“Congratulations to the host for gaining power: Eternal Sun God (SS Class). ”

The eternal sun god is the power cut out of the sun god at a glance.

Bai Luo was a little disappointed, he thought that today there would be a character outbreak, and two SSS-level things would come out at once!

After taking a closer look at the introduction, his mood improved.

Although the level is not as strong as the sovereignty of the moon, this power can never be said to be strong enough.

This power was usurped from Helios, the sun god in ancient Greek mythology.

Helios was the son of the Titan gods Hypperion and Thea, the brother of Selene, the goddess of the moon, and Eos, the goddess of dawn, and legend has it that he galloped through the sky every day on the sun pulled by four fire horses, from east to west, and at sunrise and evening, so that the light would shine on the world.

Many people will misunderstand, think that Apollo in Greek mythology is the sun god, that is a wrong statement, is far-fetched in later generations, the sun god in Greek mythology is Helios until the end, he is also known as the eternal sun god.

Unlike other conceptual gods mythologized as sun gods, Helios is the personification of the sun.

Therefore, this power allows Bai Luo to directly grasp the Yang Yan of the sun that is as high as 15 million degrees Celsius, whether it is the power of the corona or the flare, he can directly simulate it with magic power.

In addition, Bai Luo can also use this power to summon the mythical helios chariot of the sun, a sun chariot pulled by four fires.

Compared to the white horse in the ten incarnations possessed by Kusanagi Godo in the original work of God Killer, the power of [Eternal Sun God] is far beyond both the upper limit of power and the conditions of use.

For Bai Luo, the only concern may just be to worry that this power is too destructive and will destroy the terrain if you are not careful.

Not counting the use of the moonset of the sovereignty of the moon, the power of [Eternal Sun God] can be said to be the power that has fallen in vain and contributed the most.

Outside the field, seeing that Bai Luo did not move, Steel Bone Empty and Zero glanced at each other and decided to strike at the same time.

“Steel Fist!”

“Six Styles of Aoyi Break the Sky!”

The two went one after the other, wanting to wrap Bai Luo.

One is a fist that covers the weight of steel and can shake the island, and the other is a kick that breaks through the sound barrier and exceeds the limits of human vision, such an attack even the four emperors known as the steel balloon “BIG· MOM: “If you eat it, you will be seriously injured.”

Seeing the ferocious attack of the two, Jinping could not let Bai Luo be besieged, and stood up to block Zero’s attack line.

“Yuwa Zhengfist!”

Using all the strength of his body, Jinping wielded a powerful blow.

However –

“Get out of here!”

Only paused slightly, and Zero spun in mid-air like a top, kicking Jinping directly with a powerful kick.

At the time of his full strength, Jinping on land was not qualified to entangle with him.

However, due to Jinping’s blocking, he was still slow for a moment.

This moment saved his life.

Bai Luo had completely accepted the power of the new power, watching the two people rushing towards him, directly using the new power.

“This… That’s probably the extent of the corona. ”

With the attitude of trying out new toys, Bai Luo used magic to simulate the brilliance of the corona.

The blazing white flame wrapped around Bai Luo’s body like a ribbon.

The million-degree corona was tame like a pet, clinging tightly to Bai Luo’s body without causing the slightest damage.

However, this harmlessness is only for Bai Luo.

Around him, the air was heated to explode, and the earth was instantly burned by magma, and then volatilized into gas, and the terrifying heat directly turned the nearest steel-boned empty body into a puddle of molten iron.

If it weren’t for the fact that Zero saw that the situation was not good, pulled the steel bone back and directly moved away, I am afraid that this president marshal of the three armed forces would have been directly burned to ashes.

Even equal people are also intimidated by this heat, and they can’t stop going back.

“Well, it seems that this trick can’t be used casually.” ”

Paying attention to the damage caused to the surroundings, Bai Luo regretfully dispersed the corona on his body.

Yang Yan in the center of the sun, a high-temperature flame of fifteen million degrees Celsius, must not be summoned at will, and Bai Luo still knows this.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that even the temperature of the weakened corona has devastating destructive power, and it cannot be used lightly.

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Not far away, the steel bone void had not yet touched the positive body of the corona, and it had been burned to a coma by the nearby high temperature, completely losing its combat effectiveness.

And because of the super agility of breaking through the sound barrier, and Zero, who escaped by chance, looked at Bai Luo with fear on his face, and even his voice became trembling.

“Strange, monster!”

Whether it is a person with burning ability, or a magma fruit ability, or a hot fruit ability, or even a melting fruit ability, it is impossible to achieve this level of high temperature!

“It’s rude to talk like that. ”

Bai Luo switched his eyes to Karma Huo and looked at the Draco guard in front of him.

It was pitch black.

“Isn’t that a good thing… Something to be expected. ”

As the guardian of the Draco, even if he has never done evil from his heart, there are definitely a lot of criminal karma involved.

For such sinful karmic people, Bai Luo has no habit of keeping his hands.


This is the roar emitted by the body breaking through the sound barrier wall, and a thin sound barrier cloud appears at the position where Bai Luo is,

Compared with the strong people in the pirate world, Bai Luo’s physical fitness is developing in a balanced manner, and his strength and speed go hand in hand, so now that he has adapted to the pirate world, he not only has the strange power that can compete with the strongest giant, but also has the agility of the breakthrough factor………

Compared with physical fitness, Bai Luo, which has laid a good foundation with the nutritious meat of sea kings and large animals, is not lost to zero of CP0.

“Four hundred and one style rushing moon!”

Combining the mysteries of the physical arts learned from the prisoners of Advance City and the Navy Six Style, Bai Luo rushed directly into Zero’s back, and one elbow directly hit Zero’s back.


Zero covered his vest with an armed color domineering in time and carried the blow.

“Two hundred and twenty style Kotogetsuyin!”

The blow did not work, Bai Luo did not retreat, but launched a combo, taking advantage of Zero’s unstable center of gravity in order to resist his elbow blow, directly grabbed Zero’s head and slammed it to the ground.


The floor tiles were also shattered by this sudden impact.

“Let go!”

Zero anger with a broken head and a bloody voice drank.

Armed color domineering is not a universal defense, especially under the physical attack of Bai Luo integrated into the eight-punching technique known for its defense-breaking ability, the domineering energy covering the body surface can only block a small part of the attack power, and can not bear the spreading shock wave at all.

“Arashi Kuro!”

The head was held still, and Zero directly twisted his legs, wielding a sharp air blade covered with armed color domineering.

In Wano Country, this armed color domineering technique is called Ryuzakura.

Without meaning to use [Steel Armament], Bai Luo let go of Zero’s head and took two steps back to avoid this blow that carried foot qi.

“Hehe, I understand the weakness of your ability!”

There was still blood on his head, but Zero didn’t care, but laughed confidently.

Before, he was frightened by the terrifying heat of the corona before Bai Fall, and only then was he step backward and restrained.

But after being knocked down by Bai Luo, he realized a problem.

1.5 That is, the “weakness” of the white drop ability

“Your flames can’t keep up with the high-speed moving enemies!”

Zero seemed to have found the truth, and his face was full of confidence.

“But I noticed that your ability can easily kill two Draco masters, but you did not choose to release it on the Steel Bone Air Marshal or me, which means that your ability to summon flames can only be released at a fixed point, and it is useless to face high-speed moving enemies!”

“As long as you can’t hit, even if your ability is strong, it is useless!”

Zero believes that there is absolutely no devil fruit in the world that is invincible if you eat it, and there must be weaknesses in the ability to fall in vain.

After confusing Karma Huo and Yang Yan, he came up with a “weakness” that made Bai Luo cry and laugh

In a sense, there was nothing wrong with his words, the Red Lotus Karma Fire was a hellfire summoned from the Underworld, and Bai Luo was indeed a Red Lotus Karmic Fire summoned by a fixed-point summoning method.

But to say that this flame is useless against enemies moving at high speed.

That’s a complete family story. _

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