Until death, Katrin Diemy still maintained her previous smile.

Kurosawa's voice sounded indifferently, "I wanted to keep it, but you are so disgusting!"

Katrin Diemy is such a bastard that he actually wants to play with him. Thinking of that look, Kurosawa will probably not be able to sleep at night if he doesn't kill him.

So even if the bounty of this guy will soar in the future, Kurosawa doesn't want to wait.

"Hey! Hey! Why are you so murderous!" Teach's face was extremely ugly, and the dark ominous power surged in his palm. That was his starting move before releasing the dark water.

"Ka!" Xiliu's knife was instantly unsheathed and aimed at Kurosawa beside him. At the same time, the former's back was wet with cold sweat.

Xiliu was shocked in his heart. The speed of this guy was beyond imagination!

The remaining members of the Black Group watched their previously laughing and talking companions turn into headless corpses and slowly fall down.

"Bang!" The head that flew high finally fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the spirits of several members of the Black Group have become highly tense at this moment. Several pairs of eyes stared at Kurosawa, fearing that they would be the next person to suffer the same fate.

With extremely gloomy faces, they just watched Kurosawa turn slightly. This action almost scared them to jump up.

After a while, Lafayette whispered, "Captain, why don't you just give in to him? It's just a kowtow, nothing that can't be fought."

Du Q and Zhuang Zhuang were already scared at this time, so they agreed, "Yes, yes, Captain! You kowtow and your life will be saved!"

Alvaro Pizarro also changed his arrogance just now, "That's right, Captain, compared to life, face is nothing!"

The death of his companions also made the drunken Basque Chote sober up a lot at this time.

"Assholes!" Tiqi looked at them and cursed in his heart. It's not you who are kowtowed to!

"Keep your word!" Tiqi said coldly.

Kurosawa smiled, "Of course."

At this time, the navy soldiers and pirates in the distance looked at the conflict between Kurosawa and the Blackbeard Pirates and were a little confused.

"He injured several crew members and chopped off a man's head in front of him. Why don't you fight!"

"Do you know that the guy who just died was a great pirate who used to roam the sea! Catherine Diemi! He was killed by that bastard Kurosawa in an instant!"

"......." The inky black power slowly retracted from Blackbeard's palm and finally disappeared. Teach walked towards Kurosawa. Seeing this, Xiliu frowned, "Teach!..."

"I have my own plan!" Teach walked in front of Kurosawa with a gloomy face, "This... will do!"

Now the navy's combat power is obviously dominant. Relying on a Barrett and the Whitebeard Pirates without Whitebeard, it is too risky to seize the fruit in the chaos!

And as time goes by, the chance of success will become smaller and smaller. He can't delay any longer!

For the dream in my heart, what does a mere kowtow mean! ?


In the shocked eyes of the crowd, Teach's head kowtowed heavily to Kurosawa,

"What's going on!? That Teach! Why is he kowtowing to Colonel Kurosawa!"

"Fuck, you killed your own crew and you have to kowtow to the other party!?"

In the distance, Coby was originally expecting that maybe the Blackbeard Pirates could kill Kurosawa, but the reality gave him a head-on blow, "What on earth is wrong with this world!?"

Since Kurosawa appeared, Coby's life has never been good.

"Bang bang!"

There were two more sounds of heads hitting the floor tiles, and Blackbeard Teach's forehead was even scratched.

Seeing that Teach kowtowed, Kurosawa was a little surprised, "Even my scalp is broken, it's just a joke, you take it too seriously!"

Hearing this, Teach stood up, and the murderous light in the depths of his eyes that was about to go berserk was forcibly suppressed,

"Joke?... This should be okay! Haha..."

"Of course, I'm not a person who doesn't keep his word, you go over." Kurosawa stepped aside and made way.

"Haha..." Teach had a gloomy face, and seeing that Kurosawa really made way, he felt a little happy,

He looked at the corpse of Whitebeard on the ground, and gradually became excited, that was the power of earthquake that could shake the world!

Teach thought about it, if he could get the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit just like this, it would really be nothing to kowtow!

Several members of the Blackbeard Pirates walked past Kurosawa one after another, staring at him from beginning to end, fearing that the killer would suddenly attack. Only when the drunk Buster Jotter walked past Kurosawa,

Perhaps because of the alcohol, he blurted out,

"Boy, be a good person.A line, see you later!"

Kurosawa curled his lips when he heard this, "Who said you can leave?"

As soon as the voice fell, the footsteps of the Black Group members paused, and an extremely powerful aura instantly enveloped them, as if they were stared at by a hell Shura, and their bodies were suppressed by this force and could not move!



With a cry of surprise, accompanied by the splash of blood, a violent impact followed, Buster Jot's arm flew up, and at the same time his body was instantly blasted into the ground by a powerful force,

"Kurosawa! What are you doing!"

Under the horrified gaze of the Blackbeard Pirates, Kurosawa curled his lips with a hint of mockery,

"I didn't say you can leave!"

"Asshole! "

Several members of the Black Group were furious and were about to fight back, but Kurosawa's speed had already exceeded their reaction limit. He defeated them all in two seconds with only the least lethal technique among his many skills, the Forward-Transformation Cang.

Cang, who was controlled by Kurosawa, embedded his body fiercely into the ruins.

In the end, only Shiryu and Blackbeard were left.

Teach's face was ugly, and the dark power of the Dark-Dark Fruit surged out crazily, "Asshole! Go to hell! Dark Water!"

"Woo! "

The gravity from the Dark Devil's fruit was released instantly, and Teach smiled triumphantly. Under this gravity, as long as the opponent is a Devil Fruit user, no matter whether the body is elementalized or by any other means, it will inevitably fall into his hands!

However, the next second, Teach's face froze, and in his astonished eyes, Kurosawa's body did not move at all!

Seeing this puzzlement, Xiliu was ready to wait for Kurosawa to suck Teach's palm and give him a fatal blow, but what is the situation now?

"Teach! What..." Before Xiliu thought more, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he slashed at his side with a sword instinct,


A violent gust of wind rolled up, and Xiliu's swords "Thunderstorm" and "Darkness" collided and rubbed out a lot of sparks.

Feeling the opponent's terrifying swordsmanship, Kurosawa smiled slightly. Xiliu's strength is even higher than Vista!

I guess these guys will set a good bounty in the future.

"Captain, I'll help you! "

A voice came from the sky, and the huge palm of San Juan Wolf slapped down!

The blow like a mountain squeezed the air and made a series of breaking wind sounds, which showed the terrible power!

Teach looked at the falling shadow and his face changed drastically, "Hey, hey, hey! Are you an idiot!"

"If you keep going like this, even I will be beaten to death by you!"


Kurosawa's figure disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already in the air, and his blue eyes swept to the huge figure in the air,

"I almost forgot, there is you!"

"Spell reversal·Huh!"

Three scarlet lights flashed at the fingertips, one of which shot into the sky, and the other two shot towards Shiryu,

On the ground, Teach and Shiryu were shrouded in red light, and the scarlet light reflected their facial changes very clearly,

"Boom! Boom!"

After the violent explosion, "Ahhh! Damn it! Ahhhh why does it hurt so much! It's only a little bit affected!" Teach rolled over and over in the ruins, foam coming out of his mouth.

Then, in Buggy's live broadcast, under the attention of the world, Kurosawa appeared beside Teach.

Kurosawa, out of kindness, stepped on Teach's face to help him stabilize his body, so as not to be stabbed by the sharp gravel when rolling around.

"Ugh! You don't follow the rules, bastard! You promised to let me go!" Teach even shouted out in shock and anger,

Kurosawa's mouth curled up,

"Rules? My rules are the rules!"

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