Although there was no danger to his life, under the pressure of Hiliu’s powerful swordsmanship, Bai Luo gradually felt a force in his body in the defensive counterattack.


Thinking that the god killer Bai Luo said was just joking, Hiryu snorted lightly and gradually increased the intensity of the slash.

“Come again!”

His arm was already covered in blood, but his white eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

Finally, he felt the power circulating in his body, and finally felt the life energy that many pirates said, and suddenly realized.

“So it was, I really didn’t expect it!”

“Kill the sword and blood rain!”

Seeing that the battle had lasted too long, in order to avoid accidentally using his sword art directly, the red blade slashed a bloody light in the air.

The long sword pierced Bai Luo’s chest and abdomen, and it was about to penetrate his body.

Right now-

“Armed color domineering hardening!”

The black domineering aura firmly wrapped around Bai Luo’s torso, covering Bai Luo’s body like hard armor.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, and Heiliu’s famous knife thunderstorm returned in vain, not even a trace was left.

“Armed color domineering?”

Hiryu looked at the black armor on Bai Luo’s body in surprise: “It’s actually so strong?”

Simple armed color domineering is nothing for Xiliu, this is a compulsory skill for swordsmen, what surprised him was that Bai Luo’s armed color domineering was so powerful, and the strength alone was above the average lieutenant general, and his sword was completely unable to break through the defenses on Bai Luo’s body.


Feeling the bonus of this armed color domineering, Bai Luo laughed heartily: “Sure enough, the armed color domineering is an armed armor condensed from life energy, and the essence of the magic power in my body is the refined life force, and the two can be completely transformed into each other!”

Bai Luo understood why he had already understood the principle of armed color domineering formation, but he had never been able to feel his life energy.

It turned out that the huge life energy in the god killer’s body had been refined into massive magic or spell power, so there would be no excess life energy in his body at all, only huge and vast magic power.

As the life force after refining, magic power can naturally also be transformed into armed color domineering.

In terms of the efficiency and strength of transforming into domineering, the magic power is one level stronger than the life force of ordinary physical arts powerhouses, so even if it is the first time to use domineering, the quality of the armor condensed by Bai Luo is far beyond ordinary people, and Xiliu’s sword cannot cause damage to him at all.

“Can you defend one place, but can you defend all places?”

Hiliu felt a little uneasy, and no longer wanted to ask Bai Luo how he learned that he had killed his colleagues, he just wanted to kill this dangerous man here.

The stormy slash rushed towards Bai Luo like a huge wave, and Hiryu’s attack enveloped all parts of Bai Luo’s body, trying to break Bai Luo’s armed domineering defense from the weak point.

The strength of the armed color domineering has a certain relationship with the range of hardening, when the hardening range and area increase, the domineering strength per unit area will decrease, if you want to keep the strength unchanged, you need to use more domineering maintenance.

Hiliu is now attacking Bai Luo’s whole body, and the difficult to dodge Bai Luo can only rely on the whole body to resist his slash.

In this way, either the strength of the armed color domineering on Bai Luo’s body will be reduced and broken through by his blade; or Bai Luo can only consume more domineering energy to maintain the strength, but after a period of time, it will inevitably not be maintained, and let Xi Liu slaughter.

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You must know that even Luffy in the new world two years after the original work, after using the fourth gear, he will fall into a state of not being able to use domineering because of excessive consumption of domineering, which shows that domineering is not a skill that can be used for a long time for most people.

“Ding!” “Ding!” “Ding!” “Ding!” “Ding!”

The sound of famous sword thunderstorm and armed domineering body colliding one after another, but still did not cause the slightest damage.


Cold sweat broke out on Xiliu’s forehead, but he did not give up, still wielding the sword in his hand, wanting to consume his domineering power.

Five minutes, ten minutes, a quarter of an hour…

Half an hour later, Hiliu’s eyes were already a little panicked when he looked at Bai Luo.

The whole body is covered with armed color domineering, and it is necessary to maintain the strength that can easily resist a sword hao, so far there is not the slightest fatigue, which is already difficult for the monsters of the new world to do! !

“It seems that the magic has not decreased much.” ”

Bai Luo maintained an armed posture and muttered in a low voice.

He originally wanted to measure the speed of consumption of mana on his body by armed color domineering, but even if he used this most wasteful domineering posture to maintain it for so long, he still did not feel the obvious consumption of mana.

SS-level magic is terrifying.

Consuming mana to maintain the domineering spirit of the armed color, Bai Luo felt that he probably would not be domineering enough in battle in the future.

“Okay, hard work on you. ”

Since there was no way to measure the limit of the time that the armed color domineering could last, and there was little point in continuing to fight, Bai Luo waved his hand at Xiliu.

“Are you ready to surrender and admit defeat?”

Hiliu was a little surprised, and thought that the time for Bai Luo’s armed color domineering to maintain was up.

“No, it’s just time to end. ”

Bai Luo shook his head, and then snapped his fingers crisply: “Goodbye!”

Hiliu was still in doubt, but in an instant he was enveloped by a flame, and the red lotus flame swallowed his body in the blink of an eye, setting his whole person on fire.

With the sin karma he bears, although he is not as powerless to resist as Pizarro and other pirates of infinite hell, it is impossible to escape.

More than ten seconds later, Heiliu’s body was burned to the ground, and there was not even ash left.


At this time, two things fell from the flames.

One is the key, the other is a telephone worm, who has been placed in Hiliu’s arms before, so it was not frozen by the low temperature of the extremely cold hell, and later because it did not have the slightest sin karma on it, under the fine control of Bai Luo, the red lotus karma fire did not burn it at all.

This is just in case, every prison patrol guard will carry a telephone worm, among which only the chief warden, prison director, deputy director and other high-level telephone worms can communicate outside the city.

As the chief warden, Hiliu’s telephone worm is the kind that can communicate wide-area communications.

This phone worm is Bai Luo’s ultimate goal, the reason why Bai Luo temporarily started and used speech skills to guide Shiryu to get closer to him, and the exercise of armed color domineering is only incidental, the real purpose is the phone worm in Shiryu’s arms.

Now, he’s got his hands on it.

PS: The essence of magic and spell power is the power obtained by refining life force, and it is no different. Since the term spell has a narrow scope of application, it is uniformly called magic, but the essence is the same.

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