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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What did you say? We are going to war with the Whitebeard Pirates now? ” Admiralty Headquarters, Chief Staff Officer Crane, looked at Akainu sitting in the position of the marshal in shock, and asked, ” What on earth are you trying to do? ”
” Obviously! Now that the King’s Shichibukai has been cancelled, Kaido’s Beast Pirates and Charlotte Lingling ‘s BIGMOM Pirates have been defeated. This time is the best time to attack the Whitebeard Pirates! ” The dog held a cigar and said calmly: ” And he is now on Fishman Island. Although the main force of the Whitebeard Pirates is here, they have divided a lot of troops from Xuanyue Island and Amazon Lily. ! ”
” But do you know what it means to attack the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, at this time? ” Admiral Crane saw that Akainu was not impulsive, so he sat down and asked.
” Of course … the current situation of the whole world, because of the defeat of Kaido and BIGMOM , has begun to undergo violent turmoil, so … why don’t we take this opportunity? I don’t think Whitebeard would have thought that we would fight against them. Let’s do it!? ” Akainu said with a flash of light in his eyes.
” But … they are on Fishman Island, and the bottom of the sea is the world of fishmen! ” Lieutenant General Crane said with a frown.
She always felt that Akainu was not just on a whim this time, but planned for a long time.
But as a big staff officer, she doesn’t even know about this …
” Don’t worry! ” Sure enough, the corners of Akainu’s mouth twitched slightly, and he said, ” The troops that dispersed to capture Qiwuhai have already quietly turned towards Amazon Lily! ”
” What? ” Lieutenant General Crane was taken aback, looking at Akainu, her brain began to run wildly!
” Capturing Shichibukai … is just a pretense! In order to let the Whitebeard Pirates send troops to rescue? Then you seize the opportunity to design to surround some of the forces and let the Whitebeard Pirates come to the rescue, so that you will be wiped out by you!? Why are you sure that the Whitebeard Pirates will come to help when the Qiwuhai is attacked? Wait … that ‘s why … that’s why you attacked Fishman Island, even if Jinbei was deprived of the title of the King of the Qiwuhai, but you Still using Jinbei to threaten Fishman Island! ” Lieutenant General Crane asked after pondering for a while.
” It’s not a big staff officer! Lieutenant General Crane is right! ” Akainu clapped his hands and applauded: ” King Xia Qiwuhai, this organization originally affiliated with the World Government, has long been penetrated by the Whitebeard Pirates. So! So I directly took advantage of the opportunity of the World Government to cancel the king’s entry into the Qiwuhai, and attacked them! ”
” Faced with the pressure of the navy, they will definitely ask for help from the Whitebeard Pirates behind them! Even if they don’t ask for help, Fishman Island is the site of the Whitebeard Pirates, and they will definitely come! In this way … I At least half of their plan has been successful! Now that they have divided their troops to rescue the Nine Snakes, then … as long as I use these people as bait, Whitebeard will definitely be fooled! ”
Seeing Akainu’s proud look, Lieutenant General Crane frowned slightly and said, “The Whitebeard Pirates are not that easy to deal with! ”
Although she said so, she also had to say that Akainu’s plan this time was really perfect, and the most important thing was … His big staff didn’t even know such a big thing!
It seems that the World Government helped behind Akainu this time, otherwise such a big military action plan would have been impossible to hide from her, the general staff officer of the entire army!
” Don’t worry, this plan is foolproof! ” Akainu said confidently.
” Then why did you call me here? Are you showing off to my old woman? ” Lieutenant General He got up and walked out of the office with a sneer.
Akainu with a cigar in his mouth watched Admiral Crane leave without saying a word.
” Your era … is finally coming to an end! ” After a while, Akainu in the smoke took a sharp cigar and said softly.
On the other side, after solving the troubles of the Hydra Amazon Lily, Saatchi took the people to the fish-man island. They needed to coat the ship on the nearest island, and then dive to the bottom of the sea, and the Moby Dick confluence.
” Saatchi, what new recipe are you working on? ” Lakjo came to the restaurant with a smirk and asked Saatchi, who was doing something in the kitchen.
” Oh ~ Lakyo, go out quickly, don’t make trouble, I’m thinking about what food to prepare for Dad’s birthday this year! Reina told me an interesting way to cook, I’m going to try it! ” Saatchi said to his companions with a smile.
” Hahaha … I don’t mind being a tool person. If you make it, I can try it first! ” Lakyo said his purpose with a smile.
Saatchi’s cooking skills are obvious to all. Even if he is experimenting with some new dishes, the taste will not be too bad.
And as the captain, Saatchi has rarely seen him cook seriously except for his hobby and making food for his father.
In the past, he took the Moby Dick to go out on adventures, and Saatchi, the head chef, occasionally cooked food, but since Xuanyue Island was able to move, Saatchi basically stopped making food because Xuanyue Island There are a large number of chefs who can satisfy everyone’s daily food and drink.
” Okay okay ~ I know, but before I make it, you can’t make trouble! ” Saatchi replied helplessly.
” Boom ~ Boom ~”
But at this moment, the continuous explosion made both of them stunned for a moment.
” Looks like we’ll have to wait for our trial! ” Lakjoo got up and said softly.
As pirates, they are not unfamiliar with the sound of shells exploding, so it is clear that either they have encountered an enemy or something has happened.
” Captain Saatchi … uh ~ Captain Lakyo! It’s not good! We are surrounded by the navy! ” At this moment, a pirate rushed in and reported loudly to Saatchi Hui.
” Navy? Is it the navy that retreated from Amazon Lily? Why are they here? They deliberately ambushed us here because they were defeated? ” Sage asked in surprise as he walked outside.
He really didn’t expect it to be the navy. After all, they just finished fighting the navy, and the other party shouldn’t appear here!
“I don’t know … but judging from the number of warships, there are more navies surrounding Amazon Lily than before! ” The pirate members who followed behind Saatchi whispered.
” There’s something wrong with the situation! They seem to be … coming for us? ” Lakjoo frowned and said.
If the number of opponents is more than surrounding Amazon Lily, there are only two possibilities. One is that the navy targets them and deliberately waits for them here.
The other is that the navy also dispatched reinforcements after seeing them intervene, and it happened to meet them here.
But Lakjoo didn’t believe it would be such a coincidence. You must know that their target was Fishman Island. If the other party set off from the Navy headquarters to Amazon Lily, they would not take this route at all.

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