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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Father! ” Robin couldn’t help shouting after seeing Reina really do it. Although he didn’t know who the other party was at this time, they weren’t here to fight others.
” Don’t worry, it won’t hurt them, I didn’t expect these guys to come so quickly? ” Reina said with a smile.
” They? ” Robin was stunned, then used his abilities and saw Luffy, Zoro and others.
” Father …” After discovering that he was his companion, Robin naturally wouldn’t let Reina take action, knowing that his companion had just experienced the war.
” Okay, okay! ” Seeing Robin’s unhappy look, Reina had no choice but to agree.
The swastika state of the ice wheel pill was released, but the frozen sea surface had not been released, and the pirate ships around were unable to move, but Luffy, Zoro and others stepped on the ice and killed them here.
” Luffy, Zoro! You two little guys … stop me, what are you trying to do? You want to fight with me? ” Reina shouted speechlessly while standing on the hard-shelled back.
” Ray … Uncle Reina? ” Luffy and Zoro, who were about to attack, were suddenly dumbfounded. What is this?
” Uncle Reina, why are you here? ” Luffy asked stupidly.
” I should be asking you this question? Why are you here? Still blocking my way! ” Reina said blankly.
” Ah? That … We thought Robin was captured by the bad guys! ” Luffy touched his head a little embarrassedly and said.
” Okay, come here! ” Reina shook his head helplessly, beckoned from them, and shouted.
Luffy brought Zoro, Franky and others to the hard shell side, and after meeting Robin, the two sides were silent.
” Robin, what the hell is going on? ” Luffy asked with a puzzled look.
Robin glanced at his father, Reina shrugged and entered the room. He hadn’t finished the cooking just now, and now it was time to continue.
Outside, after Robin said the matter again, everyone was speechless.
” So … fortunately we didn’t go directly to Xuanyue Island? ” Zoro asked in surprise.
” It should be like this. Now I have something to go to the West Sea with my father. You’d better go to the Fur Tribe and get theirs, and then we will join together again to go to Wano and get Kaido’s share! Xuanyue On the island, let’s take it last! ” Robin said with an inexplicable light in his eyes.
” It’s exactly what I want, there’s no point in sneaking around! Hee hee hee …” Luffy grinned and said with a big laugh.
Sauron on the side also showed a smile, although he never said it before, but only the solemn and upright style is what he likes. If they lose … it can only prove their ability is nothing more than that.
After negotiating and playing here, Luffy and the others plan to leave. They are going to find Nami and the others. They have already gone to Zou, where the fur tribe is located .
” Are you going to Zou? ” Reina, who came out of the room, heard Luffy’s conversation and asked.
” Yeah! ” Luffy didn’t mean to hide, nodded and replied.
” If you go to Zuowu … help me say hello like a cat and a dog, tell them that the things I gave them can’t be used indiscriminately, and … don’t die for me, they are still useful! ” Reina nodded . head, back.
” Huh? Who is Cat and Dog? ” Luffy asked, tilting his head.
” You will naturally know when you go. Tell them that things in Oden were very complicated back then, and I don’t want to say more, but our Whitebeard Pirates have also fought against Kaido for this reason. If you need help, you can Go to Xuanyue Island to find our captain! ” Reina nodded and said.
But whether it was Luffy or Zoro and others, they couldn’t understand it at all, so they could only write down things first, and then convey them later.
After everything was figured out, Rayner took Robin and left.
The two went all the way to the West Sea. After arriving at O’Hara’s old site, Rayner got Magellan out of the hard shell. Before that, he had been soaked by Rayner with Hailoushi’s handcuffs. in the sea.
” Where is this? Is it time to execute me? ” Magellan asked with a weak smile when he saw Rayner and Robin.
” You’re a sensible person, yes, it’s time for you to be dead! As for this … it’s O’Hara! ” Reina nodded and said with a chuckle.
” O’Hara … that Demon Land? I didn’t expect to die here! ” Magellan shook his head with a wry smile and said.
” The land of demons? Tell me, where is the land of demons? ” Robin said excitedly.
Seeing Robin preparing to come forward and argue with the other party, Reina waved his hand to stop her and said, ” For him … this is indeed the land of the devil, because he will suffer hellish punishment here! ”
” Reina! Anyway, you are a famous person. Even if I am not a hero in my life, Magellan is still a person. Just give me a good time! ” Magellan said in a deep voice.
” Hahaha … Want to die now? Want to have a good time? Are you scared? Magellan! ” Reina suddenly laughed wildly.
Seeing this, Magellan sighed and said nothing more.
” I’ll charge you a little interest first! ” With a flash of sword light, Magellan’s remaining arm was directly chopped off by Reina, and blood immediately flowed out.
” That’s right, it’s still a bit arrogant! ” Looking at Magellan who didn’t hum, Reina nodded and said with a little admiration.
” Father, you don’t have to torture him! Just kill him directly and pay homage to his mother! ” Robin said a little unbearably.
” Hehe … Didn’t he say it? This is the land of demons, you can’t afford the name of a demon like this! ” Reina said with a chuckle: ” Well, since you said it, you do n’t Say more! Go and get the good fruit from my side! ”
Although Robin was a little puzzled why Reina wanted fruit at this time, Wen Yan still came with a basket of fruit.
Reina directly spread all the fruits on the ground, surrounded Magellan, and said, ” I just want to try, kill you, will your ability be transferred to these fruits! ”
Magellan took a round and looked at Reina in amazement. Seeing that the other party seemed to be serious, he felt a little ridiculous and said: ” If Devil Fruits are so easy to obtain, wouldn’t there be too many people with abilities? ”
” Hahaha … Could it be that there are not many capable people now? Anyway, I will try it, and I will not lose if it fails. Ordinary people can’t do such a test, right? ” Reina said with a smile.
After Magellan thought about it carefully, he nodded and said, ” You are right! ”
” Don’t worry, you won’t be able to see the results of the experiment, so even if I fail, you won’t have a chance to laugh at me! ” Reina glanced at him and said softly.
Magellan shook his head and said, ” It’s all for its own sake! ”
After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and did not speak.
Reina smiled and said, ” Everyone has their own master? Then tell me, Olvia, for that master? You’re going to kill her! ”
Magellan glanced at Rayner, then closed his eyes again and said nothing.
” Forget it, it’s no use talking to you too much! Die! ” With that said, Reina directly pierced Magellan’s heart with an ice ball.
The ice wheel pill, which was covered with armed color, directly pierced Magellan’s heart. Magellan glanced at Reina for the last time, and then fell directly to the ground and stopped moving.
” Olvia … how many years … I finally killed this guy! Even with the navy and the protection of the world government … he still died in my hands, I hope … you can rest assured in that world. Hate, live happily ever after! ” Reina muttered to herself a little sadly.
” Father, don’t you understand? You are the only one who can’t let go of your hatred! ” Robin couldn’t help but stepped forward, gave Reina a hug, and said.
” Idiot, how could I not know? ” Reina patted Robin’s head with a smile, and said with a wry smile: ” Not only do I know that I can’t let go, but I also know that Magellan, stupid or not, has actually become my heart. Knot! ”
” Then why didn’t father … not let go of hatred? ” Robin asked inexplicably.
” Because of this! ” Reina pointed to his own eyes and said, ” These are eyes from hell, remember I told you? These eyes are full of hatred! ”
” Ah? Could it be that my father was lost by scribbles? ” Robin asked in surprise.
” No, I’m very clear, so using this hatred can be used to make me stronger! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” Now my wheel eye has become an eternal wheel eye, and I want to do it again. Further, it is extremely difficult … so I don’t need this enemy anymore, or even if I catch him, I will find a reason for myself to let him go! ”
” I see, but unfortunately I didn’t inherit my father’s blood! ” Robin said with some regret.
Reina looked at Robin, and suddenly said: ” When I and your mother gave birth to you, the writing wheel eye bloodline on my body was not strong, so you may not have inherited it, but you must have my bloodline in you, So theoretically, my shackle eye can be transplanted to you! ”
” Transplant? Why do you want to transplant it to me? ” Robin asked in confusion.
” Don’t you want to have a wheel eye? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Of course it’s better if you can wake up, but if you can’t, I’m not disappointed! ” Robin shook his head and said.
” Actually, even if I transplant the writing wheel eye to you, there is a high probability that the writing wheel eye will degenerate again. I guess it would be good to have a Sangou jade, but even if it is a Sangou jade, it will be a huge burden for you! It requires consumption. You have a lot of physical strength, and it may not be worth the loss for you! ” Reina suddenly thought of the drawbacks of the Shaker, shook his head, and said.
Before, he did plan to transplant Sharinyan to Robin. With Tower Roar of Trials, his points will have a stable source, and he no longer has to keep checking in every day to get points, so he transplanted Sharinyan. In the past, it is not impossible to do it all over again.

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