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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Reina came to the Tower of Trials again, he felt a little emotional. This was the first time he had challenged the Tower of Trials in such a short period of time.
But just when he was about to go in, he suddenly thought that the skill book of the 30th floor reward had not been used, so he used the skill book.
This kind of skill book generally doesn’t give any good skills. It was an unexpected ability to give him the three-body technique before, so Reina didn’t report any hope at all.
” Congratulations on acquiring the skill: C -rank Ninjutsu (Fire Dun , Howe Fireball Technique)! ”
” Huh? ” Reina was stunned for a moment, and actually gave another ninjutsu, and this time he gave an offensive fireball technique, although this move belongs to the rubbish in Naruto and can’t be hit at all. People, but this is the world of One Piece, and it may have unexpected effects at some point.
So after getting this skill, Reina didn’t rush in, but started to try to use it here.
” Fire Escape – Howl of Fireballs! ” After the seal was formed, the few chakras in the body spewed out directly, and a large group of flames spewed out directly from the mouth.
” Ouch ~ It’s not bad! ” After using it, Reina felt a little good. The reason why it is difficult to hit the enemy in Hokage is because the opponent basically has ninjutsu, but the people here don’t, especially in the relative space. In a small place, it can play a very good role. Reina intends to use it when he wants to climb the tower.
After all preparations were completed, Reina directly entered the Tower of Trials, and following the previous progress, began to move towards the thirty-first floor.
” Huo Dun · Howling Fireball Technique! ” After pushing the opponent to the corner, Reina directly used the ninjutsu Huo Dun · Howling Fire Ball technique, but the opponent rushed out with Reina’s flame and almost hit Reina Unprepared.
” Fuck! The damage of this thing is so low? ” Although the flames caused some trouble for the other party, the actual damage was pitifully low, and it was a little bit more powerful than ordinary flames, after all, Reina Chakra was included in it.
It’s just that in front of the gatekeeper who already owns the sixth form of the Navy, this damage … is really too little.
So in the next battle, Reina didn’t play with these stupid things, but started to fight in earnest.
” Isn’t the intensity too high? ” After only passing three levels, Reina felt that his physical strength was very high. It is estimated that after another one or two levels, he would not be able to continue, but it costs 10,000 points to enter! It’s only five levels passed, which really made Reina a little unwilling.
” No way! ” At the thirty-fifth level, Reina felt that he was reaching his limit. It wasn’t anything else, the main reason was that his physical strength was too much, but he couldn’t replenish it.
“You can only go out first! ” Thinking that after the fortieth floor, there will be a huge sum of one million, Reina feels that these investments are worth it now.
When Rayner returned to the cabin, Robin was sitting in the room reading a book.
” Huh? Father, came back so fast this time? ” Seeing that Reina was almost out of strength, Robin hurried forward and asked.
” Bring me some food. Damn, I’m in a bit of trouble this time. I’ll go again when I replenish my stamina! ” Reina said through gritted teeth.
This time, we must meet the gatekeeper on the 40th floor!
After eating and drinking enough, using a large amount of food, in exchange for absorbing the energy, and allowing his spirit to recover, Reina did not immediately go to the Tower of Trials, but slept.
After waking up, Reina adjusted his state and entered the Tower of Trials again.
After choosing to continue, Reina started the fight again.
It didn’t take long for him to finally reach the thirty-ninth floor when Reina began to pant.
But the continuous battle made him extremely tired.
Although he has been supplemented after going out, without a real good rest, his mental strength cannot be recovered so quickly, so now his lasting combat ability has become quite weak.
Originally, he should have been able to at least reach the fortieth floor, but now, having just reached the thirty-ninth floor, Reina felt that he was already a little unable to fight!
” Hoo ~ If only I had the ability like Luffy, the more desperate that guy is, the more he can show his ability! ” Reina sighed, and sat on the ground, with no plans to continue fighting.
He desperately wants to sleep and rest now.
But after seeing the passage of the thirty-ninth floor, he will be able to see the gatekeeper on the fortieth floor, and he is a little unwilling to withdraw now.
However, when he thought that after breaking through the 40th floor, one million points would be earned, Reina felt less anxious.
So he glanced at the gatekeeper on the thirty-ninth floor, and Reina reluctantly pushed out.
This time was shorter than the last time, so Robin blinked a little overwhelmed when she saw Reina coming out so quickly, because she remembered that when Reina came out before, she was quite upset. It is estimated that the time spent there was too short.
So after Reina came out again this time, Robin didn’t know what to say.
” Robin ~ I need to rest now, so don’t disturb me if I’m okay. By the way, I may need a lot of food when I wake up. If there’s nothing on board, let Yoo go and grab some! ” Reina said, and directly fell asleep.
Seeing this, Robin covered Reina with the quilt and left the room.
I don’t know how long it has passed, but when Reina woke up, she felt refreshed, but her stomach became quite hungry.
Walking out of the cabin, I found that Robin, Luo, Zoro, Inuarashi, Cat Viper and others were all on the deck.
” Yo ~ where are you all? ” Reina rubbed her head, walked over, and said, ” Anything to eat? Get me some! ”
” We have arrived in Wano! ” Inu Arashi said, pointing to the sea not far ahead.
” Huh? ” Reina was stunned, looked up and looked forward. Sure enough, the current and environment in front of him had changed significantly.
” Huh ~ so fast? How long have I slept? ” Reina asked with a wry smile when Robin handed over the food.
” It’s been three days! ” Robin said with a smile: ” Seeing that my father slept soundly, I didn’t call you! ”
” Ah ~” Reina scratched her head dejectedly, and said, “I slept for so long? It’s really troublesome! ”
“That’s it? ” Everyone couldn’t help but look at Reina, is there something else?
” It’s okay, forget it, let’s advance to Wano country! But be careful, there are not many ways to enter Wano country, Kaido is likely to set up defense here! Don’t even see other people’s faces, just go all out. Destroyed here! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Don’t worry! We know how to get in! ” Jin’emon and the others said with a little confidence.
After all, this is their hometown, if they can’t even get in, wouldn’t it be too much to say?
” That’s good, but before entering Wano Country, we have one more thing to do! ” Reina said with a smile and shook his head.
” What’s the matter? ” Everyone asked Reina in confusion.
” Don’t you think it’s strange? Speaking of Kinemon, you both came from twenty years ago, right? We met back then, and you looked exactly the same as you did back then. Momanosuke is Oden’s child, right? Twenty years have passed, He still looks like a child? ” Reina asked with a smile.
Reina’s words made everyone except Inu Arashi and Cat Viper look at them in surprise, especially the Straw Hats. They thought they all had a relationship with each other, but now they seem to be hiding it. a lot of things!
” Sorry, Mr. Reina! It’s not that we concealed it intentionally, it’s just … I just don’t know how to say it! ” Jin’emon stood up and said, ” I wonder if you know Mrs. Shi’s ability? ”
” Ashi? All I know is that she is also a capable person, and she seems to be from a long time ago, not from our era! ” Reina nodded and said.
” That’s right, according to what Mrs. Shi said, she is a person with the ability to eat the fruit of time and can travel in time, but she can only move towards the future and cannot go back to the past, so at critical junctures everywhere, she sends us to Twenty years later! ” Kinemon nodded and said.
“The fruit of time? It’s unbelievable that there is such a fruit! ” Everyone, including Trafalgar Law , felt incredible.
” So you came here 20 years ago to fight Kaido? You should know a little bit about what happened back then, right? Before Oden went back, I reminded him, but because of his character, it led to the tragedy of Wano Kingdom in the end. , even if you don’t admit it! ” Reina said softly.
Seeing that Kinemon and the others seemed to want to refute, Reina waved his hand and said, ” Needless to say, these are not important, the important thing is … you guys are from twenty years ago … but why would someone hunt you down? ”
Kinemon was stunned for a moment, and Luo, Cat Viper, and Inu Lan were also stunned.
” Maybe someone saw us when we went to sea? ” Kinemon said after thinking about it.
” Do you think it’s possible? ” Reina chuckled and shook his head, and said, ” Even if someone sees you, who can determine your identity from afar, even if you are standing in front of the Wano country people and say you are Kinemon, one of the best sellers, do you think they will believe it? ”
Cat Viper and Inu Lan looked at each other, and asked in confusion, ” Why? That’s right! Why would someone hunt down Kinemon and the others? ”
” Because among you … there are spies! ” Trafalgar Law, who was on the side , said softly.
” Bastard, what are you talking about? ” Including Kinemon, Inuarashi, and Cat Viper, all the people from Wano Kingdom looked at Trafalgar Law angrily .
They are all like-minded comrades who have experienced life and death, and it is impossible for anyone to betray!
” Then tell me … why are you being hunted all the time? Why are the enemies always finding your location? Why does Jack … go to Zou? Kitten, puppy! Think about it … ordinary people … Can we reach Zou? ” Reina asked calmly.
” No, it’s impossible! ” Kinemon couldn’t accept the fact that there were spies among them.

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