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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
While Reiner is rejoicing at his rising bounty, some changes are taking place around the world.
Somewhere in the new world, Shiji the Golden Lion looked at the newspaper in his hand with a wonderful expression on his face.
” Newgate … A guy like him would attack the Admiralty? It seems that something happened! ” Shikey, who was smoking a cigar, threw the newspaper away and said with a smile.
” Admiral, should we also make some noise? Otherwise, wouldn’t we be overwhelmed by the Whitebeard Pirates? ” The pirates next to him asked expectantly.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … little ones … get ready, it’s time to make our Golden Lion fleet famous! ” Shi Ke got up from his seat and roared with ambition.
He knows what these subordinates want, it doesn’t matter, he can give it, and what he wants … is to become the king of the world!
On the other side, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who had already made their mark in the new world , also put down the newspapers in their hands and started planning to do something.
” Captain … Look, it’s the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Bucky took the newspaper and handed it to Roger, who was dozing off, shouting loudly.
” Oh? What’s the matter? ” Roger asked, rubbing his eyes.
” It’s the Whitebeard Pirates, they attacked the Admiralty! ” Bucky shouted, holding the newspaper.
When the members of the boat heard Bucky’s words, they all looked over here, and Rayleigh and Jabba came to Roger’s side and read the newspaper with him.
” Something should have happened. Otherwise, with Whitebeard’s personality, he shouldn’t take the initiative to conflict with the Navy, right? Attacking the Navy Headquarters … it’s not a trivial matter! ” Rayleigh said with a frown.
” Yes, the Admiralty is not so easy to go to! We all know how strong Karp is, and Sengoku is not a fuel-efficient lamp! ” Jabba nodded and said in approval.
“That’s the question. What the hell did the Navy do to get the Whitebeard to hit the door? ” Roger asked in confusion.
They were all misled by the newspapers, thinking that it was the Naval Headquarters that Whitebeard took the initiative to go to. In fact, this was not the beginning of all this.
Naval Headquarters, Marin van Dou.
” Tell me, what should I do now? ” Marshal Kong asked calmly, sitting in the first place with his hands on the table.
” Marshal, I suggest dispatching the lieutenant general and above immediately to look for the Whitebeard Pirates. Our navy has never had such a record, but they were attacked by pirates! ” A burly man with some scars on his face Lieutenant General, said angrily.
” A lieutenant general is not enough, right? Except for Mr. Garp, no one should be able to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates alone! ” Another lieutenant general who looked more handsome also said.
” One can’t get three, and three can’t get five! Can’t we just let these pirates go? ” The burly lieutenant general said firmly.
” Where’s Zefa? What’s your opinion? ” Marshal Kong looked at Zefa again and asked.
Zefa shook his head and said, ” I’m just a recruit instructor now, I’ll leave it to you to catch the pirates! ”
Originally, the death of his family made him start to hate pirates especially, but the appearance of Ye Luo actually gave him a sense of relief.
Although the other party brought a lot of trouble to the navy, when Zefa took the head of the pirate Jakes to pay homage to his family, his heart was temporarily calm, and he was not as extreme as before.
” About this matter … are you thinking about it carefully? ” Marshal Kong said helplessly.
At present, the navy still lacks the top combat power, and the lack of the combat power of a general like Zefa will have a great impact on the navy.
Zefa hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, ” I think the position of instructor may be more suitable for me! ”
Marshal Kong looked at Zefa, but did not continue to speak.
After the meeting, Zefa returned to his residence alone. Now many navies have misunderstood him, but he doesn’t care, he always insists on the justice in his heart.
From the port, warships set off one after another. Many lieutenant generals, including Karp and Sengoku, were dispatched. Just like the pirates want to make some noise, the navy also needs to show its force to prove itself.
A few days later, the Whitebeard Pirates, who were sailing on the sea, met a challenger.
” Clam? You mean to challenge Daddy? ” Marko looked at the man in front of him without waking up.
” That’s right, Whitebeard Edward Newgate ! ” The man took out a stack of bounty orders, took out the Whitebeard’s one, and said to Marko.
” Hey … our father can’t be challenged by anyone. If you want to be famous with the help of father’s reputation, you are afraid that you have made a wrong calculation! ”
” That’s right, Captain Marko, just drive him away! ”
The crew members around heard the man’s words and said disdainfully.
” Are you a bounty hunter? ” Marko asked curiously instead of driving him away directly.
” No, I’m a pirate! ” The man shook his head and replied seriously.
” Since it’s a colleague, you should also know that if someone wants to see our head, then we don’t have to do anything else! ” Marco shrugged and said.
” Do you mean to beat you first? Boy … you’re still a little tender! ” Who knew that the man actually disliked Marco, shaking his head and said.
Marko was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the crew members around him with some amusing, and said, ” No, I won’t fight with you either, I want to fight with me … you must defeat them first! ”
The surrounding crew members laughed strangely when they heard Marco’s words. They were worried that they had nothing to do, and now it was time to play with this person.
Even though they are just ordinary members of the Whitebeard ship, they have experienced a lot of battles, and their strength is still stronger than ordinary naval soldiers.
” It’s just a group of trash! ” The man looked at the crew around him and shook his head, showing a very lack of interest.
” You said this … I can’t pretend that I didn’t hear anything! ” An ordinary crew member immediately drew a knife and stepped forward when he heard the man’s words, as if planning to teach him a lesson.
But the moment he swung the knife to attack, he seemed to be attacked and fell directly, and the man seemed to sway.
” How is that possible? ”
” Hey … There is a limit to joking! ”
” Could it be the capable one? ”
The surrounding crew members didn’t know why, so they thought it was the man who used some ability, but only Marco could see clearly that the other party was not a capable person, but his speed was so fast that the ordinary crew did not notice the other party’s shot.
” So fast! ” Marko finally looked at the other party and planned to take action himself, because this is not the level that ordinary crew members can deal with.
” Marco … let me try it! ” Bista came out from behind and shouted at Marco.
The situation here has attracted the attention of some people. Bista, who was exercising on the side of the ship just now, saw the speed of the other party, and he was thinking, so he walked over directly.
” Be careful, the other party’s speed is very fast! ” Marko nodded and said.
Bista nodded and didn’t speak. He was also a speed player, but his speed was not movement speed, but move speed. After improving the speed of the move, the strength has improved a lot.
Now he is the official captain of the battle team on the ship. So far, there are only Marco, Joz and his three captains.
Originally, there was Saatchi, but Saatchi didn’t seem to be keen on fighting, so there were only three of them for the time being.
Marco is the first team captain, Joz is the third team captain, and he is the fifth team captain.
As for why there are no captains of the second team and fourth team, it is because of the number two. Since Reina explained the new meaning, no one wants to be the captain of the second team, and Joz is not willing, so he has no choice but to be the captain of the second team. The second team was vacated.
And the captain of the fourth team, Bista thought it was Saatchi’s, so he chose to become the captain of the fifth team.
In terms of strength, Bista is no longer weak. Although he has not yet been promoted to the great swordsman, he is a very powerful existence among the swordsmen.
The man looked curiously at Bista, who was holding two Western swords.
” Whitebeard Pirates, Fifth Combat Squad Captain Bista, please advise! ” Bista said calmly with swordsman etiquette.
” Pirate Baroric Redfield ! ” It seemed that Bista’s actions made him a little favored , and Baroric Redfield replied gracefully with a noble etiquette.
Bista did not underestimate the other party in the slightest. Although the other party looked more like a nobleman than a pirate, just his speed just now was enough for Bista to value him.
” Double Sword Flow · Rose Blossom Slash! ” Bista crossed his swords and slashed directly towards Baroric Redfield.
” It’s kind of interesting … but if you only have this level … it’s a bit disappointing! ” Baroric Redfield said easily, dodging Bistan’s slash.
” Then please be careful! ” Bistan said in a deep voice, his expression changed.
Although the slash just now can’t represent his highest combat power, this kind of fast flying slash is no longer something that ordinary people can avoid.
” Dangdangdang … ! ” Bista, who was approaching quickly, swung his sword continuously, but was either dodged by the opponent, or easily blocked by the party.
” Middle! ” Baroric Redfield took advantage of the gap between Bista ‘s attack and punched him in the stomach, and Bista fell directly while covering his stomach.
” Bista! ”
” Captain! ”
Marko and the surrounding crew immediately stepped forward to check. Fortunately, Bista was not seriously injured. Obviously, the other party showed mercy.
” Thank you, I lost! ” Bista slowly got up and said with his fists folded.
Baroric Redfield nodded, ignoring him and looking at Marco instead.
Marco took a deep breath and was ready to fight the opponent. Although he knew that he might not be the opponent’s opponent, retreating without a fight was not his style.
” Marko, stop! ”
At this moment, a man called Marco.

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