The armed color domineering can indeed temporarily isolate Magellan’s venom, but it can only last for a short period of time, and it only takes a few seconds for the venom to corrode the armed color domineering on the surface and harm the human body.

If Magellan could be defeated in seconds, the prisoners would have been able to escape without loss.

However, even the powerhouses of Infinite Hell would be impossible to defeat Magellan in such a short time.

So the battle reached a stalemate.

“Poisonous dragon!”

Seeing the large number of people, Magellan planned to release a big move first, and the blue-purple venom condensed into the shape of a dragon snake behind him, and this ten-meter-long poisonous dragon directly gushed out towards the corridor of the cell.

This is a poisonous dragon that cannot be touched at all, and if it is an ordinary pirate supernova, it is absolutely impossible to avoid this trick in this narrow environment.

But the pirates of infinite hell are not good at stubble, they each show their skills, or with amazing agility, or with deep domineering, most of them blocked this move, only a few pirates were stained with venom, and they have reached a near-death state.

“It’s worthy of being the pirates of the sixth layer, and it’s really difficult to deal with. ”

Magellan saw that the effect of this attack was not ideal, and his expression became a little solemn.

“To dare to be in the great commissioner—oh no… It’s a prison break in front of the warden Hannibal, you guys are so daring!”

When Hannibal saw the prisoner’s posture, he immediately guessed what was happening, and saw that the criminals who were dangerous enough to threaten the world had broken free from the shackles and fled, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and took out the long knife he was good at.

The long knife ignited the flames with its rapid swing, and it looked quite powerful.

“Scorched hellcar!”

With a long slash, Hannibal fearlessly slashed his sword with a glowing fire at the sea thieves in front of him.

And yet——


A black, domineering pirate easily withstood Hannibal’s attack, and Hannibal’s blade was only stuck in the opponent’s fist, and the film could not penetrate.

“Get me back, damn Navy!”

Another criminal covered with high-intensity armed color domineering punched Hannibal’s abdomen, Hannibal was directly blasted away, and the whole person rolled on the ground for more than a dozen times and smashed into the wall, unable to move again.

A single blow made the warden of this deep-sea prison incapacitated.

“You bastard!”

Seeing his companion, who had worked with him for many years, be knocked down like this, Magellan couldn’t help but feel anger in his heart.

“It seems that I must remind you criminals who the boss of this prison is!

The dragon formed by venom rose up from Magellan’s back, only this time it condensed not just one poisonous dragon, but a full five.

Five poisonous dragons with a diameter of several meters and a length of tens of meters rushed towards the inside of the prison.

Magellan did not intend to attack a few people this time, but planned to fill the entire space in the prison with venom and destroy all the prisoners.

The world government requires that the living must be guaranteed to use the antidote later, and the most important thing is to calm the unrest now!

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Magellan’s fruit ability is too buggy, at the moment the prisoners have no weapons in their hands, basically can only rely on physical skills to fight, but Magellan himself is unapproachable, a punch to him, Magellan may be fine, the attacker will inevitably die.

At the moment, there is no way to face the long-range attack.

Seeing that many criminals seem to be in a stalemate, Bai Luo is not good to sit idly by.

“Red lotus industry fire, burn the impurity of the six realms!”

As soon as the cross mantra was spoken, a huge sea of fire suddenly appeared in the corridor of the infinite hell, and rushed straight towards Magellan’s poisonous dragon.

Venom itself has no criminal karma to speak of, and the special attack of the Red Lotus Industry Fire is ineffective against it, but the high temperature of the Red Lotus Industry Fire is one of the best ways to disinfect.

The three-thousand-degree flame devoured the poisonous dragon little by little, and the purple venom turned into clouds and mist and floated in the air.

The pirates were trying to cheer Bai Luo, but they didn’t notice the existence of the poisonous cloud, and after taking a few excited breaths, the whole person gradually lost consciousness.

“What’s going on? I’m poisoned?”

“No way, I didn’t even touch the venom!

“It’s air, the venom has turned into poisonous smoke!”

Several prisoners who were closer to Venom became unconscious vegetative people because of their inhalation of poisonous gas.

“Cover your mouth, don’t breathe!” one pirate suggested.

This method did not last long, and after a few minutes, the prisoners finally couldn’t hold back and began to frantically curse their mothers: “How can a person not breathe, do you want to suffocate yourself?!”

“Huh, why am I okay?”

Accidentally inhaled part of the poisonous smoke of Bai Luo but did not feel anything, there was no sign of poisoning at all.

“Ding, the god killer physique has a strong resistance, only the power level of the power can cause fatal damage to the god killer, in addition to whether it is poison or great magic, it is difficult to work on the god killer if it is cast from outside the body, so as long as the host does not take a large amount of dangerous venom, the current venom cannot pose much threat to the host. ”

The system gave an explanation intimately at this time.

Bai Luo only remembered that there was indeed such a setting.

According to the meaning of the system, then he doesn’t have to worry about Magellan’s venom at all, and he can go up directly and be hard?

After the poisonous dragon and the sea of fire all dissipated, Bai Luo left the inside of the cell and came to the corridor.

“Armed color domineering hardening!”

Covering his arms with a thick domineering attitude, Bai Luo rushed straight at Magellan: “Trouble to borrow a way!”

“I don’t have a way for pirates to pass through!”

Magellan didn’t know who Bai Luo was, but still answered firmly, and the purple venom that had been flowing on his body gradually turned a dangerous red.

“Poison Giant, Judgment of Hell!”

The crimson venom can infect even inorganic substances, and the place where Magellan stands has been completely corroded clean by the venom, and the scope of venom erosion is still increasing.

It is not so much the harm caused by red venom as the embodiment of the concept of poison itself.

This is the power of the Devil Fruit Awakening, and some can even rival the power of ordinary gods!

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