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” Ugh, cluck, cluck … So that’s the case, thanks to the fur clan, the moon and lion form is really powerful, but … how long can you hold on? ” Kaido didn’t seem so sad or angry when he watched his subordinates collapse. .
” Hey … how long do you last? Kaido! Choosing to fight on the roof is your biggest mistake! ” Cat Viper and Inuarashi stood up and said with a strange smile.
” Old cat, old dog! ” Kinemon and the others shouted in surprise as they watched Cat Viper and Inulan stand up.
” Everyone, Jack is the guy who almost destroyed our home, so he will leave it to us to deal with! ” Cat Viper and Inuarashi said at the same time.
Although the fur tribe had the upper hand in the scene, with the presence of Jack, the able-bodied army of the Beast Pirates could still support it.
” It was just to cover up, so this battle … I must join no matter what! ” Leizang stood up and said sincerely.
Back in Zou, because of Kanjuro’s betrayal, Jack led someone to almost wipe out Zou.
And the reason why Jack went to Zou is also very simple, because Kanjuro reported that a red-sold samurai went to Zou.
The cat Viper and Inuarashi, who directly transformed into the moon lion form, attacked Jack. Jack, who had been fighting for a while, could not resist the strong attack of the two fur kings, and he was about to be knocked down. At that time, Kaido shot to block the two.
It was also at this time that Luffy and Zoro rushed over directly.
” Jack is the big board that I personally chose. Wouldn’t it be great if you guys just killed him like this? ” Kaido said softly, looking at Jack who fell to the ground.
” I’m sorry, Lord Kaido, I have embarrassed you! ” Jack, who fell to the ground, said apologetically.
” It’s not that you are too weak, it’s that they are too strong! It doesn’t matter, you go to heal! Leave it to me here! ” Kaido shook his head and said.
” Yes, Lord Kaido! ” Jack struggled to get up, nodded and evacuated directly with his injured subordinates.
But the fur tribe who fought with them, although they also lay on the ground, no one left.
” Old cat, old dog! Let your people go to rest too! I am very grateful to them for being able to do this! ” Jin’emon stepped forward and said.
” Our battle isn’t over yet! But it’s definitely not here! ” The three members of the Musket Team, who had returned to their normal state at this time, nodded to Inu Lan and said, ” Sir! Then let’s go. Go to support those samurai! ”
” Okay, thank you for your hard work! At the critical moment … I allow you to use that thing! ” Inu Lan nodded and replied.
” This … Sir, didn’t Mr. Reina said it? It’s best not to use it lightly! ” The captain of the Musket Team hesitated and said.
” Idiot, if a person dies, there is really nothing left, so before death, no matter what, you can try to use it, as long as you can save your life, it is better than anything else! ” Quan Lan said in a deep voice: ” But before that, you can’t use it, understand? ”
” Yes, my lord, I understand! ” So the Musketeers retreated with the fur warriors, and Kaido didn’t even stop him.
After the fur clan evacuated, only the bare-boned samurai, Luffy and Zoro were left on the roof, confronting Kaido.
” Where’s Reina? Why didn’t that kid come up? ” Kaido asked in a deep voice when he saw Luffy.
” The person who wants to defeat you … it’s me! ” Luffy said with a righteousness.
” Ugh, cluck, cluck … That’s right, then let’s try it! ” Kaido, who transformed into a giant dragon, spit out flames directly at them.
” Fox Fire Stream , Flame Slash! ” Kinemon stepped forward and cut Kaido’s flames in half.
” What an interesting move! Then try this! ” Kaido said and changed his move directly, from the previous flame to a gust of wind.
As a legendary life, the dragon can not only breathe heat, but also call the wind and rain, soaring through the clouds.
A violent gust of wind blew, causing the Red Pins to be in a hurry for a while, and Zoro had already taken a fighting stance, using the gust of wind as a slash, and cut them all open.
” Close! ” At this time, Raizo took out a scroll and blocked all Kaido’s gusts. His scroll could absorb any attack before releasing it.
But even with his and Sauron’s resistance, there were still quite a few gusts that penetrated their formation.
” Ah ~~ ! ”
Ah Ju let out a scream, and her arm was cut off by the gust of wind.
” Aju! ” Seeing this, Luffy, Kinemon and the others rushed up immediately.
” Aju, are you alright? ” Jinweimen asked worriedly while supporting Aju, bandaging him.
” Don’t worry, as a samurai, this injury is nothing! ” Aju smiled and slowly got up and said.
” Okay! Then let’s … attack together! ” Kinemon said with a double-sword-style move.
” Huh? ” Zoro was quite surprised when he saw that all the red-sold warriors had the same starting style.
This kind of starting style looks like a double sword style, but many of them are not double sword style.
” A move that looks like this … warriors … are you imitating Oden? ” Kaido said with a chuckle when he saw Kinemon’s appearance, ” You are not Oden, so your moves … can’t hurt me . ! ”
” Really? Then you can try it! Taoyuan · Ten Fist! ” Jinweimen shouted loudly, and everyone started at the same time.
The cross-shaped slash went straight to Kaido, reminding Kaido of when he was slashed by Oden many years ago. This move was exactly the same as the original move.
” Very good move! ” Zoro on the side said with a chuckle after seeing the moves of Kinemon and the others.
” Pfft! ” The slash directly hit Kaido, knocking him from dragon form to human form.
But like what Kaido said, this move didn’t affect him too much, Zhao Cheng.
” Luffy, on the waist? ” Zoro asked Luffy beside him when he saw this.
” This is the battle of the samurai, we can’t intervene! ” Even though Luffy could not wait to rush directly at this time, he kept suppressing himself. This was the battle of revenge for the samurai, and they could not intervene in such a simple way.
” Ugh, cluck, cluck … It’s a really enjoyable battle, and now … the wine is really awake! Thunder gossip! ” After Kaido got up, he directly raised the mace in his hand and moved towards Jin’emon Wait for someone to call.
” Kinemon, be careful! ” Luffy immediately reminded loudly upon seeing this.
It’s a pity that Kaido’s moves are not something that Kinemon and the others can resist. With just one move, all the samurai fell to the ground.
” Kinemon! ” The angry Luffy couldn’t hold back any longer, he charged directly towards Kaido, and on the way he turned on the fourth gear and the balloon man mode.
” Qi ~ Didn’t you say don’t interfere? Now you’re running so fast! ” Zoro, who was in the form of three knives, also rushed over.

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