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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
On this day, Reina, who was on the street, noticed that the whole Dressrosa seemed to become restless, so he knew that it should be Luffy and others.
After using the transformation technique to randomly become a passerby, Reina began to follow Luffy.
However, he found that the Straw Hats were not separated here. According to the original plot, Nami, Sanji, Chopper and others should go back to Zou at this time, but he found that all the Straw Hats were here. , and are not separated.
But these Reina didn’t bother to pay attention. Whether they went to Zou or not had little to do with him. He came here to take Robin back to the West Sea.
And in the original book, Sabo will also come here, but Reina has been here for a few days and has not seen anyone from Sabo, but the girl Kerla who has been following Sabo has appeared a few times.
The most important thing is that Doflamingo didn’t get Ace’s burning fruit at all, which means that there is nothing to attract Luffy in the bullfighting arena. He should not participate in it, but he still looks down on it. With the power of the plot, even if the kid Luffy didn’t burn the fruit, he still went to the fighting tournament.
It didn’t take long for the plot to develop according to the original trajectory, and people from the Navy also appeared.
” What is this? ” Seeing the blind Fujitora appear, Reina felt a little pain in the ass.
He looked for Fujitora and Green Bull all over the world, but there was no news at all. As a result, how long did it take for the World Government to recruit troops? This blind man has become a general, which is simply too outrageous.
But even so, Reina can still accept it, but when Fujitora came to Reina and blocked his way, Reina really didn’t understand.
” Mr. Navy, the whole city is in chaos now, you stop me from escaping … What do you mean? ” Reina asked Fujitora a little unhappily.
” With Your Excellency’s strength, this turmoil shouldn’t be taken seriously, right? ” Fujitora said with a smile.
” Ah? Are you mistaken? I’m just an ordinary person! ” Reina shook his head, pretending to be surprised.
” I can’t go wrong here. Although my eyes are blind, my heart is not blind. I feel a strong pressure from you. You will definitely not be an ordinary person! ” Fujitora shook his head and said.
” Lords of the navy, look … is there something wrong with this? ” Reina said helplessly to the navy behind Fujitora.
Fujitora is an airborne general, not a step by step from ordinary soldiers, so these navies are not familiar with him, not to mention that besides him, there is a lieutenant general here.
” Sir Fujitora, are you mistaken? There is nothing special about this man! ” Sure enough, after hearing Reina’s words, a navy soldier stepped forward and said.
In fact, I don’t blame them. It’s really normal that Reina is very ordinary now, and there is no aura leaking from his body. Even if Sengoku and Garp are here, they may not recognize it.
But Fujitora was different. He was born with a strong sense of sight and was quite sensitive to energy, so even if Reina used the transformation technique, he was still aware of it.
” So where are you going? ” Seeing this, Fujitora also knew that he couldn’t mess around, so he asked.
” Escape! It’s already like this, it’s better to go outside the city to be safe! ” Reina said immediately.
” I’m an admiral of the navy, I believe you should know that with my strength, it is safest for you to follow me! Since you are only trying to escape, you might as well stay by my side! Don’t worry, I can definitely protect you. Yes! ” Fujitora said with a smile.
Reina knew that he could no longer refuse, and he had no plans to do anything at all, so it was not bad to be by Fujitora’s side! So he nodded and agreed to Fujitora’s proposal.
The navy soldiers didn’t say much when they saw this.
When only Fujitora and Reina were alone, Reina asked with a smile, ” Do you know who I am? ”
Fujitora shook his head and said: ” I don’t know, but I can feel a powerful energy from you, and there is a very evil in it! ”
” Ah ~ Then do you have any doubts? ” Reina asked curiously.
” No! ” Fujitora also shook his head and said, ” I don’t even know if you are a strong person, but from what you said just now, you should be a famous person! ”
” Oh? But I believe that I have controlled my energy well enough that I haven’t leaked it out. Why can you feel it? ” Reina asked reluctantly.
” This is a feeling that there are countless energies surrounding you around your body, and your aura is very powerful, which faintly repels the surrounding chaotic energy, which proves that there is definitely a huge amount of energy hidden in your body, but I don’t I’m sure you can master it yourself! ” Fujitora said, turning his head to face Reina.
” What an amazing guy! By the way, where did the navy find you? I heard that there was a guy named Green Bull at the same time as you? He’s also a pervert, right? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” You seem to know a lot about the Navy? ” Fujitora said with a frown.
” Of course! My main opponent is your navy. Naturally, you must always pay attention to your information! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Revolutionary Army? Or pirates? ” Fujitora said softly: ” I personally think you should be a pirate. I have met many people in the revolutionary army. Although they are powerful, they are upright, because they firmly believe in what they do. It is just, so their willpower is very strong! But pirates are different, no pirates can guarantee that everyone they have killed should be killed! ”
” Oh? So, in your opinion, pirates are all villains? ” Reina asked with a raised brow.
He really didn’t dare to say that he didn’t hurt innocent people. In the battle with the navy, those ordinary navy people didn’t know how many people died in his hands.
If the navy can still say that it is a hostile force with him, then those civilians, Reina can’t guarantee that they have not accidentally injured!
Yes, in the world of One Piece, Reina has done countless things for decades, and these things are likely to affect ordinary civilians. For example, the most recent one, he penetrated the advance city, and the released pirates would do evil. , he can count as much, because he released them.
” I dare not say all, at least among all the pirates I have seen, there are very few good people! ” Fujitora nodded and said.
” Everyone said that the Whitebeard Pirates are an outlier among the pirates. They never robbed their houses or harmed civilians. What do you think? ” Reina asked after thinking for a while.
“The Whitebeard Pirates? I haven’t met them yet, so I don’t have the right to speak, but in terms of their influence, it’s impossible for them not to have harmed civilians, right? ” Fujitora replied with a chuckle road.
Hearing Fujitora’s words, Reina fell silent.
” It looks like you’re a member of the Whitebeard Pirates? Or someone close to them? ” Fujitora asked suddenly.
” Benery D. Rayner! ” Rayner raised his head, looked at Fujitora, and said, ” My name is Benery D. Rayner! The vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! Other pirates I dare not say, but our Whitebeard Pirates have never wanted to hurt civilians in a subjective sense, just like your navy, you are hurting civilians a lot of the time, aren’t you? Like now? ”
” You’re right! ” Fujitora nodded, as if he was not surprised that the person in front of him was Reina, and said directly: ” So … this is the meaning of my joining the navy! At least … we all Hope for world peace! ”
” What a strange guy …” Reina breathed a sigh of relief and said, ” So now, are you going to arrest me? ” Looking around, the birdcage was already shrinking, Reina said with a chuckle.
” No, now is not the time! ” Fujitora shook his head and replied, ” If possible, please don’t meddle in the affairs here! ”
Reina nodded and said: ” Don’t worry, I said it when I came, I won’t care about the affairs here, but … Also, don’t interfere in the affairs of the Straw Hats and the Don Quixote family. Let’s see how they end up? ”
” Okay ! ” Fujitora agreed with a straightforward nod.
So under the witness of the two, Luffy turned on the fourth gear and directly defeated Doflamingo. The birdcage was also blocked by the concerted efforts of the Straw Hats and the people of Dressrosa. Luffy bought time.
” Do you think they are like pirates? ” Reina said, pointing at the unconscious Luffy.
” Whether they look like it or not, they are indeed pirates! ” Fujitora shook his head and replied.
” Then if I tell you, even if you do, I won’t stop you, do you want to do it? ” Reina said with a grin and a smile.
Fujitora looked at Reina in surprise, as if thinking about what he meant.
” No, you won’t do this! I know, your daughter is there! ” Fujitora suddenly reacted and said in a deep voice.
” Hahaha … What an interesting guy … Navy, try to use your justice to change the world in the future! Soon … you will either be assimilated by this world … or … become a pirate! ” Reina He left with a big laugh, but Fujitora didn’t stop him.
After separating from Fujitora, Reina went directly to the place where the Straw Hat gang gathered.
” Dong dong dong …” Standing outside the wooden house, Reina gently knocked on the door.
” Who? ” Inside the room, the Straw Hats were quite vigilant.
” Is it Lord Cyrus? The king asked me to come and find you! ” Reina, who was outside the door, did not reveal his identity, but pretended to be the guard of the palace.
” Wait … I’ll be out right now! ” Cyrus gave the Straw Hats a look, and walked out accompanied by Rebecca.
” Lord Cyrus, the palace needs to be busy with a lot of things right now. The king came to ask, can you go back and help? ” Reina asked, pretending to be a guard.
” Father, let’s go, let’s help! ” Although she really wanted to stay here to take care of Luffy and others, Rebecca also knew that the current palace must be in ruins.
Cyrus had no doubts, after all, the war was over.
But just when the two were about to leave, they found that Reina did not leave, but directly pushed open the door of the wooden house.
” Who are you? ” The expressions of the two changed greatly, but it was too late to stop them.

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