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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” How is it? Is there any movement on the other side? ” On the naval ship surrounding the Whitebeard Pirates, Kirby frowned and asked the surveillance soldiers.
” No, except for some tentative attacks, they didn’t make much movement! ” The soldier shook his head and replied.
” So is there any news from the main force of the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Kebi asked with a sigh of relief.
” Well, the surveillance ship has sent back the news that the Moby Dick has departed from Fishman Island, although it is a little later than we expected, but they are on the Fishman Island on the bottom of the sea, and they may get the news sooner than later. Come later! ” The soldier nodded and replied.
Kirby nodded in understanding.
However, in his heart, there are still some doubts, but he can’t say it.
On the other side, on the Moby Dick that just departed from Fishman Island .
” What happened to Saatchi? The navy hasn’t started yet, right? ” Whitebeard sat on the exclusive seat and asked the captains around him.
” People have been sent to quietly inquire. At present, the navy is only besieging and not doing anything. Before we arrive, they should not easily do it! But we haven’t discovered the hidden troop of the navy! ” Bistein stepped forward, back.
Among the Whitebeard Pirates, Vice-Captain Reina usually handles things, and Marco handles things when Reina is away.
But this time, neither Reina nor Marco were there, so Vista came out to answer.
Although there are Joze, Ace, and Saatchi who are ranked ahead of him, Joze is Whitebeard’s bodyguard and usually doesn’t deal with things. Ace is still young, although he is the captain of the second division, but Not a core member.
The people who can usually help Reina are Marko, Saatchi and Vista.
Now the rest of the people are gone, so Bista takes care of these things, and then reports back to Daddy Whitebeard.
“The navy … It seems that they are really worried! It seems that the defeat of Lido and Lingling has given them a glimpse of victory! ” Whitebeard smiled and said, ” What’s going on with Reina? ”
“The deputy captain has already set off towards that direction, and it is estimated that it is not far away now. After all, the speed of the hard shell is very fast! In addition, we deliberately stayed at Fishman Island for a few days, so he should arrive one step ahead of us ! ” Star replied immediately.
Whitebeard nodded and said, ” Where is Xuanyue Island? ”
” Xuanyue Island has also come here, but it is an island after all, and the speed of action is too slow, it is estimated that it will not be able to catch up! ” Bista shook his head and said.
As the base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates, Xuanyue Island has now been transformed into a weapon of war, but the movement speed is too slow, and it is generally useless!
” Gu la la la … Okay, let Marco not worry, just stay at Xuanyue Island with peace of mind! How many people are gathered here? ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
” Originally, we sent troops to support Fishman Island this time, and we brought some troops. In addition to the main force of our Whitebeard Pirates, there are also ten pirates under his command, a total of 3,700 people! Sachina On the side are the captains of Lakyo, Jingudo and Harta led by him, as well as five pirate groups, a total of 800 people! ” Bista first talked about the power that can be used now, and then continued. :
” In addition, on the day Reina received the news, a summoning order was issued. All the pirates under our Whitebeard Pirates will rush towards Saatchi after receiving the order! But in the end How many people will catch up is uncertain! ”
Whitebeard frowned and said, ” Since the navy’s conspiracy has been seen through, why do you call so many people here? ”
Bista smiled and said: ” Reina said, this is an opportunity to show the strength of our Whitebeard Pirates, and tell those restless newcomers why we are the first of the four emperors! In addition, I also told the Navy … what is the world’s number one pirate group! ”
Bista’s words made the surrounding members smile knowingly. Their Whitebeard Pirates and the other three Four Emperors are fundamentally different, because … the emperor-level combat power, they have two !
Although Whitebeard is old now, and his strength is definitely not as good as his peak, Reina is not old yet, and his strength is still rising.
” Gu la la la la … Well, since the navy wants to play a big game, let’s have a good time with them! Don’t make any conspiracy and tricks, just disclose the news directly, issue a summoning order, and tell the navy, if Dare to hurt Lao Tzu’s son … Lao Tzu hit Marin Fando! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
” It’s okay to be a father, but he is domineering! ”
” Hahaha … I hope the navy won’t be scared to pee your pants! ”
” But in this case, the deputy captain’s plan to attack the navy … isn’t it going to fail? I hope he won’t be angry when the time comes! ”
” Hey hey … If only Xuanyue Island could catch up, then … it will definitely shock the world! ”
” It doesn’t matter … Then we will meet Saatchi, and then go to Marin Vado! ”
The surrounding members, after hearing Whitebeard’s words, laughed and said.
” Dad! I think it’s better to discuss it with Reina! ” Bista said helplessly.
” No, I know his plan, but it’s not necessary! Our Whitebeard Pirates have never been afraid of challenges, just do as I say! You just need to inform him, he knows how to do it! ” Whitebeard He waved his hand and said.
” Okay, Daddy! ” said Vista, nodding.
They are the Whitebeard Pirates, even if Reina is here, as long as Whitebeard makes up his mind, they will all instruct them to do what Whitebeard wants.
Soon, Bistan notified Reina and Marco respectively, telling them what Dad meant.
” I understand! Just do as eldest brother said! If there is no movement on your side, there will be doubts on the navy side. At that time, they may instead mention that they will do something to Saatchi! ” Reina nodded, Said to Bista on the phone bug side.
” So what are you going to do? Join us first, or what? ” Bista asked curiously.
” I won’t wait for you. The situation on Saqi’s side is more urgent. If the Navy sees any flaws, if I am here, it will be better to deal with! After you arrive, go to war with the Navy directly, don’t talk nonsense! I It is estimated that there are more navies on Saatchi’s side, waiting for you to appear and surround you! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Okay, I understand! ” Bista said and hung up the phone bug.
” Deputy captain … what should we do now? ” Ace asked with a frown as he looked at Reina.
He didn’t understand a little, obviously he could sneak attack on the navy, so why did Dad fight the opponent head-on!
” Let’s go find the Navy’s fleet first. They want to ambush the Moby Dick , and it must be not far from Saatchi! Otherwise, they won’t be able to catch up with the battle at all! ” Reina said with a smile: ” You don’t understand what Big Brother is doing, right? ? ”
” Yeah! One thing, we can obviously make it easier! ” Ace nodded and replied.
” Because … we are the number one pirate group in the world! ” Reina replied with a smile.
Ace froze for a moment, then grinned.
They are the number one pirate group in the world, and they are fighting against the navy. There is absolutely no need to cover up.

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