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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just when Zoro and the big bandit gangster Niuguimaru were fighting, suddenly a woman ran towards them while holding a child and running towards them begging for help.
” The two samurai gentlemen over there, please help us! ” The woman holding the child ran, calling for help towards Zoro and Niuguimaru.
Zoro, who had just started fighting over there, looked at it subconsciously.
” Ahahaha … It’s two samurai, that’s great, please help us! Hahaha …” The little girl who was held by the woman in her arms laughed and called out for help.
” Hey … Are you guys playing around, or is it urgent? Let me unify at that time! ” Zoro looked at the woman and the child, and suddenly said speechlessly.
They are really weird, one has a worried face and a sad look on his face. A smile all over his face, and he kept laughing.
” There is a flaw! ” Just when Zoro was distracted to see women and children, Niu Guimaru over there found Zoro’s distraction and attacked directly.
” Ah ~ bastard! You, this guy, saw that I was distracted, so you even used the strength to suckle? ” Zoro, who blocked Niuguimaru’s attack, was scolded by the opponent’s actions.
” When fighting, the opponent’s weakness is the chance to win, and I’m just waiting for you to reveal the weakness! ” Niuguimaru said disapprovingly.
At this time, a guy with a face covered with bandages and two sickles rushed towards the woman and child just now.
” Huh? It’s not a joke, it’s true! ” Zoro observed that the woman’s arm seemed to be injured and was bleeding, so he judged that the other party was not acting, but was really being hunted down.
So Zoro gave up the fight with Niuguimaru and went to protect the injured woman and child.
” There is a flaw! ” But just when Zoro blocked the scythe, Niuguimaru shot Zoro again.
” Hey! You bastard, show me the occasion! ” Facing Niuguimaru’s perseverance, Zoro was really angry.
” This is your duel with me …”
” I’ll fight you, but wait for me now! ”
Before Niuguimaru finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zoro, because he felt that the guy with the scythe didn’t seem to be a small character.
” Heavy weight … you are the executioner Zoro Jurou , right? Why did you save those two women? Woman, why did you save the child? ” The eccentric man with his face covered in bandages and holding two huge sickles, asked with a smile.
” There ‘s another strange guy …” Zoro said, frowning in front of the woman and the child.
He felt that he definitely didn’t read the almanac when he went out today, otherwise why would he always meet some strange guys.
” My target is just the kid who keeps laughing! I only want her life! ” said the weirdo with a scythe, pointing his weapon at the kid who was laughing in the woman’s arms.
” Beheaded by the Demon Scythe! You are killing indiscriminately in the capital … It turns out that you are the lackey of the black charcoal snake! There should be no one else who wants the life of the household! ” The woman looked disdainful and said: ” You too Just a killer! ”
” How dare you call the general’s name directly, then where are you holy? Weight weight …” Slaying the Demon Scythe, looked at the woman, and asked with a smile.
” Samurai-sama, please save us, we will definitely repay after the incident! ” The woman ignored Kazak and shouted towards Zoro.
” Don’t worry, I don’t have the habit of watching women and children get killed. If I thank you, I’ll just have some wine and vegetables! ” Zoro smiled and replied.
” It doesn’t matter! I said it above, but if you dare to stop it, come and kill a few! ” For Sauron’s intervention, the Demon Scythe Zao didn’t seem to care.
” Although it is said that it will be very troublesome to cut down an organized guy, but … it is useless to think about it, let’s just kill it first! ” Sauron’s words were finished, and the whole person had already attacked.
Although Sauron only has two knives now, he can still display his good strength, but he is afraid that he will not be able to defeat his opponent in a short period of time.
However, when he was fighting with Kamazaki, Niuguimaru, who was watching the battle, suddenly shot at Zoro, and the angry Zoro almost jumped up and hacked him to death.
But before Sauron could say anything, the sickle over there saw this and pierced Sauron’s shoulder with a knife, and the woman on the side was shocked. After all, if Sauron was defeated, then their lives would not be preserved. .
But at this time, Kazuo suddenly changed his face, because he found that the scythe that had pierced the opponent could not be pulled out.
” Hehe … Although it’s not very easy, but … in this case, it’s enough for three knives! ” Zoro pulled out the sickle that was inserted into his shoulder, put it in his mouth, looked at the sickle, and shouted: ” Three Sword Stream , Demon Slash , Purgatory! ”
With a single blow, Kazuo was defeated, and the strength he showed shocked everyone watching the battle, especially the brawny Niuguimaru.
” It’s … so powerful! ” The woman holding the household exclaimed in disbelief.
” It’s really bad! Before the decisive battle, he was actually injured so badly! ” Zoro looked at his shoulder and saw that it was completely pierced, which would definitely affect his strength.
” Samurai-sama …” Looking at Zoro who fell down, the woman exclaimed, not caring about Niuguimaru, who had turned her head and fled, and directly and Toko carried Zoro on their backs and walked in one direction.
On the other side, Jin’emon and the others who are in Jiuli have also received the news that the news has been leaked.
” Both the anti-crescent moon and the cipher map have been exposed? Kinemon … What are you going to do now? ” Inuarashi and Cat Viper on the side looked at Kinemon who was brooding and asked.
” This can only prove one thing, except that the person who learned about this matter informs, that is … there are indeed traitors between us! ” Jin’emon, who was sitting on the big stone, said in a deep voice.
” Don’t you believe Mr. Reina? Kinemon! ” Jinbei asked, looking at Kinemon.
From Kin’emon’s words, he heard something else.
” It’s not that I don’t believe it. To be honest, he is Miss Robin’s father and Luffy’s elder. I have no reason to doubt him! But Kanjuro is a partner who has worked hard with us, do you make me doubt it? Partner? ” Jin’emon replied with an ugly expression.
” But aren’t the facts in front of us now? ” Jinpei said calmly.
” Yes, there is indeed a problem now, but this is precisely the reason why I don’t doubt Kanjuro! Before entering Wano Kingdom, everyone had clearly suspected him. If it was you, it would be so easy. Are you going to report the things that exposed yourself? Isn’t that telling us clearly that Kanjuro is a traitor? ” Kinemon said with a serious face.
Inuarashi and Cat Viper over there nodded and said to Jinpei: ” Although I also believe in Mr. Reina, this time, Kinemon is right, if I were a spy, I wouldn’t be able to do it at this time. Such a thing, after all, this is equivalent to exposing yourself in advance! ”
Jinbei was speechless. This is what he couldn’t figure out. Why would the other party … choose to do such a thing at this time?
On the other hand, Nami and others were also troubled by this problem.
” You all stop arguing. Continuing to argue like this won’t solve the problem! ” Nami said helplessly.
” That’s right, we can’t doubt our companions …” Sanji, who was already full of buns, nodded and said solemnly: ” Actually, I didn’t see anything before! ”
” I’m not curious about who leaked the secret now, I’m just curious about how these bags on your head … how are they labeled like this? It looks like a little lion! ” Frankie didn’t care about the spy at all, but instead Research the bag on Sanji’s head there.
When entering Wano Country, Robin had already told them that this was bound to happen, so he, Usopp and Robin sat on the side and did not participate in the debate.
” It must be the white bear who leaked the secret, only they were captured by the enemy! It must be them! ” Xiaonin roared at Trafalgar Law with a look of anger.
” Bebo and the others won’t say anything even if they die, don’t look down on people too much! ” Trafalgar Law said, standing up and leaving .
” Traman, where are you going? ” Sanji directly stopped Trafalgar Law who was leaving here and asked.
” Did they leak it, save people , you’ll know when you ask! ” Trafalgar Law said calmly.
” No, you’ve fallen into the enemy’s arms like this! Teraman! ” Sanji said anxiously.
” Humph! Those who are taken away must be killed! They must be silenced! ” Xiao Ren said with a gloomy expression.
” Bastard … What did you say? ” Trafalgar Law, who was blocked by Sanji at the door , immediately turned around and asked with a look of anger.
” What did I say? ” Xiao Ren sneered, and then said slightly painfully: ” This is common sense in our ninja world! We … are not joking! For this moment … we have waited for two years. Ten years! If it fails, there is no chance! ”
Saying that, Xiao Ren couldn’t help but burst into tears.
” Enough! Shinobu, don’t say any more! ” At this time, Kanjuro, who had been silent, stood up and said, ” I understand your feelings right now, but … if there are no allies who miraculously have the same goal as me , then Oda-sama’s will is impossible to complete! And … I also know that everyone is suspecting that I leaked this news! ”
” Lord Kan, what nonsense are you talking about? How could you do such a thing? ” Xiao Ren immediately exclaimed.
But except for her, no one said a word, which made her feel that everyone was really suspicious of Kanjuro.
The atmosphere of the scene suddenly dropped to freezing point.
” Why … why … ? ” Xiao Ren looked at Nami and the others in confusion.
From her point of view, how could Kanjurou leak the secret? This is even more difficult for her to believe than Bebo and the others leaking the secret. She would rather believe that it was leaked by herself than that Kanjuro leaked it.
” I can only say … During this period of time, in order to avoid suspicion, I have been by your side, which is what A Jin means! Because I want to defeat Orochi and Kaido, I can’t live without you! So I didn’t stay in Jiuli, Instead, act with everyone! ” Kanjuro said calmly.
” He’s right! During this time, he did act with us! ” Nami nodded and said.
She was always with Shinobu and Kanjuro.

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