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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Although Reina still has the strength to fight, but now it is not a life-and-death battle, it is just a discussion, so Reina did not continue. He believed that with the performance of the opponent just now, Whitebeard probably knew the strength of the opponent, and he would not He was raided by the opponent because of his carelessness.
Sure enough, when Reyna stepped back, Baroric Redfield’s gaze turned to the tall white beard.
Mainly because his signature white beard is simply too recognizable.
” Edward Newgate , Whitebeard ! Are you interested in playing? ” Baroric Redfield asked Whitebeard with a smile.
If this were normal, Whitebeard probably wouldn’t bother to pay attention to the other party, but after witnessing the battle between the other party and Reina just now, his blood is surging.
” Gu la la la … It’s rare to see a strong man, but it’s not convenient to fight here. If you have no opinion, how about I find a small island to fight? You can stay on my boat during this period! ” Whitebeard smiled a voice, said.
If the two of them are serious, it is estimated that the pirate ship will definitely be demolished by the two of them, so Whitebeard proposed to find another place to discuss.
Baroric Redfield thought for a moment , then nodded and said, ” Yes! ”
Although he still doesn’t know Whitebeard’s strength, he has already seen the strength of the deputy captain Reina. Not to mention how strong Whitebeard is, if he and Reina seriously fight, the ship will be finished, so he will agree opponent’s proposal.
In the following time , Baroric Redfield stayed on Whitebeard’s ship. The crew saw his strength. For the pirates who always admired the strong, the big guy was more enthusiastic about him.
But Baroric Redfield is a man known as the solitary red man. On the surface, he seems to be polite to others, but that kind of refusal to be a thousand miles away can be felt by normal people . , Over time, everyone will not be close to him.
Except for Reina occasionally chatting with him, Baroric Redfield is like a lonely peerless powerhouse , seemingly out of tune with the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Big brother’s abacus is wrong! That guy is not the same as us! ” Seeing such a situation, Reina said to Whitebeard with a smile.
” Gu la la la … he really is a arrogant guy! In that case, let the people above find an uninhabited island as soon as possible and end this battle! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
With the existence of an empty island, it is much easier for them to find an uninhabited island, but it still took several days to find a not very large uninhabited island near the windless belt.
” Okay, the battle between the eldest brother and Lord Baroric Redfield is on this small island, and we will wait for the two on the boat! ” Rayner did not let the crew go down to watch the battle, even he himself There is no past.
It’s not that he doesn’t have confidence in Whitebeard, but that once the two of them fight against each other with all their strength, the people watching the battle on the island may be in danger, so he just quietly let the crew on the empty island observe it, and the rest are not allowed to approach the island. .
Moments later , there was an explosion in the center of the island, where it was clear that Whitebeard and Baroric Redfield had already fought.
At this time, there were not many people on board, because the guys who wanted to watch the battle had already flown to the sky island in hot air balloons and went to watch the battle.
” Marko, if you want to see it, you can fly over to take a look, but don’t get too close, or you will be injured by the aftermath, don’t blame me for not reminding you! ” Looking at Marko, who was a little impatient next to him, Reina joked.
Marco hesitated for a while, but didn’t really fly over to watch it, and ignored Reina’s teasing, just sat on the deck and waited anxiously.
Reina was stunned by his appearance. He found that Marco was really worried about Whitebeard, not about his defeat or a blow to his reputation, but about Whitebeard getting hurt.
Aside from Marco, Reina saw this worry on many faces.
” Unconsciously, everyone has really regarded Newgate as family! ” Rayner thought silently in his heart.
These members of the ship have different strengths and potentials, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they have their own past. They are either orphans or lack of family members.
Maybe some people have bad personalities and some people have a casual attitude, but they all value their families very much. After they got on the boat, they became family-like existences.
In a previous life, Reina saw someone on the Internet saying that after the Wano country incident, why didn’t Oden ask for help from Whitebeard or the Roger Pirates?
According to Reina’s own understanding, first of all, Roger asked Whitebeard to let Oden leave, and Oden himself wanted to follow Roger to see the wider sea, so he agreed on a one-year time.
When Oden helped Roger decipher the historical text, they finally successfully arrived at the final island.
On the way, they also passed the country of Wano, and because Mrs. Shi was ill, she disembarked with her two children. At that time, Oden had a hunch. He said that if he stayed there too, he might not have the opportunity to follow Roger to continue. Take an adventure.
You must know that he was with the Roger Pirates at the time. With the strength of the Roger Pirates at that time, if nothing else, there was no problem in sweeping the Beast Pirates at that time, although Oden didn’t know about Harmony. Something went wrong in the country, but tell him directly that the country of Wano is different from when he left.
At that time, because of Barrett’s departure, the Roger Pirates lacked one person in their top combat power, but they also had Oden’s supplements. Reina thought there was no problem in dealing with Kaido and his subordinates.
So why didn’t Oden bring the Roger Pirates directly back to Wano Country?
As soon as Roger’s body was poisoned, there was not much time left for him, so Oden didn’t want Roger to take risks for him. Second, the situation in Wano country is special. Under the long-term seclusion and isolation of the country, the people are quite xenophobic.
Therefore, Oden thought that if he brought the foreign pirates back, it would make things worse, so he naturally did not choose to let Roger accompany him back to Wano.
In the end, they arrived at the Island of the End. After figuring out the secrets of the world, the Roger Pirates disbanded. Oden did not return to the Whitebeard Pirates, but chose to return to Wano Country, because he actually felt Always worried about Wano country.
When he returned to Wano Country, Oden found that it had been occupied by Kaido, so he planned to attack Kaido directly. At that time, he had already killed Kaido and Black Charcoal Orochi, but because he was afraid of the casualties of the people, he and Black Charcoal Orochi and Kaido made a promise.
Five years later, Oden knew that he had been deceived, so he planned to attack Kaido directly, but because he was deceived at the beginning, he had already lost popular support.
Even so, Oden still led his retainers and Kaido to fight, and finally even seriously injured Kaido and told him to get out of Wano Kingdom, but in the end, because Kurotan Muchan used the imitation fruit to become Momonosuke, Kaido let Kaido go. Was able to successfully attack Oden.
After the defeat of Oden, he was sentenced to be boiled in a kettle, and the legend of a generation finally came to an end.
From here we can see that when Oden returned directly to Wano, he did not notify the Whitebeard Pirates, so when Oden returned, Whitebeard did not know.
Someone is about to ask, he has been pretending to be a fool in Wano country for five years, didn’t he send someone to notify the Whitebeard Pirates or the Roger Pirates to help?
There are a few things to say here. First of all, the Roger Pirates have been disbanded, and the members have long since lost their whereabouts. In the secluded Wano country, Oden was unable to notify them at all.
The second is the Whitebeard Pirates. Although the Whitebeard Pirates were still active in the New World at that time, it was relatively easy to find them, but Wano did not have suitable people and ships to go out.
You must know that Oden had failed countless times in order to go to sea. In the end, if it wasn’t for Whitebeard, he might not have been able to leave the country of Wano.
The powerful Oden is like this, not to mention the ordinary Wano country samurai.
In addition, Oden did not intend to ask for help, which was very important.
You must know that when he came back, he already had the ability to kill Kaido and the black charcoal snake, why didn’t he kill them or drive them out of Wano country?
Because Oden was worried that a large-scale war would make Wano Country even more dilapidated and cause countless casualties to the people, so he made an agreement with Kaido and the Black Charcoal Orochi.
Therefore, he will not lead the Whitebeard Pirates to the country of Wano to fight, because the reason for not fighting is not that the strength is inferior to the other party, but that he does not want to cause casualties.
You must know that even five years after pretending to be crazy and selling stupid, Oden still severely injured Kaido. If it weren’t for the interference of Momanosuke (the ability of the black charcoal Muchan’s ability to change), he would have successfully cleaned up Kaido and the black charcoal Orochi. .
So in fact, Oden had no need or means to ask for help, and Reina guessed that he had never thought about asking for help at all.
This also caused the fact that when Whitebeard knew about this, it was very likely that after Oden had died, Kaido’s strength would definitely increase a lot in Whitebeard’s heart.
You must know that when the Rocks Pirates were disbanded, Kaido’s status was not much stronger than that of Reina. He was just an ordinary combatant who had just turned from a trainee crew to a regular.
It was also the reason why he opposed Ace going to Wano country. After all, strong men like Oden died in Wano country. Ace, who was obviously much younger than Oden, would definitely not be the opponent of the wily Kaido. .
So Whitebeard didn’t treat him as a family member because Oden ran away with Roger, but he didn’t even know it happened.
Otherwise, if nothing else, Izo, who was still on the Whitebeard ship, would definitely go back to Wano Country to help Oden regardless of everything.
” Boom boom boom …” The sound of fighting on the island pulled Reina out of his thoughts. He found that on the whole ship, it seemed that he was the only one who didn’t really integrate into this family atmosphere.
And he was sure that Whitebeard definitely felt it, but he never said it.
It’s not that Rayner didn’t see the crew as his friends or family, but he never regarded himself as a person in this world in his heart.
It’s not so much that he hasn’t integrated into the Whitebeard Pirates, it’s better to say that he hasn’t integrated into the world at all.

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