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Reina’s words surprised everyone.
” Is the luck you said true? ” Marko asked Reina in surprise.
Reina nodded and said: ” Of course! It’s just not that exaggerated! A little luck doesn’t help your life very much, but if you really accumulate a lot of luck, it’s different! For example, if you are lucky now and want to have a child, then your dream is likely to come true, and your child may be a genius, this is the power of luck! ”
” That is to say … After being enriched by luck, you can walk to pick up treasures, you can avoid the key points when you are hit, and you may even pick up phantom beast fruits when you jump into the sea! All of this can’t be explained, or In other words, your luck will be very good, and your thoughts are the lightest! ”
Reina said these words, not to mention the rest, even the captains were a little tempted.
” How much luck does it take to achieve this effect? ” Ace asked curiously.
” It is estimated that you will drive all the visitors out of the sky, that’s about it! ” Reina said with a smile: ” But there is no need to publicize this, just tell them the benefits of luck, and then … they will naturally be reckless. Go and kill those aliens! ”
Whitebeard nodded and said: ” Very good, let’s negotiate with the Navy like this! In addition … Marco, tell Morgans about these things together, and let him publish it to me without a single word! ”
” Yes, Daddy! ” Marko nodded, taking the matter down.
” Dad, what are we going to do with Beihai? ” Bista looked at Whitebeard and asked, ” If there are too many people there, there will be problems in the new world! There are too few people and there is no reason to go there. It didn’t work! ”
Whitebeard looked at the captains and found that they were all eager to try, and they were a little undecided for a while.
” How about I go to negotiate with the navy first and see how they arrange it, then let’s decide on the personnel! ” Reina thought for a while and suggested.
” Okay! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
Indeed, they first need to know how big the area they let go is, so that they can arrange personnel.
So after a day’s rest, Reina rushed to Marinfando without stopping.
The navy headquarters, which received the news of the Whitebeard Pirates, directly called all the high-level leaders for a meeting.
” Everyone should know about the matter. Reina of the Whitebeard Pirates appeared in the North Sea. They should already know the situation there. This matter can’t be hidden ! ” Speak first.
” Originally, this matter could not be concealed. Now the situation is still under control. We must continue to reinforce the North Sea. Otherwise, the situation in the North Sea will rot. If you want to do something, it will be too late! ” The big staff on the side Lieutenant General Crane said with dissatisfaction.
She was originally opposed to concealing information from the world. This kind of thing is difficult to block with the navy alone.
And now the world government has made it clear that it has not realized the seriousness of the matter, and has not paid enough attention to the situation in the North Sea.
Therefore, the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates in the North Sea may not be a bad thing in her opinion.
Because once the Whitebeard Pirates know about it, the pirates in the New World will surely know.
” The troops we have invested in the great route can’t be deployed at all, especially now in the New World, it is very likely that we have already learned about the situation in the North Sea! So now we have few choices, either maintain the status quo, or just give up the New World. ! ” On the other side, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel sighed and said directly.
On the New World side, after their continuous development, they have finally made some progress. It would be a pity to give up at this time.
However, the situation in Beihai is a special situation, and they cannot ignore it.
” Is it possible to reach an agreement with the Whitebeard Pirates? ” At this moment, a lieutenant general suddenly said.
” Agreement? That group of pirates will care about this? I can guarantee that as long as we deploy the forces of the New World, those pirates will directly erode our territory! ” Before Sakaski could speak, another middle Will speak directly.
So the whole conference room became a mess, and everyone was talking about their thoughts.
However, no matter whether it is the three generals, the marshals, and the generals who can decide the direction of things, none of them said anything. They seem to be waiting for something.
” Marshal Sakaski, what are your plans!? ” After arguing for a while, the lieutenant generals also found that none of their bosses had spoken, so a lieutenant general asked directly.
” It doesn’t make much sense to say this now! Reina is already approaching us. This is the signal of the Whitebeard Pirates. We will talk about everything when he arrives! ” Sakaski, who was holding a cigar, was expressionless said.
Many lieutenant generals frowned when they heard the words. What can I talk about with the pirates? Do you really want to cooperate with pirates?
But now that it’s the way it is, they know it’s useless to say more.
At the end of the meeting, there were no three generals and Lieutenant General Crane. After everyone had left, Sakaski said, ” What do you think Whitebeard sent Reina this time? ”
” They are now obviously aware of the situation in the North Sea, so there are only two possible situations, giving help in the snow or falling into the hole! ” Fujitora was the first to speak, saying: ” According to what I know about them, they will not give help in the snow. Do! But it’s not their style to get down there either! ”
The green cow on the side rolled his eyes and said, ” What you said means you didn’t say it! By the way, haven’t you been to Beihai? What is the situation over there? ”
” It’s hard! ” Fujitora shook his head and said, ” Although their ordinary warriors are not strong, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have strong men. I can feel that around that beam of light, there are at least three strong men. Guard! ”
” Mr. Smile, the bigger the territory they occupy, the faster it will come … Are you sure? ” Lieutenant General Crane knocked on the table and asked.
” I’m sure, since we restricted their expansion speed, the speed of their arrival has slowed down significantly. If it wasn’t for the help of some pirates in the North Sea, our navy alone … The North Sea probably would n’t be able to hold it! ” You are polite and speak directly.
” It’s really a headache! The New World has not been resolved yet, and now something like this is happening in Beihai! When will I be able to retire! ” The yellow monkey on the side muttered in dissatisfaction.
However, although his voice was not loud, who were the people present? Naturally, everyone heard it very clearly.
Sakaski tried very hard to suppress the anger in his heart.
If he hadn’t known about Kizaru’s character, he would probably have punched his upper body at this time.

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