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“BIGMOM ! Aren’t you just allied with Lord Kaido? You’re actually taking action against us now … So are you going to betray now? ” Runti knew that the gap between herself and Auntie was too great, so she didn’t do it directly, but instead shouted at the aunt.
The aunt glanced at her and said, ” Little devil, it’s not your turn to take care of these things. He wanted to do something to my friend first! ”
” That’s right, that’s right! BIGMOM , that guy is also with them, kill her too! ” Usopp and Nami on the side said innocently.
” Are you talking about that kid? It’s all because of her that Xiaopei became like this. I’ll kill her now! ” Runti glanced at Xiaoyu and said bitterly.
As for Usopp and Nami, he ignored them directly.
Then before Auntie could react, Runti directly passed Usopp and Nami with a single blow and directly knocked Xiaoyu flying.
” Xiaoyu! ” Nami and Usopp immediately stepped forward, blocking Runti who wanted to continue the attack.
” Xiaoyu, are you alright? ” Usopp picked Xiaoyu up, but found that Xiaoyu had passed out by this time.
” Nami, let’s run! ” Usopp was about to run away with Xiaoyu in his arms, but Nami stood still.
” Hu ~ hu ~~” Nami said directly without turning her head: ” Where can we run? No matter how we run, she will catch up! And … I don’t even want to forgive that guy! ”
Looking at Xiaoyu, who was seriously injured and unconscious in his arms, Usopp seemed to know the reason.
” Xiaoyu … Are you all right? Are you still alive? ” Seeing Xiaoyu injured, Auntie seemed to be very nervous.
” Hehehe … It seems that you finally have an enlightenment! ” Runti said with a chuckle.
” Weather · Tornado! ” Nami used the ability of the Weather Stick to send a gust of wind directly at Runti, but she was easily dodged by Runti.
” It’s useless, you and I are not at the same level! After I caught you, you couldn’t move at all, understand? ” When Runti was dodging Nami’s attack, she approached Nami directly. She grabbed Nami with the claws of the dinosaur, and then planned to kill Nami directly with the head cone.
” Nami! ” Usopp, who was holding Xiaoyu, wanted to come to the rescue, but he was too late and incapable.
” Napoleon! ” ” Yes, Mom ~~”
” Prometheus! ” ” Yes , Mom ~~”
” Hera! ” ” Okay, Mom ~~”
With the aunt’s shout, the three glutinous rice cakes with the aunt’s soul came directly to the aunt’s side.
Hera is a new thundercloud made by aunt. When Zeus fell from the roof before, Zeus was trapped by Kidd, which caused aunt to almost fall into the sea, so under the persuasion of Prometheus, aunt made a new one. A thundercloud named Hera!
Yes, this Hera is a female glutinous rice cake.
” Fitness · Light Cannon! ” Aunt finally shot at Runti.
” Clam? ” Seeing an extremely fast light wave shot towards him, Runti had no chance to escape at all, and his body was directly pierced by the aurora.
” Isn’t it … already an alliance? ” When Runti fell to the ground, she didn’t expect that aunt would really take action against her.
” I said … my people … you can’t move any of you! ” the aunt said domineeringly, ” hurt Xiaoyu in front of me? Are you tired of living? ”
” Mom ~ Mom ~ did you see it just now? We have successfully merged! ” After only one move to solve the other side, the sun Prometheus said to the aunt quite proudly.
” Yeah! Not bad! ” Auntie was also very satisfied with the new move.
” Look, I’ll just say it! If it were that idiot Zeus, it would definitely not succeed! ” Prometheus the sun said triumphantly.
” What ~ Hera cooperated with me just now! ” Napoleon, the horn hat, also came out and said at this time.
” Don’t be kidding, but I told my mother that I hope to make a girlfriend for me! ” Prometheus said immediately when he saw that Napoleon actually came out to make trouble.
” You two, give me enough time! I am instructed to obey my mother’s instructions, and my mother has never said that she wants me to be your girlfriend or anything! ” Hera replied disdainfully.
And while Auntie was chatting with the glutinous rice cake beside her, Nami and Usopp were about to run away with Xiaoyu, who had sobered up.
” Huh? Zeus? ” Nami, who was running away, saw Zeus hiding there at the foot of the wall.
It turned out that Zeus, who ran out of Kidd’s control, ran directly over here because he was worried about Aunt, but just saw the cooperation of the new Thundercloud, Prometheus and Napoleon, and immediately felt the new flower. The thundercloud is so beautiful and sassy that he can’t compare with the other.
” Nami! ” When Nami discovered Zeus, Zeus naturally saw Nami, but because of what he had done to Nami before, Nami ignored him now.
” Yo ~ Isn’t this Zeus? ” The aunt also found Zeus hiding in the corner.
” Mom! ” Hearing the aunt calling him, Zeus hurried over and said: ” Hold … I’m sorry, Mom, I’m late! It seems that there are more companions! From now on, we will be four companions! It feels more reliable! Hey hey hey …”
” No, Zeus! I don’t need you anymore! ” When the aunt heard this, she didn’t laugh, but said in a deep voice: ” Hera, go and eat Zeus! In this way, your power will be even stronger! ”
” No … isn’t it? Mom! Please don’t say such terrifying words, I’ll behave well in the future! If it really doesn’t work, I’ll walk far away so that you won’t see me! ” Zeus was horrified when he heard this. .
” What? Let’s go? What’s the difference between you and a soul thief? Don’t be long-winded! If you really want to apologize, just obediently be eaten! ” Aunt replied.
At this time, the aunt also found Nami and Usopp who escaped, but she has no intention of paying attention to them now, but Xiaoyu who was taken away by them was a friend recognized by the aunt, so she stole Xiaoyu from them directly, and planned to Just kill them.
” Nami … I’m so sorry, I tried to kill you before, but I blamed me for being a coward and didn’t dare to resist my mother! Nami, you were so good to me, but I turned against you ! ” Hera bit, he felt like he was about to die.
” I’m too lazy to care about you, haven’t we already broken up with each other! ” Nami, who was running away, didn’t want to look at Zeus, and replied directly.
” In the end, I was abandoned when I came back here! ” Zeus cried: ” Although I am about to die, but … I really don’t want to be hated by everyone! It doesn’t matter if you don’t forgive me. Look! Look, this is the first and last time I rebel against my mother! Nami … you run away! ”
Thundercloud Zeus, who could finish talking at the conference, turned black directly, and he planned to release all his energy so that Nami could get time to escape.
But what he thought was too naive, glutinous rice glutinous rice cakes could not resist Auntie. As a soul-soul fruit capable, Auntie grabbed Zeus directly and absorbed his soul energy.
” Zeus! It’s so stupid! ” Nami saw Zeus, who had been drained of her soul energy, turned into a dry cloud, and took out the weather stick for the last rescue.
However, the longer weather rod could not save Zeus at all, but let Hera eat it with Zeus together with the weather rod.
In desperation, Nami had to take the weather stick back.
” Run, Nami! ” At this time, Usopp picked up Xiaoyu, who was taken away by the aunt, and was about to run away with Nami.
” Xiaoyu … why are you leaving me? ” Seeing Xiaoyu running away with Nami, the aunt seemed a little angry.
” Since you want to leave … then you can leave your life together! ” The angry aunt felt Xiaoyu’s betrayal, so she planned to kill her together.
” Magnetic Strings ! ”
“ROOM ! ”
At this critical moment, Kidd and Luo, who had been chasing after the aunt, finally arrived and rescued Nami, Usopp and others.
“The straw hats, get out of here, this old woman … but my prey! ” Kidd stared at the aunt, grinned, and said with a smile.
” Humph! Don’t underestimate her too much, the Four Emperors are not so easy to deal with! And … I have to deal with her, but me! ” Luo, who was beside him, said angrily.
From the beginning to the present, he feels as if he has become a little brother, not a big brother.
On the other side, Luffy, who was blown off the island of ghosts by the aftermath of Kaido and Reina’s battle, fell directly into the sea, but happened to meet Luo’s crew, who were driving a submarine and happened to see Luffy, so they put Luffy came to the rescue.
It’s just that the crew on the ship can only use simple medical methods. For seriously injured patients like Luffy, they don’t know what to do at all, because the ship doctor on the ship is their captain.
“…” Luffy, who was lying on the operating table and re-bandaged by Bebo and the others, seemed to be whispering something.
” Straw hat, what are you talking about? ” Bepo put his ear close, trying to hear what the straw hat boy was saying.
“ Meat!!! ”
Luffy suddenly shouted loudly like a corpse.
The frightened Heart Pirates almost jumped out of the submarine.
” Yeah! You’re still alive! You scared us to death! ” Bebo, as the first victim, hid in the corner just now.
However, after shouting, Luffy fell straight again, as if he had exhausted all his strength just now.
” What are we going to do now? ” one of the crew members asked Bepo.
Although they didn’t appoint a vice-captain on board, apart from Luo, the only one who can command everyone is Bebo. Although he is usually a group pet, it does not prevent him from becoming a vice-captain.

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