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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Where’s Saatchi? That bastard … how dare you play tricks with me! ” Lakyo woke up not long after Saatchi left, and immediately asked his companions angrily and hurriedly.
” Captain Saatchi has gone to the bottom of the sea to use the psychic scroll as planned! ” a pirate whispered.
” Damn it! ” Rakyo was furious, how would he explain to his father if there was something wrong with Thatch?
At the same time, Reina, who was far away on Xuanyue Island, had just come out of the tower of trials and was resting in the living room of his home. Suddenly, his heart palpitated. He felt that someone had used a psychic scroll.
His psychic scrolls are very precious, so there are not many people who give them away, one for Robin, one for Whitebeard, and one for Marko, Joz, and Lakjoo each.
At present, he can be sure that it is not Marco who is using the psychic scroll, and it should not be Robin. He is not sure who it is.
After waiting for a while, he felt his body recover a little, and then immediately notified Frank, Marco, and Ace to come over.
” Hey ~ Which tower of trials did you go to? Is it necessary to hurt yourself every time? ” When Marco saw Reina’s state, he immediately knew that he was going to the trial ground.
” This is not the point! Just now I felt that someone used the psychic scroll! ” Reina shook his head and said.
“The psychic scroll? ” Frank and Ace looked at Reina in confusion, they didn’t know about the psychic scroll.
” Can you know who it is? ” Marco asked with a sullen face.
Unlike Frank, he is an insider who knows the psychic scroll, and even he carries the psychic scroll all the year round.
“I don’t know! There aren’t many people who own the psychic scrolls. Except for you and Robin, I only gave one to each of my eldest brother, Joz and Rack! ” Reina first explained the passage to Ace and Frank. The meaning of the spirit scroll, and then said.
” Robin just defeated Kaido in Wano, so there shouldn’t be any danger now! And you said that Robin also has his own psychic beast! So … is there something wrong with Daddy? ? ” Marco frowned.
“I don’t know! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” I won’t know until I channel them! But I’m not in the best shape right now, so I just informed you to come here! ”
” But … what’s the situation … Dad needs to use yogurt or hard shell? ” Frank asked inexplicably.
” Dad, did they go to Fishman Island? Did they encounter some powerful sea kings? Or what happened to Fishman Island? ” Ace also frowned.
” Let’s go! Let’s go to the port first, and then I’ll channel them! ” Reina shook his head and replied.
He can only feel that someone has used the psychic scroll. After all, it is his psychic beast who is psychic, so he can find out!
But he didn’t know exactly who, which one, and where he was channeled. Even now, if he channeled Yoo or Hard Shell, it would have an impact on those who used the scroll, he didn’t know.
Because of the situation on the other side, he has no idea at all.
Soon, Reina and his party arrived at the port.
” If I channel it now … will there be a problem? ” Ace looked at Reina who was preparing to channel, hesitated for a moment, and asked.
After all, Whitebeard and the others should be at the bottom of the ten thousand meters. If Yoyo or Hardshell were summoned to save their lives, and now Reina channeled them, wouldn’t it be bad?
” This …” Several people, including Reina, hesitated. Ace’s worries were not unreasonable. If it really turned out to be self-defeating, it would be bad.
But now they can only know what happened by channeling Yoo and Hardshell.
” Let’s do it … Frank, you immediately inform the doctor and let Xuanyue Island move in the direction of Fishman Island. If we are here … we will channel it later, and give it a little time! ” After thinking about it, Marko , said.
” Okay, I’ll notify the doctor immediately! ” Frank heard the words, glanced at Reina, nodded, and ran towards the doctor’s location.
” If you go to Xuanyue Island … it’s too late! Let’s do it, I will channel the hard shell first. If he doesn’t know what’s going on, I will take advantage of the hard shell and head towards Fishman Island. Hurry up, you bring Xuanyue Island over slowly! After I have eaten a little, I will contact you, how about it? ” After Frank left, Reina said.
” That’s fine! ” Marco and Ace looked at each other, nodded, and replied.
” Spiritual Summoning (Hard Shell)! ” After the three were confirmed, Reina directly used the psychic technique on the hard shell without saying a word.
” Bang! ” After a burst of smoke, the huge hard shell appeared directly at the port of Xuanyue Island.
” Roar ~~”
When Hard Shell saw Reina, he immediately lowered his head and roared softly.
Reina was stunned for a moment, then walked towards the back of the hard shell.
” What’s the situation? ” Marco and Ace asked Reina, not understanding Hard Shell’s roar.
” Hardshell said … Thatch summoned it just now and left a letter on his back! ” Reina said as he walked.
Marco and Ace were stunned when they heard the words, and then walked towards the hard shell.
Reina just said that he only gave the scrolls to Dad Whitebeard, Joz and Lakjo, and there is no Saatchi’s name in it.
But after coming to the back of the hard shell, the three of them quickly saw the letter left by Saatchi, but after reading it, the three of them were immediately shocked and their faces changed dramatically.
” No, you have to notify Dad immediately! If Dad doesn’t show up, Sage and the others will not be in danger. Once Dad appears, the navy will immediately attack Sage and the others! ” Marko said solemnly after reading it.
” Damn, what do those navy want to do? ” Ace also said with an ugly face.
” Phew ~ Our plan remains unchanged, Marco, you and Ace take Xuanyue Island and continue to meet up with Big Brother! I’ll take one step first and meet Saatchi and the others! ” Reina didn’t even think about it, and said directly: ” In addition, you should inform the big brother, let them cooperate, try to delay the action of the navy! ”
” Deputy captain, I’ll go with you! ” Ace stepped forward and said.
” Yes, there is a doctor and I on Xuanyue Island, there will be no problem! ” Marko nodded and said.
” Okay, it’s not too late! We’ll start right away! ” Reina nodded, without being fussy, he and Ace rode in the hard shell directly and rushed towards the direction where Saqi and the others were besieged.
On the other side, the sea area surrounded by the navy.
” Whoa …”
After Saatchi slowly surfaced, he quietly stuck his head out, determined his position, and quickly swam towards the position of the pirate ship.
” Dong dong dong …” After Saatchi came to the side of the pirate ship, he tapped the pirate ship lightly, sending a signal to his companions.

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