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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Wow hahaha … Reina, it’s so fun! It’s so interesting! Hurry up, people want you to be faster! ” Olga sat on Yoo’s head and shouted with a frantic laugh.
Yoyo is the name of the sea king with a crocodile head and a snake-like body. This name was not given by Reina, but after Olga forcibly took the naming rights.
According to her words, Yoyo’s body is like a snake, slippery, what is Yoo? Either yo or slick.
Compared with the name Slippery, which affects appetite, Reina suddenly felt that Slippery was not so unacceptable.
Since signing the contract with Reina, one person and one beast seem to have more telepathy, allowing them to communicate with each other.
After eliminating the fear in his heart, Yoyo also began to accept Reina.
In just three days, Yo-Yo had already mingled with most of the crew on the Whitebeard ship.
Originally used as Reina’s psychic beast, it doesn’t need to move around with the pirate ship, it can only be channeled when Reina needs it.
But after three days of getting along, Yoyo seems to have started to let go of himself and doesn’t want to go back at all. Luckily, Reina let it follow the pirate ship. Anyway, it’s not a big deal. Needs Reina feeding.
Apart from Reina, the one who has the best relationship with Yoyo is Olga. After her disease was cured, Dr. Sière appropriately reduced the influence of pure gold on her. Because of the exposure of gold, Olga’s body has not developed so much in the past three years.
Until recently, it seemed that the influence of pure gold on her was slowly waning, and her body was showing signs of growing again.
I don’t know if it’s because of the body, but Olga, who is almost two hundred years old, has always maintained her childlike innocence, so she can get along very well with Yoyo.
As a negative teaching material, the last thing Yoyo didn’t want to see was Whitebeard. He was already frightened by the powerful force of the other party. Every time he saw Whitebeard, he was a little scared.
” Dad! According to the map and the text on it, this treasure seems to be in this sea area! ” Olvia said to Whitebeard holding the treasure map, comparing the chart drawn by Rayner to the navigator.
” Gu la la la la … Olvia, you can handle this kind of thing on your own! But that chart is Reina’s darling, you just take it like this, he won’t have an opinion, right? ” Whitebeard looked at the chart in Olvia’s hand and said with a big laugh.
The nautical map was made with great effort by Reina and the navigator, and it has not been completed yet. They have drawn the maps of all the sea areas they passed by.
And every time they go to a town, they will collect the local charts and supplement and improve the charts drawn by them. Now the value of this chart is no worse than that of ordinary treasures.
Olvia naturally knew the value of this chart, so she had spoken to Reina several times, hoping that Reina could help her make another one, but the workload of making such a chart was too much, so Reina Na has not responded.
The angry Olvia wanted to sneak the original chart away.
But she also knew how busy Reina was. In addition to his own fixed exercise time, Reina was always on the boat.
Making charts with navigators, helping Saatchi research new dishes, teaching ordinary sailors physical skills and swordsmanship … and so on, and sometimes she even sees Reina cleaning herself.
So Reina didn’t agree to her request. Although she felt a pity, she didn’t have to mess with her.
She believed that if she really wanted, Reina would agree to help her make it, but that would only further squeeze Reina’s rest time, so Olvia didn’t do that.
” Hahaha … Sister Olvia … Come on! It’s so fun! ” On Yoyo’s head, Olga laughed and waved her small hand towards Olvia on the pirate ship.
” Olga, be careful! Don’t fall! ” Seeing Olga’s dangerous movements, Olvia hurried to the side of the ship and shouted loudly.
After Yoyo approached the pirate ship, the speed slowly dropped, and after telling Yoyo not to play too crazy with Olga, Reina returned to the ship.
As for Olvia, she was pulled over to Yo-Yo’s head by the excited Olga, and then urged Yo-Yo to continue their game.
” Boy, did you think about keeping Olvia? ” Whitebeard sat on the side of the boat, looking at Olga and Olvia who were playing, and asked with a smile.
” She is not suitable to be a pirate, and I also promised Dr. Kuroha that I will send her back safely! ” Reina replied while wiping the water stains on her body.
Whitebeard smiled undeniably. Pirates and scholars do not conflict, and there are scholars in many pirate groups! But he didn’t say much, just leave it to Reina to handle it himself.
A week later, the pirate ship finally arrived at the sea area where the treasure map was located. On the way, they also met other pirate groups and even the navy, and battles broke out. Olvia was beyond Reina’s expectations. not afraid.
” If you continue in this direction, there should be the island marked by the treasure map in front of you! ” Olvia looked at the treasure map and said to the helmsman in charge of the navigation.
” It’s finally here, and I don’t know what kind of secrets are buried in the legendary treasure! ” Lakyo, who was passing by, looked a little excited when he heard Olvia’s words.
However, at this time, there was suddenly a heavy fog around, and the fog was getting thicker and thicker, and it had reached the point of obscuring the vision.
” Not good! This is … we won’t be able to tell the direction! ” Olvia shouted in shock.
They didn’t come here relying on the record pointer, but on the nautical chart in their hands, so if they lost their way, they were likely to miss the island where the treasure was buried.
” Huh? These mists … a bit strange! ” Lakyo said with a frown.
These weapons don’t appear early, they don’t appear late, but they appear at this time. It’s hard to believe that it’s a coincidence.
” What’s the matter with frowning? There is such a big fog all of a sudden? ”
” What’s going on? Lookout, why didn’t you warn in advance? ”
The crew also made a noise because of the fog.
” Okay, be quiet, it’s just some fog, don’t panic, Marko, fly up to see the situation! ” Whitebeard walked out of the cabin and said in a deep voice.
” Yes, Dad! ” Marko’s arms turned into wings, and he was ready to fly up.
With Whitebeard’s order, the surrounding crew members quieted down and waited for the captain’s order.
” Marco … Wait! ” Just when Marco just flew up, Olvia suddenly shouted.
” What’s wrong? Olvia! ” Marko stopped in mid-air and asked Olvia.
” This fog is a bit strange, be careful! ” Olvia said with a little worry.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem! ” Marko said confidently.
” Marko, you better be careful! We lost contact with Sky Island! ” At this time, Reina, who was holding the phone bug, also said aloud.
He contacted Kongdao for the first time just now, and wanted to let the people on Kongdao confirm their location and see if there were any small islands around, but he didn’t expect the phone bug to fall asleep and couldn’t contact Kongdao at all.
Hearing Reina’s words, Marco finally became serious. After nodding towards Reina, blue flames burned all over his body and flew directly into the sky.
While everyone was waiting for Marko, Reina came to the side of the boat and tried to call out Yoo, but something strange happened and Yoyo didn’t respond to him.
” It seems that this treasure is really not that easy to handle! Olvia, is there a similar scene written on the treasure map? ” Reina turned his head and asked Olvia, who was worried.
Olvia shook her head and said: ” No, there is no such situation on it! ”
” Don’t worry, with our strength, no matter what happens, as long as we don’t change anything, it’s fine! ” Seeing Olvia’s worried look, Reina said comfortingly.
But after staring for a while, Marco who left did not come back, which made Reina frown slightly.
” Big brother, I’m afraid something is wrong with Marko, otherwise he won’t come back for so long! Can your sense of sight sense anything? ” Reina came to Whitebeard and asked in a low voice.
” It shouldn’t be a battle, otherwise, with Marco’s strength, it would be impossible to be killed like this without moving! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said with a slight frown.
” Sharing eye … open! ” Faced with this situation, Rayner directly turned on the writing wheel. He wanted to try whether the writing wheel would have any effect on the fog.
” Huh? ” After turning on the writing wheel, Reina really found something different. There was actually a trace of energy hidden in these mists, which not only isolated the knowledge and color, but also had a great impact on his writing wheel. , After all, Sharonyan is not known for its investigation.
However, compared to ordinary people, his wheel-writing eyes can see more things and see farther.
” After listening to the command! The helmsman is full of rudder left, and moves towards the ten o’clock line of defense! ” When he came to the bow, Reyna saw a small black dot vaguely at ten o’clock with the help of the writing wheel.
” Okay, keep this direction and move on. All crew members are ready for battle! An unknown shadow is found ahead! ” Reina loudly reminded the crew to be careful and safe while adjusting the direction of the pirate ship.
The pirate ship continued to move forward, and the shadow in front gradually grew larger, but at this time, Whitebeard suddenly waved the Naginata in his hand and slashed towards the pirate ship yesterday.
” Be careful! ” At the same time, Reina’s reminder also arrived.
I saw countless arrows flying towards this side, but Whitebeard’s slash shot down the arrows one after another, and the rest of the scattered arrows were also stopped by Bista, Lakyo and others who responded. .
” Everyone, find a good cover and protect yourself! ” Unlike usual, once he entered the fighting state, Lakyo became very reliable.

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