The turbulence of the new world is not clear at the moment.

At this moment, the Nine Snake Pirate Ship had just landed, and everyone had just settled down.

The emperor of the daughter’s country is not a hereditary system, but the strongest is also the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates and the king of the daughter’s country, except for the two younger sisters, now King Hancock has no relatives, so the palace is very empty.

Bai Luo and his group lived directly in the palace of Nine Snakes at the invitation of Hancock.

Near the square in front of the palace, the school classroom that Mother-in-law ordered the soldiers of her daughter’s country to build when she was in the East China Sea has been successfully built.

For these warriors of Nine Snake Island, who can use domineering and everyone can crack stones, it is not difficult to build these buildings.

The Nine Snake Pirates obtained a lot of materials on this trip, and the belongings of those pirates who came to attack were all looted, and there were even a few unknown Devil Fruits.

Relying on these belongings and Bai Luo’s friendly sponsorship, the daughter country quickly purchased a bunch of daily necessities, not only to meet the needs of the soldiers of Nine Snake Island, but also to completely supplement all kinds of utensils needed for schools and dormitories.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Three days later, at the cost of revealing the identities of four mysterious female powerhouses at the same time, Bai Luo abruptly exchanged a full page ~ of the news homepage in the hands of Morgans.

“Sister Jianhao’s Identity – Revealed!”

“Easily defeated His Majesty the Seven Warriors Haik Lockdar… Her real identity is -?!”

“Nine Snakes School – Girls Can Become Strong!”

“The Road to Strength for Women”

“Tuition fees are only 3.99 million, and student loans are supported”

“What are you waiting for?!


At the beginning, it was the identity introduction of Monet, Dusty and Gu Yina, and the secret that whetted people’s appetite was revealed, and then what was hidden was the real purpose of Bai Luo.

Nine Snakes Women’s Training School has opened!

A whole bunch of viral marketing ads directly brainwashed the vast majority of women.

Compared to the training institutions of the Navy, the Nine Snakes School is the most suitable place for strong women, and this concept is widely accepted.

Tuition close to four million Bailey is by no means cheap, but the option to support student loans has thrilled many girls from poor families.

As long as you can successfully graduate from the junior class, you can be assigned to the Gold Chamber of Commerce to be a guard, with an annual salary of at least hundreds of thousands of Baileys, and if you are lucky, you can pay off your tuition in a few years, and have the strength of a naval captain.

If you graduate from the intermediate class, you can have the opportunity to pirate the group, not only that, but cadets with this strength will not have to worry about tuition at all, whether they join the Chamber of Commerce or join the Navy, they can get a lot of treatment.

Those who graduated from the advanced class can be called strong, and the strong people of this level don’t need to care about money, whether it is the navy or the Four Emperors Pirate Group, they can be ordinary cadres.

As for the special class above, it is said that there will be a mysterious principal of the Nine Snakes Training School to teach it personally, and the specific news is not explained in detail, but it is precisely because of the mystery that makes me yearn.

The training school for women is a spectacle in the world of external recruitment, attracting attention from all over the world.

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Alabastan, among the royal palaces.

Princess Vivi watched her little friend rub her sister Monet’s fame on the newspaper, and very happily took the newspaper and trotted all the way to her parents’ room.

“Father, Father, Father, Big Sister Sugar has a newspaper on her head!”

As soon as I opened the door, I saw my father holding my mother and moving towards the edge of the bed.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Vivi questioned her innocent eyes wide.

“Ahem! We’re practicing wrestling… Vivi, you must knock on the door to come in in the future!

Mr. and Mrs. Kobra released their hugging hands with an embarrassed look and sorted out their almost messy clothes back to their original state.

“Do you still have to wrestle in bed…” Wei Wei muttered suspiciously, and then remembered her purpose, so she left this little matter behind: “Don’t care about this, father and queen will look at it, Nine Snake Island is enrolled!

“Whew!” Mr. and Mrs. Kobra breathed a sigh of relief, took the newspaper in Vivi’s hand and read it carefully: “Four million tuition fees… This is not much, half of the year’s holidays, but the non-holiday time is spent in the windless zone for closed education. ”

········ Ask for flowers…

A few million Baileys are just small amounts of money for him, and he has no doubt about closed education, and the more open he is, the easier it is to encounter danger.

However –

“This training school is the first day to run, I don’t know what the effect is, Weiwei, let’s wait and see for two years, and then sign up next year?”

As parents, they naturally take the most conservative attitude towards this new thing, and are reluctant to expose their children to this still unclear training school.


It is said that it is a wait-and-see for two years, depending on the change of the situation, I don’t know how long it will be.


Wei Wei looked at Kobra with wide and shining eyes: “Two years is too long, when the sugar big sister finds enough little brothers, I won’t be able to be a Saint Ten!”

“But I’m worried about leaving you alone.” ”

Kobra looked at the newspaper, although Nine Snake Island enrolled, it was not allowed to enter the school with the entourage, although it was okay to let the guards disguise themselves as trainees to protect Vivi, but the strength of their female guards in Alabastan was too poor to be reassuring.

“In this way, in a few days it will be the world conference, and then you will see if there are any friends who are willing to go with you, and I should be relieved to go with you.” ”

Kobra does not feel that his daughter is a rare case, if the princesses of other countries also want to go to the training school, and there are enough strong guards, as a king, he can ask the other party’s guards to take care of his daughter, no matter how he can add some security.


In the New World, Smooji, one of the three general stars, had just left the waters of Totlan not long after this time.

Looking at the newspaper in his book, Smoogie drank a glass of juice.

“There is a recruitment point in the Chambord Islands, which are picked up and dropped off by naval ships… Then go to the Chambord Islands!”

Following her orders, the ship continued to sail towards the Fishman Island, where the New World and the first half of the Great Voyage turned. _

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