When Bai Luo and his party left the kingdom of Alabastan, the belated retaliation of the world government finally began.

The royal families of the countries that were originally developed by half of the revolutionary army suddenly received the full support of the world government, and a large number of navies and spy agencies of the world government directly grasped the overall situation, and then led the army towards the bases of the revolutionary army around the world.

The West Sea, the South China Sea, the North Sea, the Great Shipping Route…………

In addition to the East China Sea, which has always been stable and stable, navies around the world were summoned nearby, and then fought one war after another like a tidal wave.

In terms of its high-end combat power, perhaps the world government hides some special expert agents, but when it comes to low-end combat power, there is no force in the world that can surpass the navy.

The number of troops in the world who participated in this encirclement amounted to millions, more or less distributed in dozens of countries, each with an average of 100,000 navies cleaning up the bases of the revolutionary army.

This blatant move of the world government attracted the eyes of all the kings of the world, and they did not expect that the world government would make such a big determination.

Mobilizing millions of troops at the same time requires resources that can not only be compensated for in a year or two.

This time, it was obviously really touched by the revolutionary army to the bottom line 343.

Even the Four Emperors are very concerned about this turbulent situation, and if the revolutionary army survives this encirclement and suppression, even the Four Emperors cannot underestimate the revolutionary army and need to be treated with caution.

The tide of the times is slowly moving forward.



The areas where the revolutionary army’s propaganda and incitement are places where the people cannot survive.

If there is even the slightest hope of survival, no one will dare to resist the authority of the state and the army.

Therefore, the naval soldiers obeyed the orders of the world government, and when they came to the target country, they saw the suffering people with thin yellow muscles and even their ribs clearly.

Eating soil to die, gnawing bark, cannibalism… Purgatory that is completely unimaginable to a peaceful country unfolds before the admirals.

Even the lieutenant general who has experienced hundreds of battles can’t help but be saddened by the scenes in those slums and villages, and his chest is heavy.

Many of them were born poor, but they were not poor to this point, their lives were precarious, and even food was a luxury, but they had to work hard.

The whole person is like a worn-out part, which may fall apart at any time (bibf).

Seeing these people, no matter how cold the hawkish navy is, they can’t help but twitch their hearts and can’t bear to look at them.

All these painful emotions, when the admirals were entertained by the king, saw the king’s golden palace, and the table full of delicacies, were stirred by the huge contrast outside, brewing deeper and more dangerous emotions.

Zhumen wine smells of flesh, and the road has frozen bones.

However, those kings and nobles could not detect the gloomy eyes of the sea warriors.

The kings and nobles, who were crumbling because of decay and cruelty, and were about to be overthrown, looked at the admirals with joy, as if they saw the savior, and sent the best chefs and the most beautiful dancers to stir up the atmosphere for this welcome banquet, and sang the praises of the navy and the palace with the utmost flattery.

But if he took out a little of his wealth and distributed it to the people, or collected a little less tax, so that they would not freeze or starve, the kingdom would not fall into the fields it is today.

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However, these kings and nobles just sang the praises of the world government, and then pretended to be calm and composed and laughed at the mud legs who wanted to rebel, and by the way, asked the navy not to cut the grass and remove the roots, just kill the main leaders, and the rest they kept and could be used as slaves.

The villain’s attitude of triumph and disregard for life made most of the navy involved in this mission sick.

But the words of the world government cannot but listen.

When the navy was resistant and unwilling to advance, the underground soldiers of the revolutionary army hidden in the navy sensed the agitation brewing in the hearts of their colleagues and felt that this was an opportunity to develop comrades, so they gradually began to guide these navies to analyze the reasons for this mission for them in the methods mentioned in the Revolutionary Manifesto.

This killing was not for justice, nor for the people, but for the face of the world government and the authority of the Draco.

This kind of mission that is fundamentally unjust, the loyal dog spy agencies of the world government will not care, but the navy has to care, they have never been simple executioners.

Justice has always been in the flag of the Navy, so the vast majority of the navy attracted by this flag yearn for justice.

After hearing the actual analysis of the underground warriors, all the emotions of the navy fell silent.

They want to be righteous people who guard the sea, but they don’t know when they will become lackeys of the powerful.

The mood of the naval soldiers is getting heavier day by day, and their posture is becoming more and more negative day by day.

However, after all, they are only tools in the hands of the world government, and it is impossible to disobey the orders of the overseers sent by the world government.

Finally, reluctantly, the admirals slowly marched to the target location and broke through the base of the revolutionary soldiers.

Then, only empty buildings were found.

The wind blows and.

In the base, not to mention pots and pans, there is not even a grain of rice left, only empty rooms.

The fighters of the revolutionary army withdrew early.



At the headquarters of the navy, Sengoku, who had just been promoted to marshal, was sitting at his desk.

“What?! The revolutionary army has all disappeared, and none of you have been found?”

With one hand propped up on the table, the Warring States frowned and ordered: “Let the entire navy search the entire territory, and organize some guerrillas to explore the nearby sea area to see if the revolutionary army has temporarily changed bases.” ”


“Gaga!” and Sengoku hung up the phone worm, looking at the world map on his desk with a headache.

The operation mobilized millions of troops and swept through dozens of countries, and it was extremely hidden before the operation, and even the Warring States did not know the specific news days in advance.

But now, the twenty-eighth war report has been transmitted, and the result of each war report is that the revolutionary army base has been successfully breached, but no one has been caught.

“Could it be that the revolutionary army knew the news in advance?” the Warring States couldn’t help but suspect.

With such a secret action of the world government, the revolutionary army should have been severely damaged before it had time to react, but what is happening now is completely different from what the Warring States and the five old stars think.

According to this trend, the troops they mobilized this time only meaninglessly recovered some open spaces where there were no people at all, and the results of the battle were rich, but in fact they did not hurt the revolutionary army at all. _

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