain it to Lord Gavier Freitas ! ” Just when Reina was a little distressed, he suddenly heard The sound of someone talking in the cabin.
” There’s nothing you can do about it. The navy doesn’t know if it has gotten any news recently, and the crackdown on this is very severe! ” The guy called the captain sighed and replied.
” Didn’t the little girl we caught before say that she has an older brother? Why don’t we lead her out and arrest her together? And she has a lot of Berries on her body. It is estimated that the family is also rich, and maybe she can blackmail her. A lot of money! ”
” Idiot, didn’t you say it just now? It’s more important to be rich now, don’t make extras. Rich people don’t necessarily pay attention to their relatives. If they report to the navy, it will be a problem whether we can go to sea at that time! ”
” Yes, yes … It’s not a loss to be the captain, what you think is thoughtful! ”
Reina hid outside the cabin, eavesdropping on the conversation between the two.
” Who? ” At this moment, a pirate who came out to pee, found Reina standing outside the captain’s window, and shouted loudly.
“You ‘re careless! ” Reina scolded himself for being too careless. He eavesdropped on the conversation in the cabin, and even forgot to pay attention to the surrounding situation.
But at this time, he didn’t care about anything else, smashed the window with one punch, and then jumped directly into the captain’s room, intending to capture the thief first.
” Bang! Bang! Bang! ”
Rayner had just entered the captain’s room and was greeted by a few bullets.
However, when the bullet touched Reina, it fell directly to the ground, and the impact of the bullet was completely absorbed by Reina.
” Boom ~ Boom! ”
” Speak! Where is the little girl you caught? ” Reina lifted the pirate beside the pirate captain out of the cabin, grabbed the captain who was standing there, and asked in a deep voice.
” Don’t … do n’t kill me, the little girl is at the bottom of the cabin, she’s fine! My boss is Lord Freitas from Alcatraz Island. If you kill me, the boss won’t let it go! ” The pirate captain immediately put down his weapon, quite said cooperatively.
” Freitas? ” Reina was stunned. He seemed to have heard this name somewhere, and he had a vague impression, but he couldn’t remember it.
” My purpose is to take my sister away! ” Reina’s primary purpose is still Olga. As for Lord Freitas, he doesn’t bother to pay attention to it. He has never even heard of someone who is not very powerful. goods.

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