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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After BIGMOM was destroyed by Kidd, Law and Reina, Kaido was surrounded.
However, he always only thought that Reina was a threat to him, and the rest of the people were not in his eyes at all.
At this time, Sauron, who was seriously injured, also needed treatment, so Luo, Kid, Lackey and others left first, to give Sauron a chance to heal, and to stop BIGMOM who wanted to come back , not to give her and Kaido any more. opportunity to meet.
So on the roof of Oni Island, only Kaido, Reina, and Luffy were left.
” Luffy, I know you really want to defeat Kaido yourself, but in this situation, Kaido should leave it to me to deal with it! You go down and help your friends! ” Reina looked at Luffy and said.
” No, this guy … is the guy that I have to fly with my own hands! ” Luffy stared at Kaido and said seriously.
” That’s fine! To be honest, I have a fifty percent chance of defeating Kaido, but his strong physique and perverted defense make it almost impossible to kill him … ” Reina shook his head. , said: ” And his Devil Fruit ability … how to say it? Let him not be afraid of falling into the sea! ”
” Huh? ” Luffy was stunned and asked in surprise, ” Is there anyone with Devil Fruit abilities who are not afraid of sea water? ”
” Although he can’t swim, he won’t drown! Because he is a person with the ability of the animal system, the fish and the fruit, and the magical beast! The fish … can survive in the water! ” Reina said helplessly. .
Luffy has a big mouth, and he really can’t compare Kaido and fish.
” Anyway … you have to be careful yourself, when fighting him, I don’t have the extra ability to pay attention to you! ” Reina said softly.
” Don’t worry! I know how to do it! ” Luffy also knew Kaido’s strength, and this time it wasn’t a duel, so he didn’t refuse Reina’s help.
” Ugh, cluck, cluck … Reina, if you say something that you can beat me, is it a little too much for yourself? ” Kaido didn’t care about the departure of Luo and others, but said to Reina that he had a 50% chance of winning. things lingered.
Among the four emperors, Kaido’s record is indeed the least ideal, with many defeats.
But so far, no one can really hurt him, even many years ago, only Kozuki and Oden left scars on him.
” Why nonsense! You won’t know if you fight it! ” Reina stepped a little, and Qianben Sakura in his hand slashed directly at Kaido.
” Then let’s go! ” Kaido, who was covered in a domineering look and domineering, had not even touched Reina’s Senbon Sakura, the entire sky was torn apart, and the tornadoes that were summoned by Kaido were very similar. Apocalyptic scene.
On the other side, in the main venue, Ace and Perospero were fighting. Ace’s flames somewhat restrained Perospero’s ability, but it was not a matter of a while to take down the opponent.
Marco fought with Jhin again. After sending Reina and BIGMOM up, Jhin came back to find Marco. He originally wanted to fight Marco in a two-on-one fight with Quinn.
However, it was interrupted by Franky who followed closely. After the fusion, General Franky, although the reminder became bigger, was still not enough to see in front of Quinn, so he could only leave with Quinn instead of Let him disturb the fight between Marco and Jhin.
In addition to Marco and Ace, the Straw Hat gang met Fei Liubo of the Beast Pirates. Although Drake’s betrayal made them only five people, but Sanji on the Straw Hat side There seems to be something wrong with his body, and he can’t fight it at all.
The only one left to fight was Shiping, but he was stopped by Fuzz Fu, one of the flying six , who used to be a CP member of the World Government, the rubber that the red-haired Shanks grabbed back then. The fruit was robbed from the fleet he was in charge of transporting.
Therefore, Fuzzy Fu, who failed the mission , was sent to prison. Later, the more he thought about it , the more unconvinced Fuzzy Fu was, he broke out of prison and became a pirate, and also joined the Beast Pirates.
He actually has some hatred for the World Government, and he claims to be a genius no less than Lu Qi, and one of the strongest in CP9 over the years.
However, no one has confirmed this statement. It is widely recognized that Rob Luigi is the strongest genius in CP9 in a hundred years, but this also proves the strength of Foz Fu .
In addition to him being blocked by Jinbe, there are also Peggy Wan and Runti, who have been chasing down Usopp and Nami.
If on the cadre’s side, the two sides are still evenly matched, then the overall situation of the battle is obviously that the Beast Pirates have the advantage.
Because the difference in the number of people is too great, although the warriors of Wano Kingdom are not weak, they are still completely suppressed.
In addition, Quinn released a plague bomb at the main venue before, which directly infected most of the warriors of Wano Kingdom. Although there are also many members of the Beast Pirates, in Quinn’s view, ordinary small It’s just me, don’t care at all.
But Chopper, who thinks differently from him, is trying his best to develop an antidote, and after researching it, he has done all-out treatment regardless of whether it is friend or foe, truly showing what a doctor is.
So this part of the members of the Beast Pirates who were abandoned by Quinn changed their bodies and directly became the power to fight against Kaido, which makes people have to sigh, the Straw Hats have such an ability, that is, no matter who, they are Become your own power.
On the other hand, Sanji, who was running around trying to figure out the changes in his body, accidentally broke into the veranda of the women’s nest, where the troops led by Black Maria, one of the six flying brothers, just happened to restrain Sanji. die.
” Then little brother … As long as you call Nico Robin here, then I can let you go! ” Although Black Maria was a little interested in Sanji, she knew more about Nico Robin . What does it mean to the Beast Pirates, that’s why such a request is made.
But Sanji lowered his head and didn’t speak, which made Black Maria a little annoyed.
On the contrary, some of her subordinates were fascinated by the spirit of Sanji’s knighthood.
It was just at this moment that Sanji raised his head and called for Robin directly, hoping that Robin would come to save him, which greatly disappointed the subordinates of Black Maria.
At first, they thought that Sanji would be a tough guy, but they just gave in.
It’s just that they don’t know Sanji. For Sanji, he can never do anything to women, so it’s normal to ask for help from a partner in the face of an opponent he can’t defeat.
When Robin came to deal with these people, and he went to deal with other enemies, the result is the same.

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