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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After listening to Olga’s reason, Reina looked at the doctor again and asked, ” Then doctor, what’s your reason for refusing her to go to sea? ”
” With her strength, if there is no sign of the Whitebeard Pirates, she will be beaten to death in minutes! And it is not that the Whitebeard Pirates have no enemies, so what they encounter will be detrimental to our Whitebeard Pirates. The pirate, you are the best handle! ” The doctor shook his head and said directly: ” So you should not cause trouble for everyone! ”
” Hahahaha …” Before Olga retorted, Reina laughed loudly and said, ” Doctor … This is not the reason to stop him from going to sea! ”
Olga’s eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she looked at Reina with great anticipation, as if waiting for him to convince her father to let her go to sea.
” You should say this … I’m your father, I don’t want you to go out to sea, you can’t go out to sea! ” Reina replied with a slight twist on the corner of his mouth.
Reina’s words made everyone stunned for a while, and then everyone except Olga couldn’t help but laugh.
After laughing, Reina said with a serious face: ” But doctor, I support Olga going to sea. Maybe she won’t have a good reputation outside, but for us fathers, we support the decisions made by the children. That’s right! Even if it costs some money, I think I can give it a try! ”
The doctor looked at Reina in confusion and asked, ” So, that’s why you kept Robin out? ”
” No! ” Reina shook his head and said: ” Besides, there is another reason! That is the dream … A person has his own dream, it is complete! What reason do you have to stop a young man from stepping What about the path to pursue her dream? No matter what her choice is, we just support her! ”
Olga looked at Reina gratefully, and then said to Dr. Sière: ” Father, I know you are worried about my safety, but Perona and I are already very powerful! And we plan to start from the first half of the great flight. Duan starts sailing, with our strength, there will be no problem there! After our strength is enough, we will come to the new world, and then … we will definitely become an indispensable part of the Whitebeard Pirates. staff! ”
” Do you think our Whitebeard Pirates still lack a little power like you? ” Persia pondered for a while and said.
” I’m not a trivial force! ” Olga got up and said angrily: ” Dad stupid, why don’t you believe in people? I will definitely become an excellent pirate! ”
” Olga … Sit down! The doctor is your father, how can you do this? No matter what, you can communicate well, you can tell him what you think, and then you communicate slowly instead of arguing, arguing and getting angry , can’t solve the problem! If it is an enemy, it can be solved directly by force, but when dealing with relatives … you can only use family affection to influence … Understand? ” Reina said, winking at Olga.
Olga was stunned for a moment, but she immediately understood what Reina meant, but she felt a little embarrassed if she was still angry with her father just now, but now she was acting like a spoiled child.
After thinking about it as a friend, Perona quietly extended her worst hand to Olga.
” I’m sorry! I haven’t achieved anything in this life … I’m really inferior to a caterpillar! ” Suddenly, Olga fell to her knees and said with a low face.
Everyone was stunned by Olga, but they soon turned to Perona.
” No … not me! No … I didn’t mean to! ” Perona said when she saw everyone looking at her, she stepped back in fright, and waved her hands.
At this time, Olga had also woken up, and looked at her friend Perona with a bad face.
” Then … then I said I was careless … do you believe it? ” Perona said to Olga with big innocent eyes.
To be honest, he didn’t even know why he shot at Olga just now.
” Do you want to go to sea that much? ” But at this moment, Dr. Sière asked Olki.
” I’ll take care of you later! ” Olga glared at Perona before turning her head and said to Dr. Sière: ” Yes, father! I’m a pirate’s child! ”
Dr. Sière sighed and said, ” I hope you can live up to your choice! If you’re not used to being outside, come back and I’ll be waiting for you here! ”
” Father …” Olga was first surprised and then a little sad, and said: ” Father, don’t worry, I know! ”
” Okay, since the doctors have agreed, then you can also prepare! ” Reina smiled and waved, driving Olga and Perona away!
The two little guys were excited now, and they didn’t care about Reina’s attitude. They ran to get ready to go to sea.
” Frank, find some brothers with eyes, join their pirate group, and monitor them at all times! ” After Olga and Perona left, Reina immediately said to Frank.
” Huh? ” Frank was stunned, looking at Reina in confusion.
On the contrary, Dr. Sière’s eyes lit up, and he seemed to understand what Rayner meant.
” Olga, I’ve been staying with the Whitebeard Pirates, and I don’t know the dangers outside. Although Perona has some sailing experience, it’s still very dangerous for the two of them to go out! Find some brothers, follow them, and come Protecting them and coming will also let the doctor know their movements at any time, so that the doctor can feel more at ease! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Frank nodded suddenly, expressing his understanding.
Unlike the happy Dr. Sière, Ace looked at Reina differently. He seemed to know Reina for the first time, and looked at him with strange eyes.
” Hey … What are you looking at? There is no way, you think my position as deputy captain is for nothing? ” Reina said to Ace with a smile, showing his teeth.
Ace shuddered. He suddenly thought that he might have been tricked by the deputy captain before he knew it.
Even herself, like Olga now, didn’t know anything about it, maybe she was still thanking the vice-captain. After all, if it wasn’t for Reina’s intercession, the matter she wanted to go to sea would never have gone so smoothly. .
And he finally knew why the old man on the boat was so afraid of the deputy captain.
It turned out not only because of force, but also because of this terrible scheming.
” What? Don’t you think I handled it well? Olga got the chance she dreamed of, and at the same time the Doctor can feel at ease, isn’t it? ” Reina asked Ace, looking at him.
Reina naturally knew what Ace was thinking, but he didn’t mind.

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