Meeting a smile is just an episode, leaving seeds to facilitate the actions that follow.

The most important thing for the revolutionary army in this time period is lurking, and people with the same ideals will meet sooner or later, and Bai Luo does not think that after reading the “Revolutionary Manifesto” with a smile, he will choose to join the seemingly bright but chaotic navy.

After saying goodbye and smiling, the two flew into the sky again, looking for the direction of the capital of Alabastan.


“Lord Bai Luo, we seem to have arrived. ”

Monet, who had been paying attention to the direction of his feet, noticed the royal palace in the middle of the city not far ahead.

“This is Alba, and it looks like the Egyptian style. ”

Bai Luo looked at the building under his feet, looking for his goal.

“I remember the text of the history being in a building in the Royal Cemetery … Ah, found it. ”

There is a small green space in the royal cemetery, which is so conspicuous for this desert kingdom that it is easy to find this building.

According to the records in the comics, the main text of history is located in this funeral temple.

The heavy door locks were naturally not an obstacle for the two, and the two easily avoided the detection of the guards and came to the underground of the burial hall.

A heavy stone tablet appeared in front of the two, and the immortal stone tablet of thousands of years recorded the history related to the blank hundred years.

The only person in the world who can interpret the text of history is Nicole Robin, who remains in O’Hara’s group of scholars, and the others, even the stone tablet makers, the Mitsuki family, no longer know how to interpret the stone tablet.

“Words that have never been seen before… Can Lord Bai Luo understand this?”

Monet looked at these cuneiform writings that he had never seen before, and only felt that he had become illiterate and could not understand anything.

“Not now, just wait until I’m familiar with guessing.” ”

“Guess… Monet was stunned, and Bai Luo would always give her an unexpected answer.

How can anyone in the world be able to interpret a text by guessing?

“You are my special physique. ”

Bai Luo casually explained, naturally he would not deliberately run over to see something he couldn’t understand.

The physique of the god killer can greatly improve the learning ability, even if it has never been seen before, it only takes tens of minutes to talk to the locals to fully master the local language system.

The same is true of words, only need to read, analyze, guess, the god killer can master a new text in a short time, and can use it skillfully.

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Looking at the lines of text in front of him, he decomposed the news he learned through the anime one by one, and in less than half an hour, Bai Luo had already interpreted the content of the historical text.

“The ancient weapon Hades was actually placed in that place?!”

Bai Luo was a little surprised, and his impression of the team of One Piece Roger in the original book changed slightly.

I didn’t expect that old guy to stay there after retirement for this thing………

“Lord Bai Luo interpreted it?!”

Monet did not notice the problem of any ancient weapons, but was surprised that Bai Luo interpreted a text so quickly.

“Well, this historical text describes the location where the ancient weapon Hades was stored, but after eight hundred years, can that battleship really still be used?”

The legendary super warship that destroyed the island with one blow, the world government believes that it has the power to end the era of sea pirates, and it is thought that it has the attack power that can surpass the four emperors.

I just don’t know how long the shelf life is.

“Good, awesome!”

Although he had been with Bai Luo for so long, Monet was still amazed at the ability displayed by his master.

“You don’t have to… After going back, pay attention to exercising the physical strength of BABY-5. After Bai Luo got the information he wanted, he lost interest in this piece of history.


Monet didn’t know why the topic suddenly turned to the little girl, but she quickly thought of the weapon fruit on the BABY-5 and guessed Bai Luo’s thoughts: “You mean-”

“Hades can be used as long as it can, you can’t use it to let BABY-5 get its weapon information, and the humanoid Hades is not bad. ”

Bai Luo is preparing to build BABY-5 into a humanoid Pluto battleship, and it is probably not a big problem to sink Mary Joa with one shot.

No matter what kind of weapon the weapon fruit ability is transformed into, it does not consume much, but if it becomes a gun, the bullets fired will consume physical strength, so if you want to exert the maximum power of the weapon, you must have sufficient physical strength.


Monet nodded in reply.


Bai Luo remembered the upcoming Nine Snakes Girls’ School, and changed his words: “Since you want to train, when the time comes, send BABY-5 and Little Sugar to the school of Nine Snakes, so that they can have more friends while educating.” ”

These two little loli are not strong enough and need to be practiced in school.

BABY-5’s personality has improved a lot recently, and she no longer listens to requests from strangers, but she still can’t refuse the needs from her friends, and is called around by little sugar every day.

Seeing that Little Sugar did not have any malicious behavior, but was greedy for enjoyment, and usually regarded BABY-5 as his good friend, and knew what to share, Bai Luo and Monet let it go.

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