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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The battle between Reina and Green Bull made the sea a mess, and several naval warships that were closer were affected.
” Quick, release the lifeboat and prepare to rescue! ”
” Quick, quick, before the ship sinks, save the compatriots above! ”
The commanders of several other warships are doing rescue work.
The green bull standing on the wreckage of a warship frowned slightly, taking a slow step, Reina let the pirates retreat first, leaving him behind. Although he put himself in danger, it is not without beneficial.
The aftermath of the battle between the two only hurt the Navy’s warships, and it has nothing to do with the pirates who left one step ahead.
And Green Bull did not dare to let the Navy help him, because even if they joined forces with Green Bull here, they could only repel Reina at most, and it was impossible to kill the opponent here.
What’s more, Kizaru’s side needs rescue 100% at this time, these warships can’t pass, and facing the Moby Dick with white beard , the navy there will suffer.
So from the time the opponent appeared, he had already lost the battle.
After thinking about it clearly, Lu Niu directly issued an order to let the warship leave quickly. It was the best choice for him to stay here and hold Reina alone.
But when the warships were far away, the green bull discovered that the pirates who had evacuated one step earlier did not go far, but turned around and fought the warships again.
“I really didn’t expect that your Excellency is so good at calculating! It seems that we can’t make it to the rescue today no matter what! ” Lu Niu said in a deep voice.
” Of course, I won’t stop you after my eldest brother wipes out that part of the navy! ” Reina smiled and replied.
The other party didn’t continue to do it, and he was also happy, so he just stood on Yoyo’s head and stared at the other party.
However, in the heart of Lu Niu at this time, he was calculating how he would act in order to break the game.
Continuing to drag here with Reina is the worst option.
But if he rushes over to help the warship now, Reina will definitely not watch it. Although he is confident that he can pass, the scene just returns to the beginning, and it does not have much effect on him.
So now he is faced with two choices, either find a way to let the warship go first and rescue Kizaru, or he gives up and rushes over to rescue Kizaru first.
But no matter which option, Reina is the biggest obstacle.
” Huh ~ It seems that today we not only have to decide the outcome, but also the life and death! ” Green Bull looked at Reina, exhaled, and said in a deep voice.
It seems that he has two choices now, but if he abandons the warship here and rushes over to rescue Kizaru, whether Reina stays behind to destroy these navies or goes after him, the navy will suffer heavy losses.
So the best way is to kill Reina yourself here, and after eliminating this part of the pirates, rush to rescue Kiabou with a warship.
Because Kizaru went one step ahead, the situation over there should be able to support it, and as an old-fashioned admiral, Kizaru’s strength is still quite strong, enough to support it for a period of time.
But Lu Niu looked at Reina, who was facing him. He really wasn’t sure he could kill him, but at this point, he had no better choice than to try it, so he said that just now. In other words, the purpose is to tell the other party not to let go … He is going to work hard.
” Tsk tsk tsk … The current navy is really terrifying! Life and death are divided at every turn … It’s so scary! ” Reina said with a yin and yang, with a light smile: ” I seem to be afraid that you are going all out! ”
” Then give it a try! ” Lu Niu’s eyes narrowed, his footsteps a little, and he rushed towards Reina.
Reina, who opened the kaleidoscope with the ice wheel pill in his hand, was not afraid of the green cow at all, not to mention that it was on the sea.
” Boom bang bang …”
” Boom boom boom …”
The battle between the two was quite fierce. Whether it was a naval warship or a pirate ship led by Lakeyo and others, they simply did not dare to approach the waters here.
” Boom ~~”
In the air, the green bull slammed into Reina, and the single horn on his head flashed with cold light, but Reina didn’t seem to care, and with a wave of the ice wheel pill in his hand, he directly slashed at the opponent.
Unicorn and Bing Lun Maru collided, and the two of them were blown away by the huge energy explosion at the same time, but the icy wings behind Reina not only gave him some buffer, but also stabilized his figure in the air.
The Green Bull was different. After being blown away by the huge explosion, the whole person fell directly into the sea, blasting a hole in the sea.
” Oops, General Green Bull was shot down into the sea! ” While resisting the pirate attack, the soldiers of the Navy were also paying attention to the battle between Green Bull and Reina, so at the moment when Green Bull was shot down, The navy has already planned to go to the rescue.
It’s just that before they could act, a water column suddenly exploded on the sea surface, and the green cow stepped out of the water and stood on the wreckage of the previously destroyed naval warship again.
” Yo ~ I really underestimate you! ” Looking at the wet green cow, Reina said in surprise.
He really did not expect that the green cow, which is an animal type, would actually fall into the sea and still rely on his own strength to come out.
” Cow ghost, it was originally a combination of land and sea! ” The green cow stared at Reina and said softly.
” Looks like you have to be more serious! ” Reina replied with a slight smile.
Although he failed to solve the opponent, Reina was not surprised. If the Admiral was killed so easily, then something really went wrong.
Just when Reina was fighting hot, on the other side of the battlefield, because of Whitebeard’s dispatch, the navy lost several warships.
However, because they already have an advantage in the medical records, they can still fight against the Whitebeard Pirates for the time being. With the help of Kizaru, the rest of the navy thinks that the reinforcements are not far away, so the navy soldiers are desperate for their lives and their eyes. naval battle.
” No, we can’t continue like this! Although we have an advantage in our troops, there are too many strong men in the Whitebeard Pirates! Belumeb, I’ll leave it to you! I used to support General Kisaragi ! ” Leaving a sentence, and then stepped forward , rushing directly towards the location of the Moby Dick .
” Hey ~ you guy …” Beilu Mabe looked at Kebi who was leaving speechless. Although he was willing to help, there were a lot of pirates on their side.
At the same time, there were several other lieutenants who made the same choice as Kebi.
Now the navy has the upper hand, but if Kiabou is defeated, the blow will be too great for the navy, so they have to go to reinforce Kizaru.
On the other side, on the sea not far from here , the Nine Snake Pirates led by Empress Boya Hancock are moving towards this side at full speed, and they can already see the fighting pair.

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