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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After Reina explained the plan to all the captains and the captains in detail, he left Saatchi and the captains and took the rest of the captains away.
He now has more than enough combat power, but not enough masters, so he needs to take away these captains.
” Hey … Everyone, let me know and be ready for the general attack at any time! As soon as Dad shows up, we will start immediately! ” Saatchi said excitedly.
” Yes! Captain Saatchi! ” The captains were also excited.
This battle is destined to be extraordinary, and they … have now mastered the first move.
On the other side, daughter country Amazon Lily .
” Snake Princess, it has been investigated clearly. The one surrounded by the navy is the Whitebeard Pirates who came to rescue us! ” Granny Zha said cautiously to Empress Boya Hancock, who was sitting in the main seat .
” Then what are you waiting for? Assemble the troops immediately, let’s go to the rescue! ” Hancock got up and said.
” Wait … you have to figure out, even Captain Thatch and the others are surrounded by the navy. If we go out, will it work? ” Granny Zha shook her head and said.
” Why don’t you go if it doesn’t work? ” Hancock looked at his mother-in-law and said questioningly: ” When others came to save us, they didn’t think about it so much! ”
” Hancock, don’t use things together. It’s not that we don’t help, but we have to contact the Whitebeard Pirates first, otherwise our strength alone may not be enough at all! ” Granny Zha shook her head and said.
” Hmph ! The concubine is the emperor of the daughter’s country. You don’t need to say more. Second sister and third sister, immediately worry about the Nine Snake Pirates, we will go to sea! ” ‘s departure.
Soon, Hancock took the Nine Snake Pirates out to sea, but just as they were out to sea, suddenly the third eldest Boya Marigold found Hancock.
” Sister, look! ” Marigruder shouted to Hancock with a serious look on his face, holding a newspaper.
” Is that so? ” Hancock asked, taking the newspaper.
” Daddy has issued the summoning order for the Whitebeard Pirates! ” said Boya Marigold .
” Huh? ” Hancock was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked at the newspaper carefully.
” Something’s wrong! ” Hancock said after reading the newspaper: ” When was Dad’s summoning order issued? ”
” The day he set off from Fishman Island! ” Marie Goruder replied.
” If it was Daddy who issued the call, then the Navy couldn’t have been notified! When did our intelligence officers find out that Thatch was surrounded by the Navy? ” Hancock asked.
” It’s today! ” Boya Marigold was taken aback and replied.
” So … this is not right! If the navy knows that Dad is going back to rescue, but they still just surround Saatchi … why is this? They can completely destroy Saatchi before Dad arrives, or in other words, before Dad Leave before you arrive! But they didn’t, what does that mean? It means the purpose of the navy … It ‘s not Saatchi and the others at all … It ‘s Daddy Whitebeard! ” Just guess things.
” Eldest sister, what shall we do? ” the second child , Boya Sandasonia, asked anxiously.
” Let’s go now, or it will be too late. The Navy will definitely destroy Sage and the others before Daddy arrives. Otherwise, when Daddy appears, if Sage and the others rise up to resist, they will be attacked by the enemy! And the Navy will definitely still be there. There is an ambush, we have to inform Daddy Whitebeard! ” Hancock said in a deep voice.
” Okay, I will immediately send someone to the direction of Fishman Island, I should be able to catch up! ” Boya Sandasonia nodded and replied.
” Also … with our strength, we definitely can’t fight with the navy. We can only find a breakthrough. The main purpose is to leave Saatchi and the others. As long as they are all right, there will be nothing wrong with the white-bearded father! ” After thinking about it for a while, Hancock said: “The navy will definitely not expect that we will send troops suddenly! So we go over, as long as we find a good opportunity, we may be able to surprise! ”
” Okay, eldest sister! We understand! ” Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigold nodded at the same time and replied .
And because of Whitebeard’s summoning order, all the eyes of the whole world were attracted.
Among the four emperors, Kaido and Big Mom have already been defeated by the alliance of the Straw Hats. Could it be that now Whitebeard will also be eliminated by the navy?
In that case, wouldn’t the Four Emperors be the only one left in the Red Hair Pirates?
And during this period of time, the whole world was not peaceful, but the Red Hair Pirates seemed to have disappeared, and there was no news at all.
Just when everyone thought that the Red Hair Pirates might be cowardly, Hawkeye Joracol Mihawk, one of the original kings under the Seven Wuhai , suddenly announced to join the Red Hair Pirates.
This news once again shocked the whole world.
Originally, the Red-haired Pirates were the pirates with the most balanced strength. Although they had the shortest time to become the Four Emperors and the Red-haired Shanks was the youngest, the strength of their pirates should not be underestimated.
Red-haired Shanks’ subordinates are not only those cadres, but also many pirates who follow him. Although there are not as many as the Whitebeard Pirates, their strength is stronger.
” Gu la la la … It seems that kid is planning to do something too! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh as he looked at the news in the newspaper.
” It seems that he doesn’t have any ideas! But that guy should know the information about the final island, right? After all, he was on Roger’s ship back then! ” Bista said with a chuckle.
” But no matter what, we can just do our own thing! ” Captain Izo of the Sixteenth Division said with a smile.
” Little ones, how long will it take to reach Saatchi, since the navy has already received the news of our dispatch, it should be about to attack Saatchi! ” Whitebeard grinned and asked with a smile.
” All the personnel are already in place, and now we are waiting for our debut! According to our current speed, it is estimated that we can arrive in one day at most! ” Bista said with a smile.
” Where’s that kid Reina? ” Whitebeard asked.
” He ~ I guess he should be doing something at this time! ” The captain of the fifteenth division, Fossa, couldn’t help but say with a smile.
” Hum ~” Whitebeard smiled and said, ” That guy, it’s always like this! If that’s the case … let’s speed up! It would be bad if something really happened to Saatchi! ”
” Okay, Daddy! ” Joz nodded, then turned and ordered to get the Moby Dick to speed up.
With Reiner and Dr. Ahsière’s makeovers, the Moby Dick has long been different from what it used to be.

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