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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Those guys … Sure enough, they all used it! ” Bistan felt a strong life energy coming from several places not far away, and immediately said with a wry smile.
He naturally has Reina’s bait, but he thought it was just an ordinary food hunting competition, and everyone said before the game that they would not use that kind of bait. are used.
” Oops … I can’t sense the body shape! ” Over there, Reina, who was riding on Chabes, was the most mobile, so after he found out that someone else was using the bait, he planned to cut his beard.
However, not long after he woke up, although he could sense life energy, he couldn’t sense the specific body shape, so he had to find the existence with the strongest life energy and run away.
” Okay, Reina, don’t tell me about the bait you used, do you still want to grab my prey? ” Seeing Reina running towards him, Lakyo scolded with a laugh, and then quickly began to dance the meteor hammer in his hand.
” Huh? ” Watching Reina and Lakyo take the lead, the rest of them were not far behind, and they all moved towards the sea kings who were moving in the sea.
Only on Marco’s side, because he is a capable person, he had to stay in the air and keep an eye on Olga’s movements.
” Bastard, those guys did it on purpose, and they acted in advance, causing the vigilance of the sea kings, Olga, be careful, the sea kings may attack! ” Marko in the air suddenly changed his face, and turned towards Orr below. Jia said.
” Don’t worry, although I don’t have the ability of yours, Elizabeth will not be attacked by the sea kings! ” Olga patted Elizabeth on the neck and said with a smile.
As soon as she finished speaking, Elizabeth began to feel uneasy, and then suddenly screamed and began to run in the other direction.
Seeing this, Marko did not dare to be careless, because he had already seen a huge shadow under the sea.
” Boom ~~ Boom ~~ Boom ~~”
No less than ten sea kings suddenly emerged from the sea in various places, and then stared at the humans in front of them.
” Gulu …” Hansen looked at a sea king with bigger eyes than him, swallowed, and said, ” This is trouble … is it going too far! ”
The crew members near the island naturally noticed the movement here, and one by one they quickly got out of the sea and ran to the edge of the beach.
” Hey … then I’m welcome! ” Rakyo was the one who wanted to do something more than Reina, and saw him swinging his meteor hammer and hitting the Neptune closest to him.
” Cuckoo …” In front of him was a huge Neptune with a frog’s head. When Lakeyo’s meteor hammer hit him, the frog let out a cry, opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, trying to knock his meteor Hammer to eat.
” My Meteor Hammer is not so delicious! ” Lakyo laughed strangely, and his armed color directly covered the entire Meteor Hammer.
The tongue of the frog sea king finally came into contact with the meteor hammer, but the two sides seemed to be evenly matched, the frog’s tongue was bounced back, and Lakyo’s meteor hammer did not benefit.
” Ran Dance of Roses! ” Followed by Bista, who was holding a Western sword in each hand, and at the moment of the shot, some roses seemed to fall around his body.
He was fighting against a giant eel-like sea king, and in the face of Vista’s slashing, the giant eel slashed past with its tail.
” Wow ~~” With a strange cry, the tail of the huge eel was cut off by Vista, and the sea was instantly dyed red with blood.
The giant eel sea kings immediately planned to sneak into the sea to escape, but Vista would not let the other party escape. On the way down, he stepped on the broken tail of the giant eel, and then two intersecting slashes directly slashed at the giant eel.
When Bistan made his move, the rest of the group also made his move. Reina put a foot on Chabes’s head, and then jumped towards his chosen sea king.
It was a sea king with a head that looked very much like a Thunder Dragon. Seeing Little Reina coming towards him, he didn’t make any extra moves, just opened his mouth and planned to eat Reina.
” Hoo ~ cut! ”
Reina took a deep breath and pulled out Muramasa directly. When the Thunder Dragon-like Sea King was about to eat it, he slashed the opponent’s nose with a knife.
As if he had never encountered anything, Muramasa directly tore the opponent’s skin and muscles, and immediately the Thunder Dragon Sea King’s nose was cut open by Reina.
Under the pain, the Thunder Dragon Sea King closed his mouth and hit Reina with his head.
Reina used the opponent’s head to directly ignore the opponent’s impact, and then slashed at the opponent’s neck.
” Pfft ~~”
” Boom …”
The huge thunder dragon-like head was directly cut off by Reina with a knife, but he was directly caught by Chabes who ran over and returned to its body.
” Hey … I didn’t expect this guy to have such a strong impact force! ” The impact of the Thunder Dragon Sea King just now was not ineffective, but the energy of the impact was directly absorbed by Reina, and then when he slashed towards the opponent’s neck, he directly The impact was released.
This allowed him to cut off the opponent’s neck with ease. Otherwise, with Reina’s swordsmanship, even with Muramasa in hand, he still does not have the strength to cut off the opponent’s neck with one blow.
The battle happened quickly and ended quickly. Except for Marco who was still trying to chase the second Sea King, everyone else had already solved their opponents.
When they returned to the island, the crew was working hard to salvage the sea kings they killed. Although there were a lot of them, they could never finish eating so many sea kings.
There was no winner or loser in the game that day, because it was really difficult to compare, so Reina took out two catties of liquor and shared it with everyone at the banquet.
” Father, this is the prey I hunted! Wow quack …” Olga stood on a huge sea king corpse and said with a smug smile.
This was her deal with Marko, for which Marko deliberately hunted down two sea kings.
After the two excess sea king meat were stored in the underground freezer on the empty island, the banquet officially began.
All the pirates gathered around the bonfire, singing and drinking happily while dancing a dance that Reina didn’t know about. In short, everyone was very happy.
The most popular thing that night was not the sea kings that Reina and the others hunted, but the seven or eight tiger meat that Joz brought back.
As a pirate, although the meat of the sea king is not common, it can be eaten occasionally, but they really rarely eat a land creature like a tiger, so the whole tiger is eaten, and only eight bones are left. .
As for the tiger skin, it was peeled off by Reina and made into eight tiger skin chairs, which were placed in the conference room of the Moby Dick .
” This thing looks very good! ” Even Whitebeard couldn’t help but exclaim after seeing the finished product made by Rayner.
” Hahaha … But I haven’t met a guy at the level of a tiger king. This level of tiger leather chair is not worthy of the identity of the big brother! ” Reina said with a smile.
Although the current white beard is still tall, it is not as tall as the future, so if he wants to sit on this tiger-skin chair, there is no problem, but this is just the tiger skin of an ordinary tiger. Some lost their identity.
” Don’t worry, Dad, I’ll hunt a tiger king for you in the future, and then ask the deputy captain to help make it! ” Joz, who was on the side, patted his chest and said.
” It’s just a few chairs, there’s no need for so many things! If Dad and everyone like it, I’ll go hunt a few more heads tomorrow and come back! ” Bista on the side said with a smile and shook his head.
Reina nodded and said, ” That’s right, and this guy’s meat tastes good, so it can be stored for a bit! It’s time to replace all the chairs in the conference room with tiger skins! ”
Originally, he planned to use this tiger-skin chair as a status symbol, so that the cadres on the ship were eligible to sit, but thinking that the current Whitebeard Pirates are far from reaching their peak, they will not be divided into battle team captains. Come on, so I gave up on that plan.
The banquet is still going on. The pirates’ love for the banquet is even comparable to their love for treasures. Reina has been in this world for so long, and he has never seen a pirate who doesn’t like banquets.
” Di … Check in for the thirteenth day in a row … Today’s salary settlement …”
” You get base salary: 130 points ”
” Overtime Pay: 300 Million Berry ”
” You get a treasure pack: a set of amber drinking utensils ”
When the salary of the day was settled, Reina received the treasure package presented by the system after excavating the treasure map.
However, the amber wine set is only a daily necessities. Although it is very beautiful, it does not increase his strength.
Now he has accumulated almost 30,000 points, and he is still 20,000 away from purchasing the bloodline ability evolution scroll .
But he found that with the passage of time, his physical skill proficiency has already exceeded half, maybe when he has enough 50,000 points, that is when he needs to buy the intermediate skill evolution scroll.
However, he checked the price in the mall. The evolution volume with only 1,000 points for the primary level jumped to 10,000 points after reaching the intermediate level, which was directly increased tenfold, which made Reina feel a deep sense of powerlessness.
So far, what he has exchanged from the mall is some daily necessities, and very few of them are helpful to his strength.
This is why points are too difficult to earn, and he has to store them up to exchange them for things that can maximize his strength.
I originally thought that with the treasure pack, I could open some things that would enhance my strength, but from the situation this time, most of the treasure packs that were opened were some precious household items, which had no effect on his strength at all. what help.
However, this is only the first time, so Reina intends to try a few more times. If this happens every time, the emergence of this treasure mode will not only bring him a lot of working time, but also increase his strength. limited.
” Reina, we’re going to hunt tigers, are you going? ” After waking up the next day, Joz and a group of people really planned to hunt some tigers, and excitedly invited Reina.
However, Reina had no such thoughts at this time, so after rejecting Joz, he began to select the treasure map with the highest level from among the treasure maps identified by the system.

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