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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Kaido’s words made BIGMOM’s face sank, and she already remembered the memory that made her angry.
” Well … not to mention I’ve forgotten about that kid! You have been in the new world, haven’t you heard about that kid’s whereabouts? ” BIGMOM asked with a gloomy expression.
” Where ? Hehe … I heard some news recently, the question is … Can you believe it? ” Kaido said suddenly with a smile.
” Oh? What can’t you believe? ” BIGMOM asked with a raised brow.
” I received news that the Straw Hats have arrived at the final island, and they have returned from where! Gulugulu …” Kaido said, took another sip of wine, and replied.
” The island of the end? Impossible! Just rely on him to reach the island of the end? ” BIGMOM immediately screamed and exclaimed.
” Well … I said you don’t believe it! ” Kaido said with a smile.
At this moment, when BIGMOM was about to say something, suddenly the eldest son Perospero walked in.
” Mom! I have something important to report to you! ” Perospero said after saluting.
” Speak! ” BIGMOM was in a very bad mood at this time.
” Isn’t a naval surveillance ship sunk by us before? Bree came over just now and said that she found that there are naval intelligence officers negotiating around and wanting to come and peep! They want to know if we are really with Bai Bai. The Beast Pirates are united! ” Perospero glanced at Kaido, and then said softly: ” And they plan to disguise themselves as the Whitebeard Pirates and Germa once they are discovered, in an attempt to provoke us. war between! ”
” Well , well … what ~ The naval intelligence officers who came this time have quite some ideas! How did Brei find out about the other party? She wasn’t found? ” BIGMOM asked with a twinkle in his eyes.
” Of course, since the last time, Bree has been very proficient in using his abilities, so he can discover each other! ” Perospero said with a chuckle.
Because Kaido is here, his words are not very detailed, and he believes that his mother can understand.
Although they are now allies with the Beast Pirates, the secrets that should be kept still need to be kept. After all, they are the Four Emperors Pirates, and they also compete with each other.
So after BIGMOM heard the meaning of the eldest son’s words, he immediately said: ” Now that you know, then kill them! ”
” Wait …” But at this time, the clerk Mundore stood up and said: ” Mom, since the Navy intends to do this, why don’t we push the boat along the way? ”
” What do you mean? ” BIGMOM asked with a frown.
” I mean, if the navy’s intention is for us to clash with the Whitebeard Pirates, then why not let them come over and we’ll pretend to find them then! ” Mundoel said with a chuckle.
” Oh? What do you mean … when the time comes to frame the Whitebeard Pirates? ” BIGMOM asked with a little interest.
” Yes, we were just unhappy about what happened to Germa before. Why don’t we take this opportunity to have a fight with their Whitebeard Pirates? ” Although Mundore said this to BIGMOM, his eyes turned towards him. Kaido.
Kaido naturally noticed Mondor’s small movements and said, ” If you want to die, don’t pull me! ”
After he finished speaking, he ignored Mondor.
Mondor looked at BIGMOM with some embarrassment .
BIGMOM also looked at Kaido with some puzzlement, and asked, ” Do you think that with our combined strength, we can’t beat the Whitebeard Pirates? ”
” As long as Whitebeard is not dead, no one can defeat them at sea, not to mention that you think that guy Reina hasn’t improved in all these years? Last time he was on the island of ghosts, he didn’t do his best! ” Kaido He pouted and said.
BIGMOM naturally understands what Kaido means. Whether it is Whitebeard or Reina, she is very aware of the strength of the two, and now they have joined the Germa Group, although the Germa Group’s machines were intercepted by them, But she didn’t think it was a problem, as long as there was Jage, they could make another one at any time.
But BIGMOM understands what Mondol means. He is not asking himself to really go to the trouble of Whitebeard, but he hopes to get the machine that Reina took away last time. Now they have Germa’s machine. To get back the machine from the aliens, then what the Whitebeard Pirates can research, she may not be able to do it!
After all, although there are not many top scientists, for the BIGMOM Pirates, this is not a problem!
But Kaido obviously didn’t know what was going on here, so he didn’t want to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates for no reason.
As for excuses … For them, it doesn’t matter, as long as they want to start a war, where can they get no excuses? Even if there is really no excuse, so what? They are pirates, not the navy, they are just robbing you. What happened to you?
Therefore, Kaido was extremely disdainful of Mondor’s proposal. If it was in his pirate group, this kind of person would have been blown away by him.
” But since someone from the navy is here … I think you can try it! ” Kaido said suddenly after taking a sip of wine.
” Try it? ” BIGMOM was taken aback and looked at Kaido in surprise.
” Remember the information I gave you just now? ” Kaido said with a smile.
” Are you serious? ” BIGMOM was suddenly speechless, she didn’t believe Kaido’s information about the Straw Hats just now.
” Is it true … Isn’t this the person who sent you the real test? Since I can receive this news, let’s not say whether it is true or not, the Navy will definitely receive it! ” Kaido tilted his head . , said: ” Now they are taking the initiative to provoke, just as an excuse to send the door, use this to question the navy, and test their truth by the way, if the strength on the Beihai side is weakened, then it proves … their main force is not here! ”
” You mean … the navy has sent people back to the new world? To capture the Straw Hats who arrived at the final island? ” BIGMOM was still a little disbelieving, and asked: ” It’s impossible, let’s not say whether the Straw Hats have this With this kind of strength, the navy will definitely not easily give up the power in Beihai, if there is really no one on their side … maybe it is our chance! ”
” Well … If that’s the case, then what are you waiting for? Catch their people and everything will be fine! ” Kaido said with a smile, ” It just so happens that I dislike the size of the site here, if the Navy really does If the Warring States and others are transferred back, then we will grab the navy’s territory! Since there is news about the Straw Hats, they will definitely come to Beihai, and we will just wait for them here! “

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