It was time to give his exclusive maid a two-pronged blessing in the early morning.

Close to the windless zone of the Chambord Islands, the waters of Daughters Island, the Nine Snakes Pirates.

An extremely beautiful looking leader of the Nine Snakes Pirates, known as the world’s first beauty, Pirate Dyboya Hancock gracefully raised her right leg and sat comfortably on the cold pet python Salome hovering on her throne.

A few dozen meters away from her, a diminutive old woman was holding a newspaper and reading with relish, muttering something in her mouth.

“The god killer Bai Luo killed two more Draco? ”

The old woman’s voice was extremely small, and it should have been inaudible, but I don’t know why, when Hancock heard the name Bai Luo, his ears instantly pricked up.

“What? There is actually news about Lord Bai Luo?!

After Hancock said excitedly, seeing that the mother-in-law was moving too slowly, he was suddenly anxious, the fragrant wind swept away, and he disappeared on the throne in an instant, and when he appeared again, he was already holding a newspaper in his hand, and his eyes were red with love.

“I actually killed two more Draco!

Seeing the deeds described in the news, the world’s first beauty held the newspaper to her chest like an idiot, and cheered like a brain fan who worshipped idols.

If the people who admire her see her like this, I am afraid that their hearts will be broken.

The world’s first beauty actually has a heart.

The object is still the most vicious criminal.

It’s incredible.

“He clearly said that he has joined the revolutionary army, this matter is not trivial, Han Cook, you must not be involved with him!”

Hancock’s force in grabbing the newspaper was too great, so that Grandma Zhao rolled on the ground and turned over, but the previous emperor did not care, got up from the ground and patted the ashes, and the old solemn suggested.

All forces related to the revolutionary army are the focus of the world government, and they Amazon Lily Kingdom cannot make this fatal mistake.

“Shut up, old woman, the concubine is the king of this country, and you don’t need to beak!”

When Hancock heard this, he was immediately dissatisfied: “The concubine is also a pirate, Lord Bai Luo is a revolutionary army, aren’t we all enemies of the world government! So Mr. Bai Luo and I are friends, so we also have the possibility of further becoming lovers… Ah~~!! is this progress too fast, I’m not ready!”

Halfway through, Hancock fell into his own brain patch, holding his cheeks with his hands in his hands and falling into the delusion that the overbearing president was in love with me.

Mother-in-law knocked Hancock out of his fantasy.

“Enemies of the World Government, the naval warships are parked outside, Han Cook, don’t you plan to become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai?”

It was already reported in the newspapers that the Navy had developed a warship that could pass through the windless zone, and at this moment the warship was parked in the waters of Daughter’s Island.

The daughter’s island, which has been using the windless belt as a barrier for many years, and is not afraid of the navy and the world government, is finally exposed to the world.

This is a fatal crisis for Daughters Island, and if it does not survive smoothly, the entire Amazon kingdom may be destroyed.

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Therefore, the steps of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas handed over by the world government can be stepped on just enough to prevent a bigger conflict.

However, the female emperor in front of Han Cook was willful at this time and was unwilling to accept the appointment of the world government.

Mother-in-law is worried about this these days, and she doesn’t know how to persuade Hancock.

Unexpectedly, listening to Hancock’s words, he actually did not mean to agree to this condition at all.

“Hmph, why should the concubine obey the orders of the world government!

Hancock is very disgusted with the world government, when she was a slave, she was thrown into the Colosseum of Mary Joa by the Draco, a teenage girl who fights with all kinds of hungry animals every day, her whole body is bloody, I don’t know how many things she killed to barely save her life and her sister’s.

Until the day of liberation.

Hancock was extremely disgusted by the group of Draco in the stands who did not treat people as people at all, but only as beasts and animals, completely destroying humanity.

Not to mention joining the organization of their lackeys.

“Are you going to watch the Amazon Kingdom destroyed?!” said Grandma Zhao anxiously.

“Even if it is destroyed, everyone will forgive me, if you have to ask why, who made the concubine so beautiful!”

In a sensational pose, Hancock made an extremely narcissistic statement.

“Ah! It’s beautiful! I forgive you!”

The ability of sweet fruit does not distinguish between men and women, old and young, even an old woman like Mother-in-law can’t help but be tricked.

However, the charm of the sweet fruit did not last, and after a while the mother-in-law came back to her senses.

“Snake Ji!”

Mother-in-law was huffing and was about to complain, but suddenly thought that Hancock ate soft and hard, so she persuaded in a different way: “If you accept the position of Qi Wuhai, you don’t have to rob near Daughter’s Island like now, you can even run to the East China Sea to find that god killer, and you don’t have to worry about the navy attacking you.” ”

Compared with the possible threat of contact with the white fall, the technical threat of crossing the windless zone mastered by the Navy is greater.


When Hancock heard that he would have the opportunity to go directly to Lord Bai Luo, he was immediately overwhelmed and strode towards the door: “Let’s go!”

“Where to?”

Mother-in-law was a little puzzled by Hancock’s sudden transformation.

“Go find the Navy!”

Han Cook said as a matter of course: “The concubine body needs the position of His Majesty Qiwu Hai, and they should naturally offer it to the concubine!”

“Snake Ji, your face changes too quickly!”

Acting faster and more decisively was also a headache, and Grandma Zheng hurried to keep up with Hancock while supporting her forehead.

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