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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
BIGMOM Pirates appeared very late, they did not fail to catch up with the battle. At this time, the Straw Hats and the warriors of Wano Kingdom defeated their opponents, but their bodies were also affected. Different degrees of damage, and now facing the BIGMOM pirates in their heyday , Reina estimates that it is too difficult to win!
On the other side, Luffy, who was full of food and drink again, was trying to find a way to rush to the island of Oni again.
At this time, a huge pink dragon stumbled and came to Luffy’s side.
” Peach? ” Although the body has grown bigger, but looking at that appearance, Luffy feels that the other party is Koyuki Momonosuke .
” Luffy, it’s me! ” The pink dragon replied excitedly.
” It’s really you? How did you become so big? ” Luffy asked in surprise.
It turned out that Momonosuke and Shinobu, who had been escorted away by Yamato, found Luffy on the shore, so they rushed over.
As for why he became so big, it was his own request.
As a capable person, Xiao Ren’s ability is to make the things she touches mature.
So at the request of Momonosuke, Shinobi used his abilities against him, making Momonosuke directly into an adult state.
But although the body has become an adult, but the heart is still a few years old child.
” That’s why … Momonosuke became what he is now! ” After Xiaonin’s explanation, Luffy and the Heart Pirates were a little impressed by Momonosuke.
You must know that Xiao Ren’s ability will not be restored. After she has become a mature adult, she cannot change back.
” Very good, Momoko! Now that I love you, I have made up my mind! Then let’s go to Kaido! Defeat him and liberate Wano! ” Luffy stood on Momonosuke’s head and shouted loudly.
” But … but I’m still scared! Although my body has become an adult, but … ”
” Peach! Don’t be so useless! Why did you become like this? Quickly, fly up and head towards the island of ghosts! ”
Before Momonosuke could finish speaking, Luffy interrupted directly.
It turns out that although he has become a dragon like Kaido, Momanosuke, who is mentally weak, can’t fly at all, so Luffy is so anxious.
After a period of psychological reconstruction, Momanosuke finally flew towards the island of ghosts.
But just when they were about to arrive at Onishima, Luffy also discovered the approaching BIGMOM pirates.
” That’s … bad! It’s the ship of the Big Mom Pirates! ” Luffy said with a serious expression.
” Huh? ” Hearing Luffy’s words, Momanosuke looked in that direction in surprise and asked with a little fear: “The Big Mom Pirates? Is that the one that is as terrifying as Kaido? ”
” Yeah! I didn’t expect them to come too! ” At this time, Luffy could already see Smoothie standing on the bow of the ship. As the only enemy among the three generals who had never fought before, Luffy believed that the opponent’s strength was absolutely Not bad, because the other two three generals are very powerful.
” Oops … Oops! ” Because of fear, Momanosuke lost control of his body and rammed directly into the skeleton of Onishima.
” Boom ~~” The huge dragon directly smashed the skeleton building into a big hole. The Beast Pirates and the warriors found the dragon, and they were all stunned.
” Kai … Lord Kaido? ”
” It doesn’t seem to be the same as Mr. Kaido! It’s pink! ”
” What’s the situation? Lord Kaido is sabotaging here? ”
Because Momonosuke was unable to control his body, the gigantic dragon began to rampage inside the skeleton building of Onishima.
” What’s the situation? Isn’t Kaido fighting Reina-sama in the sky? Another one? ” The warriors who fled everywhere looked up in surprise and saw that Kaido was still fighting Reina in the sky, so this Where did the dragon come from?
” Peach, quickly control your body! Stop ramming! ” Luffy, who was standing on Momonosuke’s head, shouted to Momonosuke.
” I can’t do it … I can’t do it! I … I’m trembling with fear on my face! ” Momanosuke replied with a crying voice.
” What an idiot! ” Luffy also knew that Momonosuke couldn’t help at this time. He raised his head and glanced at Kaido who was fighting in the sky. Luffy roared and turned on the fourth gear directly. Then ejected into the air.
” Kaido ~~~” Luffy roared and rushed towards Kaido, startling Reina who was fighting again,
” Luffy? ” Reina really didn’t expect that Luffy would appear again. Before, he couldn’t even stand up, but now he came back like a normal person.
” Straw Hat? ” Kaido was obviously taken aback by Luffy’s appearance.
” How dare you show up? Wait … that guy is …” Kaido also found Momonosuke who had transformed into a giant dragon, he hesitated and said: ” Is that the work of Vega Punk? This world … no need for two dragons! ”
After discovering that Momonosuke had actually turned into a giant dragon like himself, Kaido was a little upset.
After his transformation, he was a cyan dragon, while Momonosuke was pink.
” That’s … Momonosuke-sama? ” At this time, the warriors of Wano Kingdom gradually discovered that the pink dragon seemed to be officially Kozuki Momonosuke.
Finding that he was being watched by the samurai of Wano, Momanosuke had to strengthen his spirit, control his body, and fly towards the air, so that Luffy who was in the air had a foothold, so he didn’t have to bounce in the air all the time. on.
” Peach, good work! Let’s defeat Kaido together! ” Luffy fell on Momonosuke’s head again and said loudly.
“I ‘ll do my best next … ” Momonosuke said tremblingly.
This is where Reina and Kaido are fighting. The powerful aura they exude makes Momanosuke dare not approach at all. If Luffy is not there, and he is watched by the samurai of Wano, he will definitely Will choose to escape at the first time.
” Looks like … the battle has to be resolved quickly! ” After Momonosuke and Luffy made such a fuss, the skeleton building became even more broken. The cat Viper, who was fighting Perospero, also saw BIGMOM ‘s Pirate ship.
” Lick lick … it looks like you’ve run out of gas! ” Similarly, Perospero, who was with him, naturally saw his own pirate ship, Smoothie, who was already standing on the bow.
” I’m exhausted? I really can’t see it! ” Cat Viper licked his lips, took a pill from his arms, and said, ” Let’s let you feel the taste of fear! ”
After speaking, Cat Viper ate the pill directly.
This is the latest pill developed by Ah Xie. The side effects have almost dissipated, but it still retains some increases, especially during the full moon. With almost terrifying power.
He was doing the same thing, and Inuarashi, who was fighting with Jack, had already discovered the ship of the BIGMOM Pirates, and wanted to end the battle quickly.

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